
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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No 1 (50) (2021)
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9-19 1149

Conducting research at the population and ecosystem levels and assessing their current state is important for the effective organization of protection of rare and endangered plants. Currently, there is a reduction in the distribution area of lily of the valley due to a decrease in the level of the Ural River and drying out of forests. Research has been carried out to study the current state of lily of the valley communities. To achieve this goal, the communities of lily of the valley in the floodplain and ravine forests of the Ural River were studied and their morphometric parameters, life and ecological state were characterized. On the territory of the West Kazakhstan region, May lily(Convallaria majalis L.) of the valley naturally grows in the herbaceous layer of poplar, oak-elm forests growing in river floodplains and large gullies. The results of a study of the current state of the lily of the valley community, conducted in 2019-2020 in the West Kazakhstan region, showed that the ecological state of the hazel-lily of the valley oak forest in ravine forests has deteriorated. Since this community is endangered, it is necessary to organize measures to protect them.

20-25 352

The article describes the morphobiological, phenological and decorative features of various garden roses for landscaping in the Aktobe region. Based on the phenological control of rose flower varieties, an assessment was made according to the following criteria: morphological features of the bush, flowering duration, decorative properties of flowers and bushes, susceptibility to diseases and pests, inflorescence, flowers. It also takes into account the color of flowers, resistance to sunburn, size of flowers, shape and inflorescence of flowers, smell, shape of a bush, leaves, originality of the variety, abundance of flowers, general condition of flowers and other qualities.
By all criteria, the Red Magic rose variety dominated. In the course of the introduction analysis, the following conclusion can be drawn: the English rose and hybrid tea rose varieties are resistant to the climatic conditions of Aktobe region.

26-33 170

The article presents the materials of research on sexual dimorphism of the horse breed and their physiological indicators for the seasons of the year. That breed was formed as a result of years of work of the qualifying hybrids obtained by crossing local and Turkmen horses. This breed of horses is grown in the southern regions of Turkestan region. The population is dominated by dark brown suit, found in other colors. Height at the withers of karabayir breed stallions made – 147,3 cm, in mares – 144,2 cm; their sexual dimorphism was 2,9 cm; stallions oblique is 150,5 cm; in mares – 146,5 cm, their sexual dimorphism was 4,0 сm. Stallion’s chest circumference accounted 176,8 cm, and mare’s chest circumference – 170,5 cm, their sexual dimorphism was 6,3. Indicator on the joint of the lower leg in stallions was 19,5 cm, in mares – 18,6 cm, their sexual dimorphism was 0,9 cm.
All breeds of horses depending on the year seasons is a change in body temperature, heart rate, breathing rate. It is established that these physiological parameters of horses decrease in winter, and increase in summer. The change in average physiological parameters of Karabayir breed depending on the time of year was: body temperature +0,1 Cº, heart rate +19,0 – +19,3 beats/min, respiration rate +16.0 – +18.1 breath/min.

34-42 187

Adaptation to a higher education institution causes negative changes not only in the physical development of students, but also in the functions of internal organ systems. A special place in ensuring the vital processes of the body is occupied by the circulatory system. Therefore, in this research paper, the dynamics of the circulatory system of students studying in different directions at the University at the beginning of the academic year, during the exam and during the 2nd semester of the academic year were considered. It is established that the physiological and psychological indicators of students studying in natural, technical and humanitarian areas are affected differently by certain stages of training. Deviations in indicators are most often observed during the examination period of study. The high responsibility of students and the lack of preparation for exams have a negative impact on the body. And in the second half of the training, it was found that the indicators improved slightly.
In students studying in all directions, it was noted that the systolic and diastolic indicators of blood pressure after the load, as well as the pulse rate and recovery time, increased during the exam, and this indicator somewhat stabilized in the second half of the academic year. This is due to the excitement that occurs during the exam.

43-50 170

The role of forest resources is very important, it is very important for life in the entire biosphere, especially for human society. An inexhaustible natural resource that recovers independently with efficient use. The forest is a valuable recreational complex and habitat for plants, animals, birds and many insects and microorganisms. It has been established that forests are the environment for the development of approximately 3/4 of all species of plants, animals and microorganisms living on the planet. Forests are not only a material resource, but their most important environmental functions include climate regulation, regulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide and mitigation of the greenhouse effect.
Forest resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan are 4.6%, in the West Kazakhstan region - 0.6% [1].
In the West Kazakhstan region, there is a decrease in the biodiversity of the main forest-forming trees of forest communities and meadow vegetation.
In this regard, it is important to actively promote and promote forest and forestry activities to ensure that forests do not die out and to reduce anthropogenic pressure on forest resources.
Droughts of the past few years, reduced surface water runoff, lower water tables and the disappearance of steppe and forest trees are on the verge of extinction. Degradation of forest resources is also contributing to changes in the ecosystem of the region.

51-57 175

The article deals with alder communities found in the near-river and near-river floodplains of small steppe rivers of the West Kazakhstan region along the river.Bykivka and Ambulatory.
In the structure of alder communities, we distinguish a woody, shrubby and grass layer. One of the factors influencing the formation of flora and vegetation is anthropogenic, and therefore the infestation of these forests with advective species is revealed.
Every year, the share of weeds increases, because the underwater and above-water oil and pipelines of the Chinarevskoye-oil and gas condensate field pass through these rivers, and there is also extensive construction of industrial facilities.
The species composition of alder communities is 34 Eurasian(39%) and 24 European (27%) forest species. In the analysis biomorph it turned out that in such forests are dominated by perennial herbaceous polycarpic 51(58%). The 2nd place is occupied by woody and semi-woody 24 (27%) species. When considering the ecologophytocenotic spectrum, it turned out that forest 40 species(45%) dominate over steppe 21 (24%) and meadow 12(14%).
The studied territory of the floodplain of the river is characterized by a combination of two landscapes - meadows and forests, belongs to non-forest lands and is the only habitat of natural woody vegetation in the West Kazakhstan region.

58-64 180

Currently, the area of forests is sharply reducing. In the world, 26 hectares of trees are cut down every minute, and their area is reducing by 0.8% per year. The forest of the Budarin reserve can be an example of this. Frequent forest fires cause great damage to the Populus alba forest of the Budarin reserve of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the Convention on Biological Diversity, ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1994, the protection of forests within the Ural River is an urgent measure today. On the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its area occupies only 4%, and on the territory of West Kazakhstan Region just 0.4%. One of the most pressing problems is the analysis of the ecological state of forest vegetation in the region and changes in its biodiversity, as well as measures to preserve natural populations through the restoration of rare species.

65-78 182

The article deals with the calciphytic flora of the Obshchy Syrt (O.S), where four landscape regions are identified. The studied region belongs to the Eurasian steppe region, the Ural-Turgai (West Kazakhstan) steppe sub-province to fescue-feather grass steppes. The Derkul Syrt (D.S) we are considering is located in the southern part of the O.S. The relief is rolling-flat, densely dissected by hollows, cliffs, ravines and gullies. The territory in the latitudinal direction is crossed by the valley of the Derkul River. The highest points of Ichka (254 m) and Glazistaya (196 m) are distinguished in the D.S. In the floristic composition, we have registered 350 species belonging to 222 genera and 56 families.
Our chorological or geographical analysis showed the presence of widespread (Eurasian 138 species (39,5%), European 81 (23,1%), Holarctic 42 (12%)) and local (Old Mediterranean 44 (12,5%), Mediterranean 19 (5,4%) and narrow-local Turanian 22 (6,3%) species. The following groups are distinguished in the Turanian type: the Aral-Caspian 5 (1,4%), Zavolzhsk-Kazakh 6 (1,7%), Nizhnevolzhsk 4 (1,2%) and Sarmatian 3 (0,8%). The species of the Turanian group can be considered as the autochthonous core of the studied flora.
The composition of the geographical elements revealed that the D.S flora is a steppe contact, located at the junction of the Boreal and Ancient Mediterranean subkingdoms of the Holarctic kingdom.
14 plant species included in the Red book of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 33 species included in the Green book of the West Kazakhstan region were identified.

79-83 168

The paper presents monitoring materials on the study of the spread and epidemiology of E. granulosus in the West Kazakhstan region from 2009 to 2018.
Echinococcosis is a severe human parasitic disease caused by the Echinococcus granulosus tapeworm, which is often endemic or sporadic. Dogs are the source of human infection. Man and farm animals are intermediate hosts, in which the disease necessarily goes through the stage of cyst formation. Echinococcal cysts can be localized in any organ, including bone and muscle tissue.
The main mechanism of human infection is alimentary, contact and household. Human infection occurs through contact with the hair of animals - hosts of helminths (often dogs), when picking berries and herbs, drinking water from contaminated sources, eating vegetables and fruits contaminated with the faeces of the final owner (for example, a dog). The susceptibility is general, however, persons of certain professions or lifestyles associated with animal husbandry (slaughterhouse workers, shepherds, hunters and others) have a high risk.

84-90 199

Currently, the method of culturing isolated cells, tissues, and organs is widely used in research in the fields of physiology, experimental botany, genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology. The method is used to study the regularities of cell differentiation, histo-and morphogenesis, the mechanisms of implementation of genetic information and the role of individual groups of phytohormones in these processes.
The purpose of this work is to study the effect of phytohormones on the callus culture of the plant Origanum vulgare L. First of all, sterile plants were grown in vitro from plant seeds, and those plant explants were used to obtain callus cultures. Growth regulators are 2.4-D and 6-BAP in nutrient media added in different concentrations (1.0 mg/l 2.4-D and respectively 0.5 mg/l, 1.0 mg/l, 1.5 mg/l, 2.0 mg/l, 4.0 mg/l, 5.0 mg/l, 6.0 mg/l, 9.0 mg/l 6-BAP) for growth of callus tissue and induction of callusogenesis The most effective medium was found to be MS 2 (MS + 1.0 mg/l 2.4-D + 0.5 mg/l 6-BAP). The resulting callus tissue was light and loose.

91-96 169

The article presents the possibility of obtaining a dairy product prepared on the basis of milk with the addition of plant extract and the results of a study of the organoleptic, physico-chemical parameters of the finished product. Stevia extract as a natural sweetener gives the yogurt product an amazing sweet taste, and also makes the product not only sweetened, but also easily digestible. This means that in addition to taste, the stevia plant also has an easily digestible nutritional composition. In the process of preparing a fermented milk product, camel milk is a unique type of raw material that has useful, highly digestible dietary properties. After all, camel milk contains more than 100 sources of valuable components: immunoglobulins, hormones, growth factors, enzymes, etc. biologically active substance. The fermented milk product prepared on the basis of camel milk with stevia extract provides a healthy type of food that is not inferior in sweet taste and quality. The research was conducted in the "Experimental and production laboratory for processing dairy products" at the Kazakh agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin.

97-102 185

The article contains a collection of experience in the preparation of a lactic acid product, which is kefir, and a special mixture made from fish bone powder. As an additive, a powder made from boiled bones of walleye fish caught in Lake Balkhash, located in the south-east of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was identified. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the fact that secondary use of fish waste effectively affects the environment and leads to economy.
The author, using a special approach to the preparation of the product through the biotechnological process, studied the changes in the composition indicators and the benefits of this lactic acid product for human health. A comparative analysis was carried out between kefir products with and without additives. A tasting test was conducted.
The article focuses on the original value of the mixture. At the same time, the topic of the problem is touched upon, reflecting the nature of the lack of minerals in the diet of humanity.
The topic under consideration is of interest to specialists in technology and Agricultural Sciences in food production.

103-108 155

A comparative study of the regularities of variation in water deficit of tree species (Populus deltoides Mersh, Acer Semenovii Herd, Elaegnus angustifolia L, Salix alba L.) of plant species in monthly and seasonal dynamics when they grow together in conditions of technogenic and insufficient soil moisture supply.
The article studies the water-deficient state of four tree species belonging to different ecological groups located in the western part of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, adjacent to production sites. The studied plant: Populus deltoides Mersh, Acer Semenovii Herd, Elaegnus angustifolia L, Salix alba L. When water is scarce, it does not lose its turgor properties, the leaves are reduced, and the intensity of transpiration decreases accordingly. The osmotic pressure is very high in xerophytes. The root system intensively pumps out water, but uses it sparingly. In the water balance of the plant-there should be no shortage in the ratio of the amount of water of the plant and the amount of water penetration. The water regime depends on the structure of the soil, as well as on the degree of perception of water in the soil by the plant, which is very closely related to the mechanical structure of the soil. Since most of the factors of the general environment change and affect organisms at different levels each time, during the growing season the plant is formed, adapting to changes in the same environment. The amount of water is at its level, there are no violations of the water balance of the plant. The absence of large fluctuations in the values of air and soil humidity also affects the water regime of the plant.

109-116 175

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of long-term changes in temperature anomalies on the territory of the city of Petropavlovsk, Republic of Kazakhstan. The analysis was carried out on the basis of long-term data for 85 years – from 1935 to 2020.According to the results of the analysis, it was revealed that 11 months underwent changes in the anomalies towards an increase in the frequency of positive sign, except for July, in which an increase in the frequency of negative anomalies was recorded by 4, 6% in recent decades. Record changes were recorded in March, where the frequency of positive anomalies increased from 39.5% in the first observation period (1935-1977), to 79.1% in the second period (1978-2020). In addition, the article provides a brief description of the sizes of anomalies and their signs in January and July during the predominance of one of the three types of atmospheric circulation proposed by G.Ya. Wangenheim - western type W, eastern type E and meridional type C.


117-121 177

As science developed, the relationship between logic and grammar shifted from simplicity to deeper. These studies are manifested not only in the form of compatibility problems, contradictions and disagreements between logical and grammatical categories, but also in the form of the relationship between the content that forms the theory of the structure of the language and its manifestation in the language. In particular, the texts clearly show the content of the theory of language and its linguistic manifestations.
This article analyzes the syntactic structure of antilogisms in the text.

122-127 186

XXI century is the century of new technologies and information. The pace of modern scientific and technological processes is growing day by day. In addition, the education system faces new challenges. It is impossible to be a competent, versatile specialist in the field of education without mastering new information technologies in practice. The development of new information technologies contributes to the formation of an intellectual, professional, moral, spiritual, civil and other personality of a person.
An effective way to raise the teaching of the Kazakh language to the level of the global information educational space is to fully inform the education sector. Effective use of information and communication technologies in teaching the state language.
One of the information technologies is an interactive whiteboard, multimedia and online lessons.
This article discusses the transition of the Kazakh language through multimedia.

128-131 184

In this article it is analysed different mythological plots, related with the concept of world tree. Based on the theoretical and methodological of modern ethnology, the author came to conclusion that ancient beliefs about world tree connected with totemism. In traditional culture «world tree» was an impersonation of eternity, eternal life. It was a symbol of universe, ancient people believed that image of tree can contain the whole world.
For long centuries, the image of world tree in the traditional world-view was strengthened by plots of Indo-Iranian, Turkic, Arab-muslim and other mythological systems. In these myths, alongside with world tree, holy birds (samruk, eagle) and dragon (snake) was existed. These beliefs influenced on modern traditions of holiday celebrations. In particular, spruce dressing, probably, has more archaic framework.
In traditional culture beliefs about world tree has big importance. In modern period this beliefs is embodied in different architectural constructions.

132-141 209

This article examines the mathematical research of Abu Nasir al-Farabi in honor of the 1150th anniversary, with particular emphasis on his research on round bodies. Examples from the research of the great thinker al-Farabi are given and diagrams are given to determine the center of a given circle, how to draw a circle indirectly, how to fill a segment to a full circle. You can see the theorems of the study of modern round bodies, begun in the works of Al-Farabi. Parts of the Center In the work "Mathematical Treatises" describe the center of a circle, perpendicular to the perpendicular radius of the circle, the method of dividing the arc into three equal parts and a diagram of the method of drawing a house or a sphere, obtained in two equal proportions, relative to another house or ball.

142-148 189

In the article the author analyzes the language techniques impact on the potential consumer. One of the most effective and frequently used techniques is the transformed proverbs, sayings, and aphorisms. All these expressions act as the advertising slogan. There are a lot of examples of advertising texts which include transformed proverbs and catch phrases. The author concludes that all the expressions are pragmatically significant.
The research results can be widely used in practical classes in stylistics, rhetoric and culture of speech.

149-160 203

This article examines the problems of effective management of state property in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the ways to solve them based on the study of international experience and analysis of regulatory legal acts. The current social-economic situation in the country makes it necessary to review the principles and priorities of the management and disposal of state property, as well as the functional responsibilities of the authorized body for the management of state property. In order to better understand the realities and prospects of state property management in Kazakhstan, the causal relationship of inefficient state property management is analyzed. To improve the management of state property, the author, using the "case study" method, suggests using the experience of such countries as France, Sweden, Great Britain, China, Belarus and Uzbekistan. The results of the structural and qualitative analysis of the functions performed by state bodies in the field of state asset management show the need to optimize their activities in order to increase the efficiency and economic return on the use of state property.

161-171 154

This article is aimed at identifying management mechanisms as the specifics of managing the activities of a tourist enterprise.
Currently, the tourism sector performs strategically important functions, such as economic, social, etc. Therefore, the analysis of the importance of effective use of management mechanisms to ensure the dynamic development of the country's tourism industry, as well as the need to identify innovative management mechanisms to increase the competitiveness of enterprises in this industry, as a result of which the possibilities of effective planning of measures to organize a profitable management system for the tourism industry are analyzed.
A SWOT-analysis and analysis of the current tourist state of Kazakhstan was carried out. The management mechanism considered in the article includes the mission, goal, tasks, principles, functions and methods of management. A comparative analysis of the mission structure was also carried out. In addition, the mechanisms of planning, organization, stimulation, coordination, control were described, and ways of forming management mechanisms were suggested. Innovative management mechanisms were also considered as a source of promotion in competition between tourism enterprises.
The conclusion establishes an essential requirement for the useful implementation of the activities of a tourist enterprise - the need to organize management mechanisms and ensure their continuous development.

172-183 353

According to this article there are so many advantages of differentiating learning style and methods of teaching are analyzed. Nowadays the method of differentiation is involved in teaching process and is using in learning widely. Taking an account the thoughts of great Kazakh national honored teachers like M. Zhumabaev and A. Baitursynov , the comparative works were done by world-class methodologists . According to the scientific investigation of methodologists the meaning of micro level, macro-level and mesa-level were given. There some types of differentiation methods are known, they are flexible-pace learning, collaborative learning, progressive tasks, digital resources, verbal support, variable outcomes and ongoing assessment. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction. The lesson plan of 10th grade students of social and humanitarian direction was taken as an example which was made by upgraded educational program and differentiated learning and teaching methods were added. The relevance of the theme is directly connected with the problem of teaching in pedagogy.

184-187 164

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, famous scientist, folklorist, famous archaeologist, leading specialist in baptism, historian, ethnographer A. Kh. Margulan occupies a special place in Kazakh national folklore.

188-190 158

In the article “Semantic meaning of word “firing start” belongs to the culture of word and speech. Also it is about word – building speaking about lexical meaning of word “firing start” and about semantic source of the word, the article includes genesis of the word “firing start”.


191-197 171

Today, in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection and the transition to a distance learning format, there is an actual problem of effective transfer of information from teacher to student. In conditions where it is impossible to conduct a lesson in a traditional form, it is necessary to use all means and methods for the successful transmission, perception and assimilation of educational material by students.
An educational technology based on the use of the method of quantizing educational texts can provide significant assistance in solving this problem. In this article, we tried to reflect the main ideas and principles proposed by professor V.S. Avanesov for the creation of quantized educational texts in the context of distance teaching of the discipline "Chemical Ecology". In our opinion, quantized educational texts make it possible to study only the necessary material, subject to their correct composition. You should use only carefully worked out texts in which information is contained in metered volumes. Thus, the student does not waste time on secondary material, concentrating only on the main thing. This improves the process of perception and assimilation of information.
Definitely, after the end of the pandemic, and the return to the traditional form of education, quantized texts will also be relevant and effective for independent work of students, for example, as lecture notes. The technology of quantizing educational texts is relevant in relation to all disciplines, both exact and applied. We have chosen as an experiment the discipline "Chemical ecology", which combines a large amount of theoretical and practical material.

198-201 206

The process of studying geometry consists mainly of the ability to solve problems. In order to teach students how to solve geometric problems, you can use the key task method. Using this method to solve problems helps to master the method of solving the "key" problem and allows you to see the relationship between the topics of the school geometry course. In our works, we consider the key task as a means to eliminate the overload of children, facilitate the work of teachers in planning lessons and testing students' knowledge and the need to teach students how to solve geometric problems in preparation for UNT.

202-206 192

In older preschool age, children achieve great success in mastering knowledge about nature. Experimental work arouses the child's interest in research, develops mental operations. Children of older preschool age are already a researcher in themselves, showing a keen interest in various kinds of research activities, in particular, in experimentation. By the older preschool age, the possibilities of search and research activities aimed at "discovering" something new, developing productive forms of thinking, noticeably increase.
This article highlights and discloses the main conditions for the formation of ecological culture in older preschoolers.
The article reveals the experience of working on the creation and implementation of the basic conditions for the formation of ecological culture in senior preschoolers. The work on the creation and implementation of a diverse subject-development environment is shown.
The experience of work on the organization of cognitive activity in kindergarten, the problem of environmental education of preschool children is described.
The article concludes that when organizing work with preschool children, it is necessary to focus on differentiated, individual age characteristics of children.

207-214 209

In the system of higher education development, a rapid increase in the volume of scientific knowledge is observed that leads to a complication and consolidation of curricula. Education at the university is characterized by significant emotional and intellectual tension of basic mental functions, hypokinesia, the presence of stressful situations. Throughout the entire period of study at the university, students have a low level of motor and functional preparation, physical development.
In this situation, a public need not only for highly qualified, but also physically trained and healthy specialists is appeared. In these conditions, one of the main aims is the formation of a harmoniously developed and competitive person, where the process of physical education of the younger generation plays an important role.
The program for physical education in universities includes the compulsory section "Swimming." Swimming is the most effective remedy and one of the most popular sports among students. Its comprehensive effect on the functional systems of the body has been proved. In this work the specifics of technical training of students in swimming classes at SKU named after M. Kozybayev is regarded.

215-221 1172

This article discusses ways to solve non-standard problems that occur in Olympiad tasks. Many Olympiad tasks are made up of non-standard tasks. When considering the search for solutions to non-standard problems, students form their own vision, desire for new things, their own non-standard approach to solving the problem.
The main purpose of inclusion in the school curriculum of solving non-standard problems is to teach students to find their own, non-standard ways to solve these problems. Solving non-standard tasks plays a special role in the formation of students mental abilities.
When implementing the skill of solving olympiad tasks, special attention is paid to the methods of solving these problems. It is not easy for students to solve non-standard tasks because such types of tasks require special thinking skills from students.
Today, some students have an inability to solve olympiad tasks of increased complexity. In the school curriculum, methods for solving non-standard problems are considered superficially. Therefore, the teacher should use their scientific, theoretical and practical skills in the formation of students ' abilities to solve non-standard problems.

222-227 192

We will conduct a practical and theoretical analysis of the virtual learning environment in computer science. Consider the goals and objectives of the study and analyze the effectiveness of training programs. We also discuss topical issues of "virtual technologies”," virtual interactive learning environment” and "online learning platform", etc. The scientific relevance of the work is due to the fact that modern technologies and virtual life affect children. Under the influence of globalization and informatization, new interactive approaches to teaching computer science have emerged. And virtual technologies are one of these ways. Virtual teaching in the country is not outdated. It is obvious that in the future, specialists working in this direction will need methodological guidance. After analyzing the results of the research work, I propose a manual for teachers. That is, to determine the practical significance of the research work and formulate rules for organizing and implementing a virtual interactive environment. In this project, we will look at ways to use and organize interactive computer technologies.


228-233 209

Our country is associated in the world as a country with the richest reserves of nonrenewable energy resources. These are oil, gas, coal and related hydrocarbon components. According to their reserves, Kazakhstan is among the top ten countries in the world. However, their use pollutes the environment both during mining and during their use. The article describes the main characteristics of renewable energy resources in Kazakhstan. The article presents proposals for the development of renewable energy resources and ways of advancing the use of wind and hydro energy resources. The ways of increasing the use of wind and hydro energy resources are proposed.
Methods for increasing the use of wind and hydropower resources are also proposed. The data on the detailed distribution of hydroelectric power stations in the country and the possible capacities of hydroelectric power stations and their distribution by administrative regions of the republic are given. The territories favorable for the construction of combined hydro and wind power plants are indicated set out some aspects of energy development of the Altai mountains and considered measures to improve efficiency in the use of renewable energy resources, based on the use of a single set of hydro and wind power plants with a single control room, with a single management which then connects to the network.

234-240 186

The development of thermal energy affects various components of the natural environment: the atmosphere (consumption of oxygen in the air (O2), emissions of gases, vapors, and solid particles). At present, this effect is becoming global, affecting all the structural components of our planet. Based on this, we will have to look for an alternative to traditional energy. When talking about alternative types of energy, one usually remembers nuclear energy. However, the use of nuclear power also has no significant environmental advantages and has significant disadvantages.
Therefore, the world is currently turning to renewable energy sources (RES). Most renewable energy sources are dependent on the climate, the most attractive are solar power plants. The advantages of solar energy and the plan of land that is currently used in the country or is attractive for the future construction of solar power plants are considered.

241-244 172

In the study of groups, the question of the existence of subgroups with some of the indicated properties is of great importance (or, more precisely, the question of the properties of the system of subgroups in the groups under study). In this regard, it turns out to be expedient to investigate the structural features of an arbitrary group provided that it has no subgroups with these properties. Miller-Moreno, no. finite non-abelian groups, all proper subgroups of which are abelian (the structure of such groups is described in the Miller-Moreno article [1]), one can answer the question of whether some finite non-abelian group has non-abelian subgroups different from it and, in particular, obtain a positive the answer is if the order of the group is divisible by three different primes.

245-252 159

In Kazakhstan, one of the most pressing problems is the quality of roads. Each of us benefits from a high-quality road. 40 % of accidents will depend on the quality of the road. Road maintenance equipment is currently being started by municipal equipment. Road maintenance in the summer and winter time is waiting for everyone with the help of municipal equipment. The maintenance of important roads in winter means that, depending on the weather conditions, there will be snowfall on the roads, while at the same time shifting snow from the road surface to the side. The most important roads in the country should always be open. Because of the long road, there won't be much equipment involved. To clear important snow trails, we use the Kirov wheeled tractor. This article describes the construction of the Kirov tractor and shows the features of the tractor, its shortcomings, and solutions. Since the tractor is the basic machine, in accordance with the tractor, the attachments were fixed, the device was considered, and photos of the plow folding attachments were taken. The tractor is considered to be suitable for clearing snow from important tracks due to the powerful, plow-like speed of the rollback.

253-258 202

Water is an essential part of the biological shell of our planet. Water is the most common substance of "our" world, but its properties have not yet been fully studied. In the laboratory of liquids nanostructuring at the North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev an experiment to determine the electrical conductivity of various water samples is carried out. Many scientists note, that in addition to the generally accepted aggregate states, at least the liquid phase of water has a number of intermediate ones, which have some differences in their properties. This paper presents the results of electrical conductivity studies of two tap water types: unboiled and boiled. The experiment was repeated with a decrease in the settling time of thermally treated water to eliminate the influence of microorganisms on the composition of water. During the experiment it was found that the electrical conductivity of boiled water above the electrical conductivity of unboiled water. The results of measurements can serve as one of the evidence of nonpolar monocluster structures appearance in the volume of water under the external influence.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)