
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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No 4 (41) (2018)
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6-10 149

The article discusses the current state of the agricultural landscapes of the North Kazakhstan region – the leading agricultural producer of the Republic. The main problems of the region became soil digression and pasture degradation as a result of the total plowing of natural landscapes and their replacement by agrolandscapes and extensive land use. The study revealed that the region’s plowed geosystems are characterized by excessive loosening, which is reflected in a decrease in the humus content, a decrease in nutrients and a high degree of cultivation. The removal of humus and nutrients is partially offset by mineral fertilizers, but it is not able to compensate for the losses. Pasture degradation is reflected in a reduction in the area of hayfields and an increase in the load on conserved grasslands. To determine the load, the areas of low– degraded and highly degraded lands are correlated. By means of a comparative analysis, it was determined that the land fund of the region has an extremely “non– ecological” structure of agricultural land, dominating arable land. It was concluded that one of the measures to improve the state of agrolandscapes should be the optimization of north– turn and the positive balance of nutrients.

11-16 148

Delivery questions of a muskrat on area reservoirs are considered. Results of a research of structure of the consumed forages for various reservoirs are given. It is established that from more than 20 found components main types of forages are only 4 which are noted in 100% of stomachs and occupied from 73 to 100% of its volume. Compliance of the prevailing delivery objects to background species of vegetation on lakes is noted. Main type of forage on reservoirs is typha which on average in all surveyed lakes made 62.3% of total number of the eaten vegetation. Typha and flowering rush are food, almost equally significant for a muskrat; – they made 28.8% and 27.1%, respectively. Other types of forages didn't exceed 21.5%, and animal only 1.2%. The eating facts were noted by a muskrat of animal forage. In particular, in stomachs of 3 individuals fragments of sinks of mollusks and fins of juveniles of fishes are found. The ratio of the consumed forages and weight of small animals is established. Its relation to body weight fluctuates ranging from 2.31 up to 3.76. Approximate calculations of consumption of forages a muskrat during the winter period (7 months) are made showed that one individual during this time consumes not less than 54–55 kg, and family of 5 individuals – 270–275 kg. In too time, efficiency of rhizomes of typha makes about 350–450 kg.

17-23 190

The twin method is one of methods in the geneticist who is based on comparison of features of terms of twin couple: monozygotic and dizygotic twins. The study of the features of individual differences and similarities in couples of twins allows identifying the role of heredity and variation in humans. It helps to determine the relationship between the role of heredity and the environment in the formation of various signs, both normal and pathological. The analysis of concordance and discordance was carried out using the classical twin method. Difficulties arise with identification of a monozigotnost of twins. The recognition of monozygotic and dizygotic twins is made on the basis of similarity of genetically determined signs. The identity or the very close similarity is the proof of a monozigotnost. The obtained data can be specified during the research this method can be combined with clinical genealogical and population and statistical methods. All distinctions which are shown at the monozygotic twins having an identical genotype are bound to influence of external conditions. The concordance was determined in couples of twins by 22 signs. The similarity in couples of monozygotic twins was from 82% to 95.5%, similarity in couples of dizygotic twins – from 32 to 64%, similarity of sibs – from 18 to 27%. The twin method allows to solve not only genetic problems, but also to open the psychological maintenance of the concept "environment", feature of formation of the person depending on environmental social conditions.

24-28 169

The article describes the process of formation of information and communication technologies of school students. The competencies that the teacher and students should possess are considered. The role of ICT in education as a whole, the interaction and interrelation between computer science and other sciences, the main stages of the formation of ICT competencies in the process of learning are shown.
For a modern teacher, ICT competence lies in its ability to apply information and communication technologies to carry out information activities, namely, search for necessary information, its assessment and ability to structure, analyze and use it, and also to create and disseminate information knowledge in various areas activities depending on the situation. The old model of learning management is changing, based on strict control of learning, hierarchy and repetition. The teacher for ICT use in the classroom needs theoretical and practical training to ensure the formation of information competence of students who already know how to independently and actively act, and make decisions, flexibly adapt to the challenges of the information society. Great importance is given to the modern teacher in order to optimize time in the process of obtaining by the student knowledge, reproduction, memorization and their storage at the level of the school system of education.

29-32 147

The article provides definitions of families of finite– dimensional network spaces and Lorentz spaces and discusses some interpolation properties of families of Lorentz spaces and finite– dimensional network spaces with respect to complex interpolation. The method of complex interpolation is determined. We consider auxiliary lemmas necessary for the proof of two main interpolation theorems, with the third lemma establishing the connection between the methods of complex and real interpolation. These theorems also hold for real interpolation. The first theorem is valid for finite– dimensional Lorentz spaces, and the second is for finite– dimensional network spaces. Equality obtained in the first theorem is understood in the sense of equivalence of norms with constants independent of the choice of the number N. Equality obtained in the second theorem is understood in a similar way. In addition, the concept of an interpolation functor is considered. Earlier, interpolation properties of families of finite– dimensional network spaces and Lorentz spaces with respect to real interpolation were determined.

33-39 156

The main purpose of the work is to determine the time of antibiotics' exit from the body. The following tasks are posed that are related to the above stated goals:
In the laboratory, test new antibiotics;
The remains of apromycin in rabbits are determined by the apparatus "Rremi test"; determine the timing of release apromitsina from the body;
Methods and methods of research. Practical work was carried out in 2018 in the veterinary laboratory of Shal akyn district and veterinary clinical situation on domestic rabbits.
During the study, rabbits (three rabbits) were administered antibiotics apramycin. Introduced apromitsin per 1 kg of live weight 2 mg / kg. A total dose of 6 ml / kg of apramycin is dissolved in 20 m / liter of water, then watered by rabbits. Antibiotics are given twice a day for a week. After giving antibiotics, the condition of rabbits, body temperature, vascular frequency, respiratory rate are monitored. In the composition of rabbit meat there are valuable proteins at the highest level, in a small amount there are extractives, fats and cholesterol. For example, in the human body, rabbit meat protein is digested by 90 percent, and beef meat is only 62 percent
The role of bacteria in the organisms of living beings is invaluable. They are part of a variety of biological processes, take an active part in digestion. Rabbits are susceptible to many diseases of a contagious and non– contagious origin. Failure to comply with the rules of breeding, keeping and feeding plays a significant role in the occurrence of diseases. Gastrointestinal tract of rabbits is a very delicate system, therefore it is necessary to approach with particular caution the choice of antibiotic used to treat rabbit. Today, there are many types of antibiotics, but not all antibiotics are suitable for the treatment of rabbits. Timely medical measures provide the highest percentage of recovery not only of one rabbit, but sometimes of the whole family, therefore, personal prevention measures should be followed.

40-43 141

The article analyzes the degree of pigmentation preservation of the wool coat of gray karakul sheep of different populations in a comparative aspect. It was established that according to the degree of pigmentation, gray individuals of the Kumkent population had a maximum rate of 65.0%, while gray lambs of the Akdala population had 55% and 60% of the lower numbers.
Analysis of the results of gray color inheritance, depending on the types of selection of colors and colors of parents of different populations, show that these indicators affect the inheritance of color and coloring. The highest influence was exerted by the types of selection, for example, in the reciprocal type of selection ♀ gray x black and ♀ black x более gray a more stable influence exerted by paternal heredity. In the first variant of the selection, the influence of the paternal superiority on the black color was 3.2% (51.6%), in the second variant on the gray color 6.8% (53.4%). This trend was observed in individuals of the Kumkent population: – 0.8% (47.8%) in the black, 3.6 (51.8%) in the sulfur.

44-49 116

Chemometric data processing algorithms are widely used in the processing of experimental data. The development of computer methods for processing experimental data reduces the time for their implementation. This approach is relevant in the development of rapid methods for analyzing multi– component systems. Relatively simple chemometric algorithms can be used to identify deviations of system properties from the specified parameters. Pike juice is widely used in children's and dietary food. Juice and juice products based on apple juice in a large assortment offered to buyers. Therefore, the recovered apple juice and apple nectra are selected as the object of study. The main indicators of the quality of juice – titrum acidity, refractive index, pH level, density, electrical conductivity can be measured using relatively simple physicochemical and chemical methods. Using the developed chemometric algorithm, it is possible to identify possible falsification of the product. To confirm the fact of falsification, analysis of juice by amino acid composition and the origin of carbohydrates is necessary.

50-53 166

Triterpene compounds, in particular triterpene alcohol betulin, have high biological activity along with low toxicity. Betulin is easily and with a large yield extracted from birch bark, which makes it promising in terms of use in medicine. It has been established that oxidized betulin derivatives have anti– cancer and antiviral activity. However, recent studies on the preparation of oxidized betulin derivatives are distinguished either by low conversion of the substance or by the difficulty of extracting individual substances. This study is devoted to the creation of betulin oxidation techniques with a high conversion of the substance and ease of purification of the obtained oxidized betulin derivatives. This method of obtaining oxidized betulin derivatives allows to achieve a high conversion of the substance and at the same time is notable for the ease of purification of the obtained oxidized betulin derivatives. The high biological activity of the obtained oxidized compounds using the proposed technique, as well as the cheapness of the synthesis and raw materials, will make it possible to consider them as promising substances for use in medical chemistry.

54-58 182

The paper deals with current problems and the development of a modern electronic textbook. Considered genetic algorithms and its relevance in learning. This article discusses the use of electronic textbooks in the educational process, their advantages and disadvantages. The author has conducted a thorough informative and structural analysis of the currently existing electronic textbooks on IT disciplines. The effectiveness of the genetic algorithm is the degree of implementation of the planned algorithm and the achievement of the target function of the objective function. The problem of the study is to identify the optimal conditions for the construction and use of elements of artificial intelligence in the preparation of the future teacher of vocational education. Developed an electronic textbook for self–study for students of IT– specialties. This paper addresses the need for the use of electronic textbooks in education. The authors conclude that an integrated approach to learning with the use of information technologies forms the skills of students' cognitive activity along with the formation of their professional competencies.

59-67 154

The article examines the physico– chemical and biochemical properties of dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, butter), which are the most important components of human nutrition. To establish the quality of the raw materials, the pharmacopoeial indicators of the plant Linosyrisvillosa were determined. Got a water–alcohol extract from the plant and studied by the method of two– dimensional paper chromatography. Established the qualitative composition of the extract, in particular, showed the presence of flavonoids, which by the method of distribution chromatography on polyamide and adsorption chromatography on aluminum oxide were separated from related substances and isolated quercetin (flavonol). The obtained quercetin, for the first time in the laboratory, was studied for antioxidant activity (cottage cheese, butter). The results of the study showed that quercetin has an antioxidant effect. Using qualitative reactions, the presence of the following substances in milk and fermented milk products was also proved: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, carotenes, amino acids and vitamins (A, B1, B2, C and P). The high biological value of milk and dairy products make them indispensable for people of all ages, which contributes to the creation of new, environmentally friendly, effective foods.

68-72 153

This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the patterns of development of the processes of disaggregation of the pigment “organic red” in an alkyd–urethane film–forming film in the presence of a surfactant — aminoalkylphenolethoxylate fatty acid derivative. With the help of the author's application to the computer–micro–optical method for analyzing the suspensions under study, the differential distribution curves for the fraction of solid–phase particles in a dispersion medium were obtained in the automatic mode. The dispersing role of diphilic molecules of alkyl alkyl phenol ethoxylate fatty acid derivative with respect to solid– state organic pigment in a solution of uralkide has been proven. A comparative analysis of the disaggregating activity of the modifier in the solvent and in the dispersing medium of the film–forming agent is given. A narrow concentration range of the modifying additive was identified, providing the maximum degree of disaggregation of solid– phase organic pigment particles (maximum number of particles; minimum average statistical diameter; change in fractional composition). According to the results of the study, the composition of paint and varnish compositions was optimized (CSAS = 2– 4%), which will improve the protective, structural– mechanical and decorative characteristics of the coatings formed on their basis.

74-77 167

Water is an integral part of the life of biologically active creatures, in particular humans. At the same time, we know very little about its physical properties. Employees of the Department of Phisics NKZU named after M.Kozybaev some time ago conducted a study of the so–called microfoam water treated on a special device Aspandiyarov–Ivlev. Since the department has mainly teaching and laboratory equipment, the study of the electrical conductivity of this water was conducted. The paper below presents the results of these studies, which show some unusual properties proposed for the study of water. In this case, we have the state of water, which is observed for a long period of time, and at the same time its characteristics do not change. The effect of reducing the resistance of a layer of distilled water without the addition of salts was especially pronounced. Also, during the experiment, the effect of memory transfer in a contactless manner appeared.

78-81 153

The study of near– earth space is an integral part of observational astronomy. Registration of meteoroids in General has a wide applicability, both in applied and in scientific research. This article provides an overview of the devices used for fixing meteor tracks used earlier in the center for Astrophysical research of NKSU named after M. Kozybayev. These studies were conducted using optical techniques available. Over the past period, the capabilities of registration technology have changed somewhat and some registration methods have become more accessible. In this regard, the analysis of the accumulated observational data, in order to determine the most effective way to obtain data. The main disadvantages of registration devices due to the imperfection of the technical solutions used in them are shown. The method of radio observations for registration of meteor flight is proposed as the main one.

82-91 141

The importance of studying small bodies of the Solar System from the standpoint of clarifying knowledge about the origin and internal structure of the Earth and planets is substantiated. The main source of accurate data  of this kind is the study of meteorites – extraterrestrial bodies that have reached the Earth's surface. The task of finding out the nature of the newly discovered object suspected as a meteorite is set. The methodological basis of its solution includes both a systematic analysis of the typical characteristics for different types of meteorites and the collection of historical data on the Petropavlovsk bolide of 1920. The preliminary results of the object analysis which is suspected in meteorite nature are presented. The general characteristics of the body, including its magnetic properties, are determined. The mineralogical analysis revealed the presence of chondrules and the olivine inclusions in the subject of research is carried out. These compositions do not occur in terrestrial samples. On this basis, it is concluded that with a high probability the object can be recognized as a meteorite, which should be classified as mesosiderite. An assumption about the connection of the object of study with the Petropavlovsk fireball of 1920 is made.


92-97 166

Language universals in their deep meaning from the point of view of the methodology of teaching foreign languages (linguodidactic universals) as a concept containing in addition to the linguistic, sociocultural, cultural and pragmatic components are considered in this article. Also in this paper we will focus on the last component, pragmatic or communicative, and on the example of its reflection in teaching of Kazakh and English languages. Since the communicative function of the language is the leading one, it is possible to speak about the existence of communicative (pragmatic) universals, steps and components that we will analyze. This study shows that learning communication in a foreign language, taking into account the identified pattern, is possible on the material of any language. Therefore, mastering this system while learning the first foreign language can facilitate the development of communicative competencies in the second foreign language, despite the linguistic differences of these languages. Also in this article it is presented that the consideration of communicative universals in the teaching of several languages is an effective way of forming functional multilingualism in a short time.

98-101 168

This article describes some theoretical aspects related to the competitiveness of Banks, the main factors affecting their competitiveness are considered. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the external and internal environment in relation to the Bank. The authors of the article formed their own classification of factors that have the greatest impact on the competitiveness of the Bank and clarified the definition of "factors of competitiveness of the Bank", "external factors of competitiveness of the Bank", "internal factors of competitiveness of the Bank." On the basis of the conducted research, the idea is substantiated that all factors both external and internal are interrelated and interdependent: it is never possible to gain a strong position in the market, to ensure stable and profitable functioning of the organization, to create a competitive servicewithout high– quality; it is impossible to have a good financial position and ensure a normal Bank profit and the strong position of the Bank in the marketwithout competitive banking services.

102-107 155

This article is devoted to a conceptual question, i.e. an approach to natural rights in Lithuania and Kazakhstan 30 years ago, when there were indications that the Soviet government would collapse, i.e. the epoch of rebirth began.
An important part of the human life of that time was the personal choices of everyone, how people views and values freedom, faith, personal property and human identity. Every individual 30 years ago could have appeared as a representative in one of two paradigms: either perceives himself as a bearer of natural rights or as a person who lost his identity. Most people in Lithuania and Kazakhstan chose the first paradigm, and as a result, both states declared independence.
However, as a person, as an individual, the person must express himself as a bearer of natural rights in contemporary times, and here is the relevance of this article, because if we do not talk about natural rights, if we do not fight for them, we will soon be at the same place, where we were 30 years ago.
But fighting is always very difficult if you are alone. Therefore, with the help of the comparative analysis method, in this article we do prove that even countries of the different size or development as Lithuania and
Kazakhstan, 30 years ago and even before that, have found a similar approach to natural rights. The relevance of the article is also in this, do we find this approach nowadays.

108-112 164

This article presents the main results of the research conducted in the context of cognitive–comparative semantics of Russian and English axiological adjectives. The aim of the study was to identify and describe the cognitive features of the axiological semantics of adjectives in Russian and English on the basis of the analysis of propositional structures and associative verbal networks of evaluative adjectives. The research material was extracted as a result of the continuous sample from dictionaries. The material was presented by 361 Russian and 353 English adjectives of general and specific evaluation. The following methods were used in the research: comparative, synchronous–descriptive and quantitative methods, methods of structural–semantic analysis, methods of cognitive analysis of the semantics of linguistic units: propositional analysis and the method of associative verbal modeling of the language, the continuous sample technique, and such general scientific methods and techniques, as analysis, synthesis, classification and generalization. The analysis was carried out in two stages – the analysis of propositional structures of the axiological adjectives with the identification of the argument composition and content of the propositions; and the analysis of associative–verbal networks. This study enriches the modern linguistic science with the methodology of comparative cognitive analysis developed by the author, and its results can contribute to the studies of linguistic semantics and cognitive linguistics, stylistics and comparative linguistics. The research materials can be used in the theory and practice of teaching Russian and English languages, and lexicography (when compiling Russian–English and English–Russian dictionaries or thesauri).

113-121 200

The article is devoted to the activities of universities in the conditions of autonomy. The author dwells on the concept of autonomy of universities. Based on the study of this definition, the author identifies four main dimensions of autonomy, consisting of indicators that characterize each of its dimensions. Also in the article its types and its organization of activity are considered in detail, in the context of academic independence of universities the key points are the development of educational programs that reflect the results of training, the recognition of the results of formal and non– formal education. The author comes to the conclusion that this is something new that universities need to understand and reflect in their educational activities. Educational programs should be aimed at a new system of training that equips graduates with three main groups of competencies: behavioral skills and personal qualities; professional skills; modern technologies.
Particular attention is paid to the issues of academic independence, the formation of the system of internal quality assurance and academic integrity policy as important factors in improving the quality of higher education.

122-129 153

This article provides a brief overview of the formation history and development of Greek–Roman wrestling. The inclusion of Greek–Roman wrestling in the program of the Olympic Games contributed to the growth of its popularity among sports youth. Achievements of Kazakhstan athletes in this sport are quite significant. Many of our athletes became winners of the Olympic Games, World Championships and entered the elite of the best wrestlers in the world.
In recent years, in order to attract children and teenagers to sports, the country pays great attention to the opening of specialized sports schools, which have created favorable conditions for high sports achievements at the international level.
For the full development of such qualities as endurance, strength, flexibility, sportsmanship in the process of training of wrestlers a special place is occupied their physical fitness. Physical training, conducted in accordance with modern requirements, is one of the most important guarantors of an athlete's victory in competitions. In this regard, in this paper, the possibility of improving the physical fitness of young athletes going in for Greek–Roman wrestling, introducing complex of special exercises into their training process is considered. As a result of the study proved the effectiveness of the chosen method.

130-139 207

The study of the quality of life with the help of the SF–36 questionnaire is a generally accepted in international practice highly informative, sensitive and economical method of assessing the health status of both the population as a whole and individual social groups. Quality of life is an integral characteristic of physical, psychological, emotional and social functioning of a person based on his / her subjective perception. Eight scales of the questionnaire form 2 indicators: psychological component of health and physical component of health. Indicators are evaluated: physical functioning, role–playing activity, bodily pain, General health, vitality, social functioning, emotional state and mental health. The method allows us to give a quantitative assessment of the characteristics of human life – its physical, psychological and social functioning.In the process of training students from southern and Northern Kazakhstan in North Kazakhstan state University named after M. Kozybayev are identified the prevalence and quality of adaptation of students to various psychosocial dependency. According to the results of the survey MOS SF–36, high rates were registered in students on the parameter " physical functioning (PF)", the lowest value was determined on the scale of " role–playing activity (RE)».

140-143 171

The aim of the work is to identify areas of optimization of the financial policy of a commercial bank in modern economic conditions. The article identifies the main components of the financial policy of a commercial bank. The author analyzes the financial condition of a commercial bank and evaluates the effectiveness of its financial policy. Particular attention is paid to identifying the problems of the current financial policy of the commercial bank under study. The main problems that were highlighted in this work are: a decrease in the multiplier of capital and an increase in operating expenses. The reduction of the British multiplier is due to the new requirements of the Basel Committee. The increase in operating expenses is due to the inefficient work of the bank with overdue loans. Namely, reducing the cost of collecting. In addition, a matrix of bank financial strategy was developed, which is based on three factors determining the type of bank credit policy. On the basis of the analysis conducted, measures were identified to increase and increase the effectiveness of financial policy.

144-151 219

In the article describes the main directions of digitalization in the context of banking services related to non– cash payments and transfers, as well as the role of digital technologies in their development. The main types of non–cash banking services that can be provided by means of innovative technologies, factors hindering the further development of remote banking services in Kazakhstan, as well as the parameters of the model of banking services for commercial Bank customers are considered.
The concept of "digital identification of the client" is analyzed in detail, as well as the creation of a new product that will contribute to the remote identification of the client in the provision of remote payment services, including in remote regions of Kazakhstan, regardless of geographical location, using any equipment in the initial appeal to the financial institution, as well as in the subsequent receipt of services. At the end, it is logical to conclude that plastic cards will be gradually replaced by contactless mobile payments, and the financial document flow will become fully digital.

152-157 173

This article considers the gross regional product structure of North Kazakhstan region. It also includes the results of the complex statistical analysis of this indicator through the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017.
The variance analysis and the structural average methods have been applied for conducting the analysis. Besides, there are the results of five– year dynamic range analysis of the change of the North Kazakhstan GRP indicator in this article. The article emphasizes interpretation of the results received. Besides that, the article gives the information about the contribution each region makes to the total amount of the republic GRP; all the regions have been ranked according to this indicator. It is demonstrated that despite agricultural industry playing dominating role in the economy of the region and North Kazakhstan being traditionally considered an agricultural sector, North Kazakhstan is not a national leader in this area, even though it makes the top five.
At the end of the article there are conclusions about further changes of GRP sectoral structure in the North Kazakhstan region.


202-207 170

An ion chromatographic method for determination of anion composition of natural waters was described. An automated 850 IC Professional, Metrohm system equipped with conductivity detector after chemical and carbon dioxide suppression was used. The main analytical characteristics were estimated for each of studied analytes. The trueness of the method was estimated by analysis of certified reference material for soft drinking water. Recovery test was performed on spiked drinking water samples. The method was applied for analysis of drinking water before and after chlorination, as well as high mountain lakes. The main directions of development of the ion chromatographic method in the field of applications are summarized. Special attention is paid to high– speed and high– performance chromatography. The analytical capabilities of the ion chromatographic method are compared. It has been shown that in many cases for analytical practice there is no need to use expensive equipment. Chromatography is one of the most promising modern methods in determining product quality. The method is actively used both in production and in laboratories.

208-210 185

This article is based on an author’s experience on teaching Information and Communication Technologies to the students of all specialties and the directions of preparation of a bachelor degree. Focusing on Database Systems, the article reports about the main concepts of practical lessons in accordance with the curriculum. For improving IT skills in database design, Data integrity constraint, and Technologies of work with a database, students are suggested three kinds of assignments. Firstly they should work with a pre– built database, secondly use a pre–built flat–file database, and at last create their own database in DBMS. Most authors of practical courses propose immediately starting with the independent creation of the simplest database in a DBMS. However, students now have very vague ideas about such objects, so it makes sense to first show them the finished database and teach them the simplest skills to use it. The ICT course is delivered in English. Therefore CLIL is used at the practical lessons.

211-215 349

The article presents the topic of additive production and the prospect of its development in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The importance of this area is a promising and innovative. The foundations of a theoretical study on the possibilities of introducing this production are proposed. The results of a study about our country, which is lagging behind in the development and application of AP technology, which revealed specific factors influencing its development are presented, and mechanisms for introducing this production based on theoretical studies and analysis aimed at improving the future competitiveness of the economy which are proposed. Dissociative classification of additive technologies. The classification of the basis of the basis of the source material and the principle of its application is based on the basic priznes. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a market for additive technologies. Appreciative Appraisal of Applied Techniques in the Republic of Kaazakhstan. The idea is based on the base of the North–Kazakhstan state university of M. Kozybaeva on the training of specialists in the field of additive technologies.

216-223 188

In this article, the problem of calculation of plasma parameters during the operation of the installation in the mode of Plasma Focus and setting an experiment on the replacement of coaxial cylindrical electrodes on the geometry of the plasma focus is posed. The fundamental parameters of the focus are calculated and the results of preliminary assessment of the plasma focus formation conditions are shown. The maximum value of temperature and electron concentration is determined by the formulas of the electrodynamic model. Calculations using the electrodynamic model show the dependence of the electron concentration on the anode radius. It is also found that an increase in the electron temperature is affected by an increase in the current, but the pulse time decreases. The obtained data allow to determine the values of the electron temperature if you change the radius of the anode from 0.25 cm to 2.25 cm, it is Shown that when the discharge current in the range kiloampere expected measurable neutron output, as well as sufficiently high values of temperature and density characteristic of hot plasma. The dependence of the discharge current on the voltage is shown. The experiments have shown that the dynamic parameters of the plasma, if not to take measures to significantly reduce the inductance of the system, are insufficient for strong pinch compression.


158-166 167

The article deals with rural tourism services sector and its development problems. In Lithuania rural tourism the most growing tourism services sector, which must be supported and actively developed due to the fact that rural tourism decide the country's social and environmental problems, enables the development of country's economy, helping to address the employment of rural population. However, rural tourism in the process of its activities as well as facing a number of obstacles and challenges that need to be identified and evaluated. Relevance of the research topic is based on the assessment of rural tourism services sector analysis and its problematic aspects. The study of characteristics of rural tourism service shows that rural tourism service is an activity, which directly or indirectly contributes to the satisfaction of consumers’ needs, and manifests as a relation between consumers and servants providing the service. Rural tourism service exists as long as it is provided and consumed. Usually, services are being classified according to several characteristics. This helps to better understand and improve the rendered services, and to strive for their quality and competitiveness.

167-172 177

To date, the main task of the updated education is to teach students the use of knowledge in practice.
In classes with updated content of education introduced a new system of evaluation – criteria. In addition, the system develops students ' ability to adequately monitor and evaluate their work, independently identify the causes of difficulties and eliminate them. Criteria evaluation, in turn, consists of formative and summative. Formative assessment determines the level of skills of the student, it is intermediate marks that do not affect the quarter and annual. Summative evaluation is carried out to set the final mark after studying a certain block of material. Relevance of consideration of this article, to offer the developed tasks and evaluation to them.
The practical significance lies in the development of sample tasks for summative estimating section on physics on the topic "Fundamentals of electrostatics", indicating the criteria of evaluation, which can serve as an alternative for their use in physics lessons.

173-179 301

The organization of independent work of students is an actual problem in the conditions of the updated training program, the main task of which is to teach students the application of the acquired knowledge in practice. The purpose of the article is the proposed justification of the role of the case method in its application for the organization of independent work of students.
This article analyzes the modern views of researchers on the potential of independent work in the educational process. Particular attention is paid to the formation of students ' readiness for self–preparation for the implementation of intermediate and final works, for this purpose the article offers multivariate tasks for self– fulfillment. The authors come to the conclusion that the most effective way of independent work is the case– method. Based on the analysis of modern research reveals the role of the case method in the educational process.
The article describes the method of organization of independent work of students to solve the case on the example of sections in physics as" Mechanics"," Electrodynamics","Optics".
The practical significance lies in the application of the given example of the case for the organization of independent work of students in the conditions of the updated training program. Considerable attention is paid to the content of the case and its tasks. The criteria of evaluation of learning outcomes using the case method, methods of evaluation by the teacher, self– assessment and mutual evaluation are described.

180-185 164

In this article I want to convey: treatment with the help of hand and finger motility in children with language problems or multiple defects. If these exercises and motor works are performed, the defect in the child's language will be reduced. Universal graphic dictation is a schematic representation of an object (cell drawing).It forms children's spatial imagination, mood, memory, skills of good finger movement, coordination of movements, development of endurance. And speech is the result of coordinated joint activity of many parts of the brain. M. M. according to Ringtsova, according to the results of the study of the physiological Institute for children and adolescents with language disorders varies depending on the level of speech in the child directly from the degree of finger formation. Therefore, we put hand motor skills and fine motor skills in the first place to eliminate language misunderstanding. Through this activity we eliminate the negative aspects of one of the most important and urgent problems of defectology. According to American scientists, children from an early age are advised to play with sand in the yard or on the beach. When you play with this sand, his brain, his language skills and his hand – finger motor skills develop. With this motor skills, children can deal with anomalies with the disease together with their parents.

186-189 204

Currently, the enemy of health and true evil is hypodynamia, leading to disruption of body functions. The current student is experiencing mental and psychological stress several times more than ten years ago, especially  in connection with the transition to new training programs. How to keep children alive, cheerful, and ultimately health? To help in this and called physical education classes. In our work, we consider ways and means of increasing students' activity in physical education classes. We analyze the factors that increase the emotional activity and cause joy to students. Analysis of the scientific–methodological and pedagogical literature allows us to identify the most typical mistakes of a teacher when setting the objectives of a training session. In conclusion, the work reveals the importance of an individual approach to learning, only knowing the student, a teacher of physical culture can successfully implement in practice all their competencies.

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The problem of the functional capacities organization increasing in the context of the training load increasing with different specialization of students seems to be a topical task at the present time. The scientific basis of the health protecting and improving the ability of the students is to find out where and at what stages of the training in the university risk factors are emerging and how much the health of the students is determined by the pre– university life cycle. The effectiveness of professional and intellectual knowledge receiving in higher education institutions depends on a number of factors, including the functional state of students’ organization, their attitude to a healthy lifestyle. Students are a socially active and mobile group; they largely determine the future of the country. The specialist should not only be highly trained in the chosen specialty, but also be physically strong, enduring, and able to solve the most difficult profile tasks. The examination session, being a strong stressor for students, causes a balance violation of their vegetative system, which is manifested in a significant change of the cardiovascular system indicators. Persons with high potential possibilities for muscular activity have good resistance to a very wide range of adverse effects of the external environment.

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In the article analyzes the state of physical fitness, the development of strength in conscripts by means of athletics. Practical recommendations are given for the development of a high level of military strength training. The activity of military personnel in modern general combat depends on physical fitness. Systematic implementation of complex exercises for the development of force in the practice of combat training of unit personnel contributes to the effectiveness of military personnel.
The level of capabilities of a soldiers’ abilities reflects the qualities representing a combination of inborn psychological and morphological abilities with acquired by the process of life and training experience in the use of these capabilities One of the most important values is the soldier needs to solve the front– line combat tasks in various conditions. Different situations, the nature of the combat missions to be solved, the time of day and the year impose specific requirements on the actions of the RK military.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)