
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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No 3 (55) (2022)
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7-16 243

The issues of pre-profile learning of students based on basic and general education. Depending on these studies, programmes of elective courses, assinments that reinforce students knowledge, and activities to enhance vocational qualifications are investigated. Furthermore, the research work explores the benefits of the profile and pre-profile education theories. The outcomes of the school practice show that students chemistry interests have been recognised.

Thus, every stage of the students pre-profile chemistry teaching is accompanied by appropriate forms, methods, and content. 

17-22 237

Compliance with the regime of rational nutrition, control of the energy balance, the presence of the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals ensure a high level of efficiency. The assessment of the daily diet of students during training was carried out according to the caloric content, caloric content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates contained in food, the respondents revealed a deficiency of protein, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, energy value. 

23-29 208

The main indicators of macroeconomic development in European countries are analyzed. Under the influence of the pandemic, the GDP of highly developed countries have been decreased most rapidly, the inflation index was higher in countries with an average level of development. Comparison of the dynamics of industrial production of food products with other industries (on the example of Ukraine) is showed that the food sector is more resistant to the negative effects of the pandemic. The annual growth rate of the export value of the main food groups in European countries is estimated. The most vulnerable to the negative phenomena of the pandemic was the export of meat products. The negative factors of the impact of the global pandemic on the food sector have been studied: rising prices; complex logistics; reduction in the number of personnel, decrease in labor productivity. A well-thought-out food policy can reduce the negative effects of the pandemic.

30-43 218

The great achievements of the oil production and refining industries are accompanied by a constant influx of oil polluting substances into the soil, reservoirs and other environmental objects. Due to their toxic effects, great damage is caused to agriculture, arable land is decommissioned, and the functioning of aquatic ecosystems and life on the planet as a whole are disrupted. Oil-producing microorganisms play a leading role in cleaning oilcontaminated ecosystems. Currently, the most promising methods of bioremediation of objects of the external environment with the help of biologics based on microorganisms capable of using organic pollutants as carbon sources are proposed. In this article, the separation of Aboriginal strains from oil-contaminated soil and their identification were carried out. 

44-48 185

Coatings made of perchlorovinyl enamels have sufficient resistance to atmospheric influences, to the action of water, oil, acids, alkalis and corrosive gases. They are applied to metal and wood. The disadvantages of these materials include their low heat resistance (not higher than 80°C) and poor adhesion to metals. Elimination of the above disadvantages is possible by introducing additives of surfactants of various compositions into the composition of perchlorovinyl paintwork materials. 

49-57 172

Using aluminum as an example, it was shown that the quantum chemical method for calculating RM-3 can be used to calculate the physicochemical properties of metals included in the first three periods of the periodic table. Face-centered cubic lattices of cells of unoxidized and oxidized aluminum were calculated (these lattices consist of cubic and rhombic subsystems). It was shown that the rhombic subsystem of the aluminum lattice does not oxidize at normal temperature in atmospheric air. Calculations showed that negatively charged halogen ions cannot chemically interact with the oxidized cubic subsystem of aluminum cells, in which each aluminum atom is chemically bonded to three oxygen atoms. It was found that the dissolution of the surface of oxidized aluminum in sea water occurs as a result of the interaction of negatively charged halogen ions with aluminum atoms located in the rhombic non-oxidized subsystem of aluminum cells. The destruction of an aluminum product in sea water begins only after the complete destruction of the rhombic subsystems of all oxidized aluminum cells on the surface of the product. It was shown that in sea water the most active destroyers of aluminum products are bromine and fluorine ions (at the same time, chlorine and iodine ions also destroy the surface of oxidized aluminum, but less actively). It was concluded that in order to increase the service life of aluminum products in sea water, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the oxidized aluminum layer on the surface of the products. 

58-67 444

The research work is devoted to the study of the biodiversity of medicinal plants in the Kyzylzhar district of the North Kazakhstan region. Compiled a list of medicinal species and taxonomic composition distribution. Based on our research, 162 species from 131 genera and 40 families were identified. A large family containing 12 species (18.75%) of medicinal plants used in official medicine is Rosaceae. In second place is the aster family (Asteraceae), which includes 10 plants from 9 genera. The legume family (Fabaceae) contains 8 plants from 4 genera, the buckwheat family (Polygonaceae) includes 6 medicinal plants from 3 genera. Of these, 22 families are represented by only one species and one genus, for example, these are such families as: Iridaceae, Asparagaceae, Utricaceae, Lamiaceae and others. A large family containing 12 species (12.24%) of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine is the Asteraceae family. 7 species of medicinal plants contain families: ranunculaceae (Ranunculaceae), legumes (Fabaceae), umbellate (Apiaceae). The family Rosaceae (Rosaceae) consists of 6 species of medicinal plants. The Rosaceae family, which is a large family in terms of the number of species of medicinal plants used by official medicine, is considered in more detail. The useful properties of some medicinal plants belonging to traditional and alternative medicine are described. 

68-80 248

For the dairy industry in the 21st century, environmental problems are of particular relevance due to the depletion of resources and the need to preserve the environment. Both in domestic and world practice, the problem of using whey, which has a high nutritional and biological value, and which pollutes wastewater to the greatest extent, has not been solved. In recent years, a fundamentally new direction of industrial processing of whey has been actively and purposefully formed - obtaining derivative components that are target products, in particular, alcohol. In connection with the foregoing, we can conclude that it is necessary to carry out the greening of dairy production, associated with solving the problem of using secondary raw materials in this industry. The purpose of the study: to study the microbial diversity of whey and identify isolated pure strains. In the course of the study, the microbiological indicators and taxonomic composition of the microbial community of whey of Merke Cheese Factory LLP, Amiran LLP (whey), Stella Alpina LLP (cheese whey) were studied. The physical-chemical and organoleptic properties of whey have been studied.. 1 strain of yeast and 1 strain of lactic acid bacteria were isolated from serum samples. The morphological and cultural properties of isolated yeasts and lactic acid bacteria were studied, as a result, strains of Lactococcus lactis M1, Candida inconspicua A1 were identified to the species level. 


81-87 228

Improving the process of physical education of cadets of military universities of Kazakhstan is an urgent problem, in solving which it is necessary to take into account the professional and applied orientation of their training in relation to specific types of service and combat activities and diverse climatic and geographical conditions, because insufficiently developed physical abilities often hinder the mastery of professional skills. Along with the general applied orientation of the system of physical education in military universities of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to provide special profiling of classes in relation to combat training – specific types of service activities and upcoming service in various terrain (in the steppe, in the mountains, in the forest). Most types of professional activities of military personnel are generally inaccessible without prior physical training, therefore, targeted physical training improves the quality of vocational training and at the same time gives a significant economic effect, since the time and material costs for training appropriately qualified personnel are reduced. 

88-96 226

To optimize the process of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions, a number of issues directly related to improving the health of each student are provided. The purpose of the research is theoretical systematization, development and practical testing of ways to optimize the physical culture and sports activities of students of higher educational institutions, substantiation of recommendations. The methods of analysis, pedagogical control, comparison of scientific and methodological literature and methodological guidelines on the research topic were used. To achieve the results of the theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, principles and new approaches, methods and technologies that contribute to effective implementation are needed. Optimization of physical education is a conscious choice of the best forms, specific conditions and approaches to the construction of lessons and the educational process aimed at building a pedagogical process based on the laws and principles of theories and methods of physical education. In order to increase the effectiveness of physical education, it is necessary to introduce into programs not only proven methods, but also new organizational methods. Sports-oriented programs, competitions, and observational results aimed at in-depth study of individual sports and modern motor systems for students allow them to form a stable need for classes and evaluate their abilities. He actually trains national teams of universities and contributes to the formation of healthy youth. Thus, the choice of a sports-oriented curriculum in the organization of the educational process and the adjustment of the content of the work program meets the needs of students and provides new opportunities. To further improve physical education programs and the use of sports-oriented technologies, it is necessary to increase the physical culture and sports interests of students, increase their motor activity, and give new motivation to the lifestyle. All this makes it possible to determine the priorities of the choice of learning technologies. The most important conditions for optimizing the process of physical education, contributing to the involvement of students in physical education, are the actualization of the system of significant needs, motives, interests and a principled approach to the didactic content of the lesson content. The teacher should analyze in detail the previously used and applied methods of influence when involving students in physical activity and stimulate the ability to actively respond to the educational influences available in it. 


97-102 220

This article discusses the main trends in the development of the healthcare system in Kazakhstan as a digital state. The reasons for the need to strengthen the IT industry as the basis for the digitalization of the socioeconomically important system of the country are described. In addition, article provides recommendations in order to improve the efficiency of the process of digitalization of the healthcare system. 

103-108 185

The article reveals the idea of creating an integrated territory reporting. Integrated territory reporting refers to public information about how resources, strategy, management of the territory, taking into account the external environment, create the well-being of the territory in the short, medium and long term. The relevance of creating such reporting is related to the search for a solution to the scientific problem of insufficient information support for effective management of the development of territories and economic regions. The novelty of the author's approach to the formation of public information about the territory, region lies in the fact that it is applied to territories as economic regions, not administrative regions; it is based on the principles of integrated reporting, which were first applied to the reporting of the territory, and not to the reporting of the organization.

109-116 192

The article presents the state of solid fuel reserves and their share in the world energy sector. The air pollution caused by the operation of heating devices using solid fuels is a significant problem. In order to improve the air quality, heating device producers take constant measures to improve their products. However, the emission results achieved during an initial test of heating devices in the laboratory may be much worse during operation in real operating conditions. The ways of increasing the efficiency of the boiler by improving its design for combustion in full-layer mode are shown. The results of the testing of the improved КВТС-0.2 hot water boiler is presented and the technical and economic indicators are determined, which indicate an increase in the efficiency of the boiler. 

117-121 292

The article examines the experience of fighting corruption in Singapore, Denmark and New Zealand. Having considered the anti-corruption programs of these countries, it is possible to draw up an effective program to combat corruption offenses. Thanks to the effective fight against corruption carried out in these countries, they managed to take the first lines in the ranking of the level of perception of corruption among the population. Many developing countries can use the example of these countries to choose the most efficient methods for combating corruption offenses, since they have already shown their effectiveness, which can be traced to the examples of Singapore, Denmark and New Zealand.The relevance of this article lies in the fact that the fight against corruption is of great importance for the favorable development of all states around the world. States need to constantly update their anti-corruption legislation in order to successfully combat corruption. Since only a high-quality anticorruption policy is capable of giving the state an opportunity for further growth. 

122-126 220

The topic of combating corruption in our world is more relevant than ever. Corruption negatively affects the state apparatus, which affects its functioning. The article examines the experience of fighting corruption in the United States of America. To prevent bribery in public policy, the United States of America became one of the first countries to initiate an active fight against corruption. The relevance of this article lies in the fact that corruption that occurs at the highest levels of government leads to the destruction of the political, economic and legal system of the state. Therefore, in order to effectively combat it, it is necessary to carefully study the experience of other states, adopting all effective methods.


127-139 167

The necessity and expediency of enhancing national standards of the type of technical specifications that norm the safety and quality parameters of meat and dairy products, which is a promising area of technical regulation in Ukraine, are substantiated. It is noted that possible directions for improving national standards that regulate the technical specifications for meat and milk products are the development of new and revision of existing standards aimed at regulating the rheological properties of products, as well as the use of environmentally friendly biodegradable packaging materials. An important direction in enhancing technical regulation is the implementation in national standards of technical specifications for meat and dairy products used to solve issues of food security of the state, in particular, the products laid down for long-term storage or intended to solve food problems of the population during the periods of emergency. 

140-148 187

Studies have been carried out to determine the increase in the resistance of soft wheat variety Omskaya-36 to diseases from the use of the microbiological preparation Extrasol: 2020 - Kostanay district, I-II natural-climatic zone; southern chernozem, heavy loamy, soil solution reaction pH - 8.3, humus content 3.3%; 2022 - Karabalyk district, I-II natural and climatic zone; ordinary chernozem soil solution pH - 7.2, humus content 3.5%. To determine the effectiveness of the microbiological preparation Extrasol on the restraint of the spread and development of diseases, field plots were selected with annual sowing of spring wheat (monoculture).

It was determined that the use of the microbiological preparation Extrasol reduced the suppression of the most common diseases in the conditions of the Kostanay region on spring wheat, and timely treatment made it possible to block the development of pathogenic diseases, which ensured the further development of plants.


149-158 173

The equipment of the oil and gas industry has very high requirements for the quality and reliability of products, because the products in most cases work in extremely difficult conditions, which leads to wear of parts and requires both current and major repairs of pumps. In both cases, it is necessary to have spare parts. Due to its ease of operation and maintenance, reliability and operability, the НБ-125 drilling piston pump has found wide application in the oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan, Russia and other CIS countries. Currently, VF Poisk LLP is engaged in the manufacture of spare parts for this equipment and the main aspect is the development and development of the production of bimetallic sliding bearings, which will prolong the successful operation of pumps of this type. The development of the manufacturing process, the selection of equipment, the design of devices for processing and pouring the sliding bearing has become a priority task in the conditions of its own production of VF Poisk LLP. 

159-166 281

The article presents an algorithm for constructing an individual educational trajectory, taking into account the initial level of knowledge and the value of the function of the influence of initial conditions on the duration of training, as well as the author's definition of an individual educational trajectory as a form of organizing independent work. To build an individual educational trajectory, the basic rules for the formation of a program based on learning outcomes, achievements, and wishes are determined. The analysis of existing standards in the field of education, models and rules of training modules used to form educational trajectories was carried out. The development of an algorithm for constructing an individual educational trajectory, taking into account the achievements and functional state of students, makes it possible to automatically build an educational process that is suitable for each individual student, taking into account the requirements of the educational program. 

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)