
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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No 4 (45) (2019)
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7-14 171

The Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (the Bern Convention) was adopted in Bern, Switzerland on 19.09.1979, and came into force in 1982. It was ratified on November 25, 1991 by a decision of the Great National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria and promulgated in 1995. The present work summarizes the systematic structure, ecological and biological characteristics of plants of the Bulgarian flora, included in Appendix I to the Convention, which was supplemented on March 5, 1998. Total 55 species from 47 genera and 34 families fall under the strictest protection of Bulgaria. The biological types, life forms, and geoelements of flora according to Walter are analyzed. The distribution of species in Bulgaria in relation to the altitude zones and floristic regions and subareas is presented, and the affiliation of these plants to different ecological groups is shown. The conservation significance of the studied species, developed on the basis of national and international documents and legislation, is presented. A complete systematic list of protected species of flora of Bulgaria included in Appendix I of the Berne Convention is presented.

15-21 183

Dogs, among other pets, are very popular. Currently, dogs are involved in almost all types of human activities: security, hunting, various search activities, guide dogs, companion dogs. However, dogs are quite often affected by contagious diseases, and many diseases pose a danger to humans as well (anthropozoonoses). An analysis of the incidence of dogs with respect to the identified list of disease groups: infectious (of various etiologies), invasive (of various etiologies), non-infectious, surgical, gynecology and obstetrics is conducted. Non-communicable dog diseases account for about 90%; infectious and parasitic (invasive) diseases of dogs account for 10%. The main ways of transmission of infection are aerogenic and direct contact with a sick animal, which is the carrier of the causative agent of a certain epizootic. Among internal non-communicable diseases, the frequency of occurrence is characterized by followed indicators: diseases of the cardiovascular system - 19%, diseases of the respiratory system - 37%, diseases of the digestive system of dogs - 44%. Characteristics of age, dog breeds for some groups of diseases are «vulnerable», often determine the severity of the disease, which is associated with physiological, genetic characteristics of the body. The importance of compliance with dog disease prevention measures (vaccinations, periodic medical examinations), a healthy pet lifestyle, proper nutrition are the main recommendations for dog owners.

22-25 172

This article is devoted to the current state of the climate of Kazakhstan and changes in climate components for every 10 years, from 1941 to 2018 inclusively. The changes are considered as average annual temperatures, average annual precipitation, the share of extreme precipitation, daily maximum temperatures, the total duration of heat waves, the ratio of frosty, hot and rainless days. The article also provides a brief analysis of the current state of geoinformational systems, their relevance in solving problems and challenges of the modern world. The author considers the ArcGIS software package, its ability to work with various databases and the use of this geographic information system for the analysis of climate data. ArcGIS is able to create thematic maps to simplify meteorological forecasting, be an analytical system to identify patterns, study changes, their causes and consequences, and act as an accounting system to record the current state.

26-32 157

The article reveals the role and place of mathematical models usage in training of economic specialties students in the solving the optimization problem with the purpose of development their level of economic thinking. The main goals of teaching mathematics include the formation of skills to build mathematical models of the simplest real phenomena, to investigate phenomena according to given models, to construct applications of models. One of the means of realizing this goal is the method of mathematical modeling. Mathematical modeling, in the narrow sense of the word, means a description in the form of equations and inequalities of real physical, chemical, technological, biological, economic and other processes. In order to use mathematical methods for analysis and synthesis of various processes, it is necessary to be able to describe these processes in the language of mathematics, that is, to describe them in the form of a system of equations and inequalities. When constructing a model, such thinking operations are used as analysis through synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization, which contribute to its development. Compiling a mathematical model, translating the task into the language of mathematics prepares students for modeling real processes and phenomena in their future professional activities. Mathematical modeling plays a special role in the economic and scientific field of activity.

33-37 193

Flooding is one of the first places among natural disasters in terms of frequency, magnitude and annual damage to property. Thus, the problem of timely forecasting of flooding of territories is actual today. One of the main tasks of flood monitoring is operational satellite imagery of the area, analysis of the flooded area, water level measurement, assessment of the scale of the disaster. In this case, geographic information systems have advantages in processing a huge amount of multidimensional data using digital maps. GIS can significantly simplify the system of forecasts and assessments of complex environmental impact, quickly identify anomalies, take the necessary measures to eliminate them. They have a functional system and are easy to implement. This article discusses the problems and prospects of using geoinformation systems in the field of management. As an available program is taken ArcGIS, in which work is underway to create of interactive thematic maps forecasting flood zones on the example of the river Ishim.

38-44 177

The results of the development of formulations for two finished meals are presented. The development origins in the principle of science-based selection of animal and vegetable raw materials and subsequent modeling of the optimal composition of formulations using the Microsoft OfficeExcel 2007 software.
The minimum energy value was selected as the optimization criterion, taking into account modern requirements for the composition of food products. In this case, conditional restrictions on the content of protein, fat, carbohydrates, moisture, and the amount of raw meat were used.
Compiled formulations were evaluated by quality characteristics. It was found that they contain a fairly high content of proteins, both of animal and plant origin. Ready meals are low-calorie, they contain vegetable fiber, vitamins, minerals.
Organization of industrial production of «Beef stew with rice and vegetables» and «Stewed pork with beans and vegetables» will expand the range of quality products in high demand.

45-51 179

The constant increase in the variety of pollutants complicates the chemical methods for analyzing pollution of water bodies every year, which also require large financial costs, therefore, to determine the presence of pollutants in ecosystems, biological indication has become increasingly used, which is an operational, informative and reliable diagnostic method, less expensive and labor intensive compared to chemical methods. North Kazakhstan region has large areas of water resources that are the habitat for many organisms, and is also used as drinking water by the population, for agricultural needs - the assessment of the suitability of a reservoir for various needs is very important. The article presents the results of a study of the lakes of the Kyzylzhar district with bioindication research methods. The taxonomic composition of macrophytes was established. The species similarity of vegetation was determined using the Jacquard coefficient. An assessment is made of the water quality of the studied lakes based on the floristic composition of hydromacrophytes.

52-57 199

The national program of Integrated Tuberculosis Control in the Republic of Kazakhstan allows to achieve effective treatment of tuberculosis patients with priority at outpatient and inpatient medical care, and to prevent the spread of M / XDR-TB infection. The strategic direction of the Integrated Tuberculosis Control in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a coverage based on a patien-oriented approach. The aim is to provide the outpatient treatment for more than75% of patients. In the North Kazakhstan region integration of the TB service is systematically conducted. Since 2014, 245 TB beds have been reduced, and since July 2019, the total amount of TB beds is 280.
The district level integration in the North Kazakhstan region of the Tuberculosis Service in the primary health care was carried out by opening tuberculosis rooms in all central district hospitals of the region. According to the National Strategy in the Region, the coverage of outpatient treatment of tuberculosis patients is expanding annually.
In 2015 DCT (Directly-controlled Treatment) was introduced in the “Regional Center of Phthisiopulmonology” within the framework of outpatient technologies on the basis of the dispensary department. DCT includes a specially trained medical chemist who provides delivery and control of taking antituberculosis drugs at home.

58-63 193

Soils are the main natural wealth of the North Kazakhstan region, on the basis of which agricultural production is developed. The ecological problem is the reduction of humus content, i.e. the loss of natural soil fertility caused by violations of the biological cycle of substances. In the years of virgin land development and in the subsequent time, not only the best fertile, but also many areas of unproductive land were plowed.
The paper considers the state of arable land, namely the qualitative properties of soils (mechanical composition, acidity, height of humus horizon) of individual rural districts of Kyzylzhar district of North Kazakhstan region. Samples of arable soils were selected on the territory of five rural districts of Kyzylzhar district of North Kazakhstan region. Physical and chemical properties of soils clearly show the state of the soil cover, determine their fertility.
The results of the study showed that the arable soils of most rural districts of Kyzylzhar district are favorable for the cultivation of all crops, do not require special soil improvement, but to preserve fertility it is necessary to make a sufficient amount of organic fertilizers. Soil acidity is mostly neutral, which is suitable for the neutrophilic category of plants. Research will allow purposefully to carry out meliorative actions and use of soils of the territory of the area.

64-68 182

Based on the analysis of historical Chronicles, an attempt is made to trace the trends in changing climatic characteristics of Northern Kazakhstan. It is shown that at a time interval of one and a half centuries such changes are quite clearly visible. So significantly increased the average annual temperature in the region. The climate of the region has softened, and its General characteristic has turned from «sharply continental» to «continental». The average annual rainfall has increased markedly. Changed phenological indicators: at a later date (about 1-2 weeks) began to establish snow cover and ice on reservoirs and at an earlier date, snow and ice cover began to disappear. The connection of natural and man-made disasters in the region with the rhythm of solar activity cycles and weather and climatic conditions is revealed. So historical catastrophic fires every time accounted for the era of maximum solar activity. And, on the contrary, catastrophic floods occurred mainly in the epoch of solar activity minima. Further changes in the direction of reducing the continental climate of the region are predicted. Taking into account this forecast is relevant from the standpoint of planning production activities.

69-74 188

One of the main tasks of school education, including mathematics, is to strengthen the applied and practical orientation of teaching in the study of various sections and content lines. However, the analysis of the educational literature and educational programs of educational organizations showed that in modern schools there is a problem of orientation of the content, forms, methods and teaching aids aimed at implementing the applied orientation of teaching mathematics. Traditional geometry is one of the most important aspects of the content and content of the mathematical school. Geometry is a subject in a school with great potential for the practical application of the learning process, depending on its visibility, the strict logic of the theoretical and practical principles of geometry is combined with their visions. An analysis of the methodological literature and the practical experience of teaching primary school teachers that is known to us has shown that, despite the didactic significance of the applied and practical component of the process of teaching geometry and practice-oriented geometric problems of construction, all the potential laid down in them remains unclaimed.

75-78 274

In the age of technology, most human diseases are getting younger. The role of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency in the development of modern diseases cannot be denied. In developed countries, the importance of this vitamin in the human body has been carefully studied, but over the past 20 years we have known that this «vitamin» acts only on the musculoskeletal system. According to recent reports, ½ people in the world are deficient in vitamin «D». In particular, 90% of the population of Kazakhstan suffers from various diseases due to insufficiency or deficiency of vitamin «D». One of the reasons why in particular people in the northern regions are deficient in vitamin «D» is the low level of ultraviolet rays per year due to the relatively long winter period. Secondly, the style of work is changing: a significant part of the work of the last century, which was performed by workers in open fields under the sun, was replaced by automated equipment, and people began to work in offices. This article summarizes the ratio of various diseases caused by vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency in the body and reflects recent statistics of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency in Petropavlovsk.


79-87 162

The object of the study is the operating of the luxury tax in the system of financial and strategic planning.
The subject of the study is the definitions of «luxury», «luxury tax», the operating principles of strategic management, and «information environment» of the luxury tax.
The article explores different sources of the term «luxury», luxury tax, financial policy, strategic planning. The authors consider and analyze the practices of different scientists and classics, disclose information about the relationship between planning and the final outcome. The expediency of a balanced decision on the adoption of a new tax is justified; in particular, there are examples of strategic financial planning. The methodological basis of the study includes comparative analysis and the comparative law method. The authors analyze their conclusions and proposals on the importance of the financial and strategic planning impact on the introduction of a luxury tax.

88-93 208

Civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan is based on fundamental principles, among which freedom of contract occupies a special place. The principle of freedom of contract is the opportunity established by civil law for participants in legal relations to determine, at their discretion and in their interests, the conditions for concluding a civil law contract. The article explores the features of legal regulation of the principle of freedom of contract. This principle is considered as the most important beginning of the regulation of private law relations, predetermining the legal basis of a market economy. The current Kazakhstan legislation establishes guarantees of the principle of freedom of contract at all stages of the fulfillment of contractual obligations, and also sets the limits for the restriction of this principle.
This article provides a brief analysis of the current problematic issues of the principle of freedom of contract. The authors identified gaps and contradictions in civil law, formulated a number of theoretical conclusions and practical proposals aimed at resolving problems, proposed options and possible ways to consolidate norms in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

94-99 183

Cryptocurrency is an innovative achievement of recent years. Currently, cryptocurrencies are taking legal form in various countries. They take their place in financial systems and there are objective reasons for this. This article presents the main economic and legal approaches in determining the status of digital currency. The purpose of the study is to determine the options for the approach to the legislative regulation of the status of cryptocurrencies. The article analyses development and prospects of regulation of blockchain technology in the digital economy, the main advantages and disadvantages of its use. Features of regulation of cryptocurrencies in Kazakhstan are noted, the importance of introduction of digital technologies for business, the state and citizens is revealed.The article uses the methods of comparative analysis, logical research, in order to assess the mechanism of regulation of modern digital money.

100-106 187

Currently, the failure of the borrowers to fulfill their obligations to repay the loan is due to the imperfection of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to bankers, it does not provide a quick collection process. Borrowers assess the situation in terms of disadvantageous and non-transparent terms of bank loan agreements. They demand from the state additional protection of their rights. Lawyers and economists have proven that the bank and the client are not equal. The first step was the official recognition of this inequality. This is an incentive to align the position of the bank and its client. Civil society needs special consumer lending laws. Protection of the interests of the client is achieved by special institutions. In the practice of developed countries, bodies have been created to resolve disputes between customers and the bank. This is applicable in Kazakhstan.

107-117 387

Today, cultural and historical tourism is one of the most popular and popular types of tourism. As in the whole world, cultural tourism in our country is divided into a separate direction and is developing every year. Kazakhstan is a state with many historical and cultural, geographical monuments, rich historical and cultural heritage, and this is the key to the successful development of cultural tourism. In this regard, it is necessary to actively use the cultural and historical heritage for the development of cultural tourism, to consider historical and cultural monuments as an important part of the tourism infrastructure. One of the main mechanisms of cultural potential is the Museum, which ensures the preservation and formation of history and transmits ethno-cultural characteristics of any nation from generation to generation. Therefore, the article is devoted to determining the place and role of museums in the development of cultural and historical tourism in the North Kazakhstan region. The Museum not only shows the history of the country, but can also be used to create a favorable image of a particular region in the tourist market. The Museum is the place of exposition of cultural and historical quintessence of the country. Therefore, by defining the cultural and historical significance of museums, we can show their role in the development of cultural and historical tourism in the North Kazakhstan region.

118-123 178

The poet’s works can become a focus point where the features of the world perception of a whole generation are refracted, especially when the case is the generation that is peer to the Revolution and has experienced the Zeitgeist. In his work P. Vassiliyev concentrated not only the features of two cultures: Russian and Kazakh, but also the changing trends of the time from the pathos of transformation to unconscious anguish. Poem «The Butchers», selected for analysis, summarizes the idea of the rebirth to a new life, which later became the leitmotif of the P. Vassiliyev's poetry in a mythopoetic context. The material of the article may be interesting for understanding the features of the historical and literary process in the study of the history of the 20th century's Russian literature, as well as in the study of the regional component in literature and elective classes in secondary schools.

124-137 355

The scientific article tells about the life and socio-political activities of the First extraordinary Commissioner of the Kazakh territory, the outstanding leader of the struggle for the establishment and strengthening of Soviet power in Kazakhstan, the state and public figure of the Republic Alibi Zhangeldin. The article considers various factors influencing the formation of political оutlook, environment of origin and education of the outstanding personality. And also, the article contains a lot of information about travel to many countries in Europe and Asia, the Middle East and Africa in 1910-1912, information about life, culture, political situation in these countries. In order to reveal the essence of the problem in the writing of the article, a number of scientific works were put into circulation. These materials allowed to get deep information about social and political activity of Alibi Zhangeldin and all-round expose maintenance of the scientific article.

138-144 216

In fiction, words are not used in a specific literal sense, but in a variable meaning, a lining form. Therefore, the language of fiction is figurative, expressive. The author's works Of S. Mukanov, i.e. occasionalisms, are studied in the article. It is studied that the writer shows mastery in the choice, transformation and application of linguistic and stylistic means. The meaning of these phrases is not specified in the phraseological dictionary. These phrases are classified according to the desire of the context, which corresponds to the stylistic norm. Besides, violations of norms of literary language are revealed.
The article reveals the original signature of the author. Stylistically, it is shown for what purposes the author's phraseological units are used. In works it was studied that occasionalisms are used for all-round expressive, artistic finishing of thoughts. They play an important role in popularizing the individual style, specificity of the author. The author adheres to the principle that constant combinations are also used to represent the views, ideas, inner world, being of the described hero.

145-148 171

The aim of the study was to identify areas of optimization of the financial policy of a commercial Bank in modern economic conditions. The financial policy of the commercial Bank in the field of profit formation and distribution was taken as the core. The analysis of the financial condition of the research object was carried out. Particular attention was paid to the cyclical nature and occurrence of unforeseen events. An example was given from the book of N. Taleb "Black Swan" about the occurrence of unforeseen and difficult to predict events. After the financial analysis of the Bank, it was revealed that the net profit of the Bank decreased after an unexpected and very large growth. Further, it was concluded that the decline in net profit after its strong growth a year earlier does not carry much negative consequences. As well as indirect methods of growth were developed, which will not directly affect not only the growth of the Bank's net profit in the long term, but also the growth of its assets as a whole.

149-152 276

This article discusses the legal status of cryptocurrencies in Kazakhstan. 2009 was marked by the fact that a new currency called cryptocurrency was entering the market of electronic money. She quickly found her target audience. And began to gradually spread among local groups. Distinctive system of chain blocks, which makes it possible to avoid the total state control, with great success and is popular with freelancers in the digital economy.
In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the legislation does not establish norms regulating the turnover of cryptocurrencies, but this does not mean that they are prohibited. In the free use of digital money are part of the monetary transactions regulated by civil law. Therefore, having the face value of cryptomundo, you can easily acquire movable and immovable property, sign contracts, and more.
Today, more and more countries are beginning to recognize cryptocurrency as a digital currency, and establish regulators of its circulation on the territory of their country.
At the moment, due to the lack of provisions of the law on regulation of cryptocurrency in Kazakhstan, the legal status can be determined by the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

153-159 178

Based on the analysis of the revenue and expenditure side of the budget 4 cities of regional value and 47 rural districts of North Kazakhstan region, who made an independent budget of local government in this article, the authors identified a number of issues that need urgent action for their solution, in particular the creation of a single local network database of vehicle owners for increasing revenues and providing access to this database akimats of cities of regional importance and rural. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the planned revenues to the budgets of cities of regional importance and rural districts of North Kazakhstan region for 2018-2020, the justice authorities and state bodies of state revenues, etc. all administrative-territorial units are conditionally divided into four groups: 1 group (5,8%) includes administrative-territorial units planning significant (more than 20%) positive dynamics of the revenue part, 2 group (56,9%) includes administrative-territorial units planning insignificant (less than 20%) positive dynamics of the revenue part, 3 group (25,5%) were administrative-territorial units. the budget of tax and non-tax revenues slightly (by 20% - group 4 includes administrative-territorial units that plan a significant (more than 20%) negative dynamics of tax and non-tax revenues to the budget.

160-166 157

At the present stage of development of Kazakhstan, one of the main areas of economic reform is the development and implementation of the state investment policy, which is aimed at ensuring high rates of economic growth and improving the efficiency of the economy. Attracting and effective use of foreign investment in the state economy is one of the areas of mutually beneficial economic cooperation between Kazakhstan and foreign countries. This is especially true for border regions.
Cross-border cooperation is a special kind of inter-regional cooperation, due to the proximity and proximity of interacting regions. Border territories connect the economies of neighboring countries with both traditional relationships and new ones that arise during the market development of the economy.
The article considers the main aspects of the Kazakh-Russian economic cooperation, as well as the priority areas of investment in the North Kazakhstan region for Russian businessmen.
Based on the analysis of the economic development of the northern border region, information is provided on the progress in the implementation of joint Kazakh-Russian projects.


167-172 153

In the current situation, the learning process is given new emphasis: the student and his interests become the central link in it. Being subordinated to these interests, we build a completely different algorithm of our actions, namely, i.e. create a comfortable environment for training a foreign language. It is achieved by increasing motivation, removing the psychological barrier through the organization of homogeneous-level groups and a communicative environment possibly closest to authentic one, by optimizing teaching methods and the application of information technologies. Teacher constantly involves students into permanent dialogue with their partners’ through empathy to the situations and it turns him into a tutor and an equal partner, not a dictator.
New, non-standard forms of training ensure a gradual fusion of teaching language, art and culture, turning the educational situation into a real one, making it a part of the communicative space. Students’ experience of using authentic communication deepens and improves their speech competences every time. All the training activities considered in our article, and especially the team-based learning, consolidate students together perfectly. Art, being a powerful means of socialization, helps not only to reveal students’ abilities, but it also unites them in the course of training foreign language.

173-178 186

The article discusses the issue of memory development in the process of teaching music both in the system of higher and in the system of additional musical education, in particular, some methods of memory development are examined, such as: associative method, «emotional kaleidoscope», «photography» method сreative method «marathon». A musician educator, if he aims to go beyond the «artisanal» way of teaching, if he sees his task as to deepen, intensify the process of musical perception of a student, should logically useassociations, working on this or that musical material, use them to the best of their abilities and needs, in accordance with the individuality of the student, and with the specific situation that develops in the lesson. Each methodology has its own methodological device aimed at the development of associative thinking. The Association, being a unifying link in the psychology of mental cognitive processes, served as the basis for a number of methods.

179-183 194

The article reveals table tennis as a sport that has a wide range of education and the diverse development of the physical qualities of students, through the application of innovative teaching methods in the educational and training process that positively affect the assimilation of theoretical and practical material.
When doing table tennis, the students form such important qualities of a person as: speed of thinking, speed of reaction, determination, will to win, attention, endurance, endurance, etc.
Among the tools and methods that are widely used in the educational and training processes, for those involved in table tennis, as well as for students with a lack of the «Physical Culture» discipline, the following programs are gaining popularity: training with a lot of balls, working with a «robot».
The use of the method of «control assessment» in training and educational processes allows us to evaluate and analyze the level of physical, technical and functional preparedness of students.

184-191 185

The actualization of the role of military-patriotic education of the younger generation, as directly the main task, the solution of which is required for the speedy development of Kazakhstani society, is growing. The formation of a social order to the level of development of the personality of students, the upbringing and development of the citizenship and patriot of the country, required the preparation of future teachers in the vocational education system who have constant readiness to carry out military-patriotic education in the conditions of modern changes in the Kazakhstan school. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the solution of strategic issues of military-patriotic education was entrusted to the system of education of a comprehensive school, the conditions for the system of professional training of teachers, became the readiness of university graduates to meet them modern requirements of modern society.
Practical testing of educational technologies made it possible to innovative technological approaches, principles, methods, form sand techniques for organizing the elective course of the subject «Fundaments military-patriotic education» for students of the specialty «Initial military preparation» for the implementation of military-patriotic education of students.

192-195 169

Project activity has a number of characteristics that positevely influence on preschool children's development. Children's knowledge and ideas about the environment in the implementation of project activities are expanded. Of course, this is due to the performance of research and creative work. Children's language relations, cognitive and creative abilities are also developed. In the course of project activities, children's trust in each other increases, they focus on independent, joint activities, guided by their actions and interests.
The article describes the features of project activities in the preschool organization. In addition, in preschool children's cognitive activity development, the importance of project activities and the effectiveness of implementation in practice is considered.
The stages content of the design process is determined; recommendations for the teacher who decided to work with the project activity are given.

196-204 202

Activation of educational and cognitive activity of students is the most urgent problem of the modern school. Active learning is based on an interconnected set of educational methods, forms and means, which, providing the unity of the activity, information technology, organizational components of the educational process, contribute to the mastery of not only subject knowledge and skills, but also the ways of cognitive activity. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and school practice, the article establishes a number of the most significant factors that determine the choice of methods, forms and means of instruction in order to increase the level of activity of students' cognitive activity: the target orientation factor, personality factor, content factor, and didactic factor. Practical verification of these factors made it possible to highlight the methods of teaching mathematics that most effectively implement the specified goal and take into account the features of the educational material and the stages of its assimilation, personal and age-related characteristics of the students. The article provides examples of techniques for revitalizing students, which can be integrated with various methods, forms and learning tools.


205-208 166

The article deals with promising areas of improvement of repair of transport equipment, various types of devices for cutting mounting fittings in the repair of transport equipment: grinder, rebar shears, machines for cutting rebars, manual scissors for rebars, special scissors, hydraulic scissors for rebars, electric scissors for rebars, guillotine for chopping. As well as the development of own tools for cutting and installation of rebar in the repair of transport equipment. The productivity of the installer and the quality of the work performed by him depends on the availability of a modern set of tools and devices. The tool used in the production of works should be light, since a large mass of the tool quickly tires the worker. The maximum weight of the hand tool should not exceed 8 kg, with a larger weight, it is necessary to use suspensions or any devices that facilitate the use of the tool. In construction, the predominant distribution of electric and pneumatic hand machines.

209-217 170

This article discusses the use of a separate-combined chord transducer to detect the reflector «cylindrical hole» drilled in the end wall of a piece of steel pipe parallelly to its axis. This type of reflector simulates extended defects of cylindrical (or close to cylindrical) shape that can occur in the process of rolling pipes. It is shown that the use of a separate-combined chord transducer in the general case does not allow to detect a defect in the wall of the pipe extended parallelly to its axis. This type of transducer can detect only areas of extended defect which are not parallel to the pipe axis, i.e. its initial or final part. But it will be impossible to distinguish the beginning (end) of the extended defect from the local reflector (for example, cracks). By observing the reducing of the bottom signal amplitude from the pipe end can be detected only a small area of the parallel to the pipe axis extended defect in the end wall of the pipe, when placing the transducer over the defect in focal length from the pipe end. Therefore, it is recommended to use in industrial conditions other types of transducers to detect defects extended parallelly to the pipe axis.

218-224 182

The article provides an overview of modern monitoring systems for long-running buildings and structures based on digital technologies. Technical monitoring is a process that includes control, testing, as well as analysis and evaluation of structures of buildings and structures, primarily-lifting structures. The main purpose of technical monitoring of load-bearing structures of buildings and structures is to determine the current technical condition, determine the degree of physical wear, defects and damage, establish the performance of structures, forecasting their future behavior. The limitation of existing methods of non-destructive testing of lifting structures, due to the frequency and selective nature of their operation, is the motivation of researchers to develop alternative methods for assessing the actual technical condition of these structures in the process of their operation. As a result of the study, a method for assessing the current (continuous) stress-strain state of structures in the field of aircraft engineering and military-industrial complex was initially developed.

225-230 178

Sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is closely related to the improvement of technologies in the field of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. By decree of President from may 17, 2003 approved the «Strategy of industrial-innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan», which sets the goal of sustainable development of the state through diversification and modernisation of economy, creation of conditions for production of competitive products and export growth.
Energy around the world is gradually moving to renewable energy sources. But today the main energy resources are oil, coal and gas. Modernization of power, first of all, is made on the basis of a choice of an optimum ratio of expenses of energy carriers and consumption of the electric power. The current environmental challenges associated with climate change are prerequisites for an early transition to renewable resources.
Solar energy refers to renewable resources. The potential use of this energy source is difficult to overestimate. All the needs of the world's energy can be covered by only 0.01 % of the energy of the sun hitting The earth's surface. However, the development of solar energy is hampered by two factors: the low efficiency of solar cells and the relative high cost of equipment. Considering the prospects for the use of solar cells in a particular region, it is necessary to explore the potential for obtaining the desired amount of energy.
This article is based on research conducted in the city of Petropavlovsk during the calendar year.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)