
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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No 1 (46) (2020)
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7-11 164

The article considers the current geoecological state of agricultural territories of the North Kazakhstan region and provides an ecological and economic assessment of their use. The region is a classic agricultural region, which is due to the optimal ratio of natural conditions: flat terrain, fertile soils, favorable climatic conditions for growing crops, etc. Agricultural land occupies 85.2% of the region’s area, which creates a significant anthropogenic load on the region’s geo-ecosystems. Studies have shown that agricultural development in the region has led to significant environmental problems, including soil degumification, soil pollution with pesticides, disruption of natural migration of substances in the soil, disturbance of soil structure, degradation of natural vegetation cover, etc. All this leads to degradation of soils, a decrease in their fertility, as well as to a decrease in the area of land suitable for agriculture. Thus, this leads to the fact that the region has the maximum total soil load in Kazakhstan, calculated by a set of indicators - plowing, type of agriculture, yield, crop rotation, etc.

12-18 152

In this paper, Mo-Cd compounds obtained by deposition in an ion-plasma installation were considered. For this purpose, a method is used for obtaining coatings with a nanocrystal structure using ion-plasma deposition of metals, followed by deposition on the substrate in the form of island films. Fundamentally new coatings based on molybdenum-cadmium Mo-Cd were obtained. For the first time, mo-Cd synthesis was obtained at a temperature not higher than 100 ° C and was carried out using the thermoflutination melting effect. The channeling effect was used to study the structure of single-crystal samples using Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy. Based on the analysis of the spectra obtained at different orientations of the ion beam in the channeling directions, it is possible to obtain information about the crystal perfection of the studied sample. From the analysis of the value of the surface peak, which is the result of a direct collision of ions with surface atoms, you can get information about the structure of the surface, for example, about the presence of rearrangements, relaxations and adsorbates on it. The experiments were performed using an x-ray diffractometer, an electron microscope, and a cryogenic unit.

19-28 188

Tuberculosis as an infectious disease has been known since ancient times. Such mani of tuberculosis as cough, sputum, hemoptysis, exhaustion, are described by Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna. In the Middle Ages, tuberculosis was widespread in many countries of the world.
The infectious nature of tuberculosis has been known since ancient times. Many scientists have tried to prove this. But the «revolution» in phthisiology was the discovery by the German bacteriologist Robert Koch on March 24, 1982 of the causative agent of tuberculosis, detected by microscopic examination of the patient's sputum. The causative agent was called Koch's bacillus. For discovering the causative agent of tuberculosis, R. Koch was awarded the Nobel Prize, and March 24 was declared World Tuberculosis Day.
The discovery of the causative agent of tuberculosis, which for a long time remained an unknown «white plague» for humanity, inspired hope that something could be done to defeat this disease. Campaigns against tuberculosis began, donations were collected to fight it. In 1987, the first postage stamp dedicated to the fight against tuberculosis appeared. They began to pay much attention to educational work, and the number of publications devoted to tuberculosis increased.

29-35 173

The article is devoted to the study of the species composition of zooplankton of Lake Staritsa, as one of the indicators of the fish food base of the examined water body. The selection and research of material on the species, quantitative and qualitative composition of zooplankton was carried out using a high-quality tool (Apstein network) and hydrobiological net. The identification of the species composition of aquatic organisms was carried out in the laboratory under microscopes of various series: MBS-10, MCX-200 and MCX-300.
During the determination of zooplankton species, it was established: 9 species of branched crustaceans, 3 species of copepod crustaceans and 1 species of shell crayfish. In quantitative terms, it looks as follows: cladocera - 69%, copepods - 23% and in a smaller number - rotifers - 8%. The most common species in the studied water body is Polyphemus pediculus (37%), less Simocephalus vetulus (22,2%). By the abundance of the species, again, 93.5%, the species Polyphemus pediculus with a population of 110040 ind./m3 prevails and therefore it is attributed to the dominant species, and all the rest (12 species) to small and rare. The studied species composition of the zooplankton of Lake Staritsa allows us to judge the water body as above average feed and can be recommended for fish farming.

36-39 150

The article presents the materials obtained as a result of the study of the influence of abiotic factors during the year on the growth and development of lambs. It was found that they are quite adapted to the unstable weather of spring, hot summer, moderately growing until autumn, in winter with high viscosity and decline. The offspring of sheep in winter and early spring refers to the progressive method of cultivation. Offspring born in winter and early spring are resistant to summer heat. The difference between winter and spring lambs at birth is 11.6%, and at weaning from the mother-3.2%. In addition, at the age of 4.5 months, lambs have the highest slaughter yield (49.8-52.0%). The Karakul farms of the Suzak region have not been sufficiently studied about the influence of the term of lambing animals on the growth and development of the resulting offspring. During this period, the average daily weight of young animals born in early spring was 309.0 g, born in the spring-300.0 g .. However, in General, the live weight of lambs from birth to 2 months of age increased by 5.07-4.7 times, respectively.

40-44 155

The introduction of new technical regulations and stricter environmental standards for gasoline and diesel fuel imply the use of high-precision methods of monitoring their properties. One of the main controlled indicators is the content of sulfur in the fuel. Sulfur in diesel fuel is one of the negative elements in its content. The permitted amount of sulfur-containing impurities is strictly limited, since their presence negatively affects the environmental situation and reduces the life of the equipment. The article presents the method of lamps for determining sulfur in diesel fuel, describes the apparatus for determining sulfur in petroleum products. The value of the lamp method according to the known GOST consists in burning the oil products in a glass lamp and absorbing the resulting sulfur dioxide with a solution of sodium carbonate and oxidizing the resulting sodium sulfite with oxygen to sodium sulfate. Application of the proposed modified method in practice will help to prevent errors in the determination of sulfur in petroleum products. The value of the method consists in burning a sample of oil with a wick in a glass lamp and absorbing the resulting sulfur dioxide with a solution of iodine.

45-48 157

The article provides information about the technology of preparation and use of yeast organisms. Practice of beer-making work has established that local types of yeast in the form of significantly adapted to the conditions of beer-making activity of this area are ahead of transported yeast in their efficiency. Yeast organisms are widespread in nature and play a large role in human life. Many of them have the ability not only to ferment sugar-containing substrates, but also to synthesize various vital substances (vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and others). The vital activity of yeast is based on production processes in a number of food industries (winemaking, brewing, baking coating, etc.). We collected material for microbiological analysis, in the phase of ripening grapes-wine. We received each grade sample twice within 5-8 days. They examined the grapes, the grape Bush, the soil under the ground, and various fruits. We found out that wine yeast is found in vineyards. Or meet there only in any form. For microbiological analysis, we collected the fruits in sterile and non-sterile form.


49-64 151

In this article will be presented the practice of criminal profiling, an investigative approach which aims to predict the behavior of serial offenders based on behavioral evidence which can be deducted by physical evidence.
After giving the definition of criminal profiling, the focus is set on the field of application of this investigative technique, which can be identified in the variety of crimes defined as «serial», that is the succession of similar crimes perpetrated by the same individual. After that are presented the first attempts of actual criminal profiling before its effective theorization. The focus is then put on about the «first modern profiler» -John Douglas- and his pioneering studies on criminal behavior, which led, in the 80s, to the publication of the Crime Classification Manual and to the Crime Scene Analysis approach in profiling criminals.
To conclude, are presented the modern approaches to criminal profile who followed the FBI’s one and the criticalities of the practice individuated by scholars of the different fields which influences this fascinating investigation practice.

65-70 214

The audit of the production cycle is the most complex and time-consuming. Almost always, it has its own characteristics, depending on the nature of the industry and business of each client. In addition, basically all sources of audit evidence are internal documents created by the economic entity itself, which, in accordance with audit standards, reduces their value for audit. Therefore, for a successful inspection of the production cycle, a good understanding by the auditor of the essence of the production process and its technological features, as well as visual familiarization with production shops and lines, and warehousing are especially important. The article discusses the nature, content, concept of the audit of the production cycle, the duration of the production cycle, the need to take into account the production cycle, the goals and objectives of the audit of the production cycle. The purpose of this scientific article is to disclose the features of the audit of industrial enterprises as a tool to increase their economic security, determine its structure, stages of the sequence, key functions and tasks.

71-79 195

The main value of the relationship between credit institutions and their borrowers is a mutually beneficial partnership, which is directly related to the creditworthiness of the borrower. An insolvent and insolvent company will not be attractive as a partner not only for the bank, but also for suppliers and investors. In the process of assessing the creditworthiness of enterprises-borrowers, it is necessary to pay special attention to quality parameters. One of them is the industry to which the company belongs. Analysis of the direction of development of the industry allows us to predict the risks of changes in external factors that may significantly affect the profitability or profitability of an enterprise, the quality of its assets and, importantly, its ability to meet its debt obligations. These risks exist in all sectors of the economy, and no company is able to avoid them. Obviously, when analyzing the creditworthiness of enterprises, the analysis of the industry plays a huge role. To effectively assess creditworthiness, it is necessary to use a comprehensive method that takes into account not only the internal reporting and the quality of enterprise management, but also the specifics of the industry to which the enterprise belongs.

80-85 192

The rich scientific heritage left by al-Farabi brought him world fame. The main themes that had been of concern to him all his life and became the basis of the entire system of worldview were the themes of the individual, improving its morality, increasing the intellectual level, achieving freedom and happiness for all mankind.
The philosopher's statements concerning the life of people and social structure in this city are remarkable. He called it «the most delightful and happy of the ignorant cities», and also believed that there were all conditions for talented philosophers, scientists, and poets to live and work in it in the future.
Al-Farabi had an excellent memory and perseverance, it is known that before arriving in the capital of the Arab Caliphate, he knew only a few languages . In addition to learning languages, the thinker spent almost all of his free time studying medicine and logic. Contemporaries described him as an extremely intelligent man and a talented commentator on the works of Aristotle. And although his influence on al-Farabi was extremely great, the student quickly surpassed the teacher.
According to al-Farabi, the main task of a true ruler is to strive for true happiness not only for himself, but also for his subjects. The ability to achieve goals is the art of management .
According to Farabi himself, a virtuous person should not be afraid of death , he must maintain dignity and not panic, trying to prolong life, because it is only a means to create good.

86-89 148

This article examines the features of the expression of concepts in the works of the English writer S. Maugham from the point of view of the conceptual approach, which consists in identifying the most significant ideological and content components that represent the essence of the writer's linguistic personality. The author identifies the main language expressions used to define and further analyze the four main concepts that represent the author's linguistic personality and style. The level transitions of concepts are divided based on the analysis of the work, such as «Theater», «Moon and Penny». Also, based on the analysis, three main concepts were identified, followed by examples. The analysis of S. Maugham's work and the calculation of explication leads to the identification of the author's individual style by recognizing the conceptual ideality of the text. Based on the obtained data, the main concept used by the author in was identified.

90-95 229

This article examines one of the institutions of the Islamic financial system - insurance («Takaful»), analyzes its place in the system of national legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, identifies trends and prospects for development in modern conditions.
The Islamic insurance model, Takaful, is based on the rules and principles of Muslim law. Takaful is widely used not only in the countries of the Muslim world, but also in the Western world, since Islamic Finance on the world market demonstrates its viability and maintains financial stability.
Kazakhstan's close cooperation with the Muslim world has also led to changes in the economic sector. The introduction of Islamic financial institutions, including insurance, into the Kazakh financial system is one of the priorities.
As part of this task, changes and additions to current legislation were planned; development of partnership relations with the Islamic Bank Group, implementation of the Islamic Finance Roadmap until 2020.

96-101 169

In the modern world, the need to learn a foreign language is beyond doubt. A person who speaks two or more languages is more competitive and highly valued in a professional environment. In this regard, teaching a professionally-oriented language is one of the most important tasks of each educational institution. However, despite all the efforts and modernization of educational programs, only a small part of students graduate from universities with a sufficient level of professional foreign language. During the process of teaching a foreign language, many difficulties arise that both teachers and students encounter. This article is devoted to the study of difficulties in mastering foreign language speech by students of non-linguistic specialties of universities. The author examines the difficulties in mastering the material and the formation of foreign language skills that both teachers and students encounter. The article attempted to classify difficulties based on the systematization of information obtained from the studied scientific works.

102-107 247

The article considers the need to increase the analyticity of accounting and the increasing role of economic analysis in substantiating the effective activities of an economic entity. And also, through economic analysis, the positive and negative aspects of the past and current activities of the enterprise are determined to improve its work in the future. In the new conditions, the value of the analysis of indicators determining production efficiency is increasing: labor productivity, the use of production assets, production costs, profit, profitability. The essence of the economic analysis is determined in the article, the necessity of its analysis is substantiated, the fundamental provisions necessary for the analysis of the enterprise investment in fixed assets, their operation and reproduction are determined, the analysis of the efficiency of using fixed assets is carried out, the purpose of the analysis of the use of fixed assets is determined, the analysis of composition, structure and the dynamics of fixed assets, analysis of the efficiency of use of fixed assets, a number of measures are proposed that allow the organization of increase the efficiency of fixed assets.

108-115 219

At the present stage of economic and social development, the development of economic management methods that take into account the minimal environmental impact of business entities requires an improvement in the assessment of natural potential and its application. Currently, when regulating accounting and accounting (financial) statements, environmental aspects are reflected to some extent haphazardly, in the absence of explanations of accounting terminology, a comprehensive methodology for greening accounting, and requirements for the disclosure of environmental information in accounting (financial) statements. Hence the need arises to consider the environmental issues of the financial and accounting system as an integral part of the accounting processes of business entities. The concept of environmental financial reporting is given in the article, the main aspects of environmental accounting are considered, the environmental accounting is defined, the components of environmental accounting are defined, the content of environmental policy based on ISO 14001 is examined, the role of financial reporting in disclosing social factors is examined. A corporate reporting system based on GRI principles is also considered.

116-121 151

This article discusses the possibility of using the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program in foreign language classes at the university and proposes a methodology for constructing a «Ruhani Zhangyru» program model that can be used in the «Foreign language» classroom to educate students and improve basic English language skills. In this article, we focus on achieving practical results in mastering the English language through the introduction of the basic elements of the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program. This study shows that the implemented projects help to purposefully form and develop communication skills of students in non-linguistic specialties at the university. Also, this article presents the possibility of implementing teaching and educational goals that will contribute to the patriotic, spiritual and moral expansion of the horizons of students, increase their general culture and education. Consequently, training under the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program in English classes can make a huge contribution to the consciousness of every student at NKSU.

122-132 176

A characteristic feature of scientific work carried cut in the late 20th century and early 21th, in order to identify the general and differential when comparing various phenomena in languages, is desire to recreate the concepts of representatives various linguistic cultures. In this article, an attempt is made of study the basic image of the concept in two different language cultures: kazakh and russian cultures based on a chain associative experiment, this allows us to identify the real components of the studied mental unit of consciousness.
As representatives of Russian and Kazakh nationalities live in a the North-Kazakhstan region for a long historical period, there is an interaction and mutual influence of cultures and languages, that is the reason, for the coincidence of certain conceptual features.
The result of the experiment can be used in an id-depth study of concept of a woman in comparison with other units of the linguistic picture of the world.

133-140 194

This article discusses the concept of crimes in social networks. The XXI century has become the era of the highest flowering of scientific and technological progress, achievements that significantly simplify the lives of millions of people. However, the presence of such gadgets in mass use, creates a problem such as crime in this area. One of the most dangerous is the threat of penetration into the information and telecommunications environment, as well as the Internet. The threat of such a problem was described by representatives of the literature in the early twentieth century. In the global Internet, there are many varieties, but they can be divided into only two groups: those that are related to the interaction of man with technology, and those that are related to the interaction of man with man. Among them, special attention should be paid to the second group, since it is the one that poses the greatest threat to the security of not only the individual, but also to society and the state. It is called crime in social networks. Speaking of social networks, it is necessary to understand exactly the part of the Internet space in which there is a possibility of social interaction. This understanding gives you the ability to define objects, which are not only the usual networks as «Vkontakte», «Facebook», «Instagram» and others, but also services such as «WhatsApp», «Skype», «Telegram», etc.


141-145 159

This article is devoted to studying the prospects of integrating mobile applications at the lessons, as well as in independent work on English teaching students of non-linguistic specialties of the university. We have carried out experimental - experimental work, aimed at researching and evaluating the possibilities of using mobile applications for classroom and independent study of English by students. An analysis of the questionnaire revealed a positive attitude of the first- second year students of various specialties and different levels of English proficiency towards the use of mobile applications not only in the classroom, but also during independent work, as well as the basic functions of the mobile application that fully satisfy the needs of students . In addition to questionnaires, an experiment was conducted in the control and experimental groups in order to identify the effectiveness of a mobile application using in teaching professional vocabulary in English. The results of this research can contribute to the practice of using mobile learning, as well as expand the opportunities for universities to integrate mobile learning in the process of learning English.

146-151 169

This article is devoted to the study of the general provisions of the politeness category in linguistics, positioning politeness as an essential condition for successful communication. Various approaches to the definition «concept», the structure of the politeness concept is revealed and analyzed. Directly the universal category of the term «politeness» is analyzed by the authors. From the standpoint of cognitive linguistics, the authors also consider the specifics of the components of the «politeness» concept. The concept of «politeness» has a small figurative component, a large information content, a voluminous encyclopedic zone, and a small interpretive field in the frame of volume and structure. During the associative experiment, it is shown that the concept of politeness is represented by various associations and reflected the existing language consciousness of Kazakhstan's modern youth representatives. The authors reveals similarities and differences in the understanding of the concept studied by the representatives in comparison of Kazakh and Russian communicative linguocultures. It is necessary to understand, know and take into account both the general meanings and specific components of the concept in the frame of intercultural multicultural communication.

152-155 251

XXI century is the age of information technologies. Currently, modern means of processing and transferring information are being introduced in various areas of human activity. This is also evident in education. The article discusses one of the innovative technologies in teaching foreign languages-the «Flipped classroom» technology, which differs significantly from traditional teaching methods. The «flipped classroom» is a learning model in which the teacher provides students with material for self-study at home, and in the classroom, the practical work is done to consolidate the studied material. The article presents the peculiarities and distinctive features of the «flipped classroom», examines its advantages and disadvantages, and provides step-by-step instructions for using this technology. The main advantages of the «flipped classroom» are the ability to implement a more individual approach when working with a group, a positive influence on the motivation of students, as well as the development of important personal qualities, such as critical thinking, interaction with people, responsibility, ability to solve tasks, and many others.

156-160 187

Swimming is the most effective means of healing and one of the most popular sports among students. Its comprehensive effect on the functional systems of the body is proved. Systematic swimming classes contribute to improving health, swimming is an effective way to deal with colds, it increases students’ working capacity. Even staying in water and doing the simplest exercises is an irritant that stimulates the activation of physiological processes of the whole organism and develops adaptive reactions. Analyzing swimming classes, it should be noted that there is a great interest of the second year students in the discipline «Physical Culture» and in swimming. Students became more disciplined, attendance and motivation were improved. The article presents the results of study of the students’ swimming preparedness on specialties «Pedagogy and methodic of elementary education» and «Preschool education and upbringing» in the NKSU named after M. Kozybayev. Analyses of the students’ swimming preparedness were conducted during «Physical Culture» classes. Independent experts took part in the assessment.

161-165 174

The strategy of the psychologist’s activity to develop the communicative competence of a student studying with the use of remote educational technologies is based on the introduction of a comprehensive program into the educational process. Its implementation allows the student to understand the influence of the specifics of distance learning and to create an idea of the personal peculiarities that affect the development of communicative competence; develop their social and psychological qualities which implement communicative skills and the ability to navigate the use of verbal and non-verbal means to achieve mutual understanding in a communication situation; to develop skills and skills of self-regulation of behavior manifested in the ability to rebuild when external conditions change and to act effectively in various life situations which will allow students to successfully function in socially heterogeneous groups, to solve specific practical tasks arising in different spheres of life.

166-171 168

This article discusses some modern methods of teaching foreign languages in a non-language university which is quite relevant in modern methods of teaching foreign languages, gives an overview and describes the essence of the most recognized of them. The proposed methods relate to methods of active learning and represent a communication-oriented direction of the methodology of teaching foreign languages. The use of these methods allows students to see not only an external source of information and a foreign language means of communication in a foreign language but also to use it to express their own thoughts and understanding of other people. In addition, information and communication technologies which form the basis of certain modern methods contribute to the realization of the interactivity principle and joint the participants’ creativity in the educational process.

172-179 172

In modern conditions, great influence is given to the development of human capital, the basic element of human capital development is the education system of any country. At the current stage of development, the state pays special attention to the reform of secondary education, which is manifested in improving the social status of the teacher, through the adoption of special legislative acts and improving the level of work. At the same time, it seems to us that the practical mechanism for implementing these changes in practice has not been fully worked out and realized. The absence of an effective reform mechanism can lead to significant omissions in the work of the entire secondary education system. This article highlights the proposal to create effective institutions to support the educational process in modern conditions at the regional level. The issues of organizational and legal, methodological, technical and informational aspects of the organization of support of the educational process are considered. The result of this process organization is correlated with the tasks set by the state in the field of education. The project of the information system is presented graphically on the basis of which the interaction of all interested persons in the implementation of the support of the educational process can be built.

180-183 156

Today, the importance of career guidance for higher education institutions is increasing. After analyzing various sources, it is concluded that the problem of career guidance is covered sufficiently only in relation to schools, as for universities, there have been few studies in this direction.
This article is devoted to the issue of career guidance work at the University. Special attention is paid to forecasting the student population, namely, identifying patterns in changing the student population of the North Kazakhstan state University named after M. Kozybayev for the years 2005-2018. The task of the forecast is to identify development trends and warn about possible deviations from the planned indicative indicators. As a result of the study, the trend equation was obtained. As a result of the study, the trend equation was obtained. In conclusion, the article outlines the main directions for further research on this topic.

184-189 209

Physical education and sports have a health effect on the body, strengthening its systems, development of personal qualities. Physical education is an integral part of the educational process. In developing norms for physical culture and sport, first of all, the goal should be set to promote health, and then achieve a sporting result. In this regard, the health and physical fitness of students should be closely monitored. One form of monitoring is monitoring the results of physical fitness of the participants. The main criteria for assessing physical education at the university is the dynamics of the level of physical fitness of students, which can be traced through the admission of the same control standards at different periods of the educational process. The article analyzed the results of the control standards of students of the first - second courses of all faculties of the NKSU named after M. Kozybaev, except for the PCS, IMT, for the autumn and spring semesters.


190-194 163

Based on the study of literature sources, the classification of security monitoring systems was studied, it was established which components such systems consist of, their relationship and functional purpose, and the advantages and disadvantages of frequently used security systems were determined. The reasons for choosing the Arduino platform are described, and the advantages over other programmable platforms are described. Based on this analysis, a wireless security monitoring system based on Arduino was developed for protected enterprises and organizations that have protected dispersed objects. The proposed wireless security monitoring system works on radio frequencies and Wi-Fi connection. Data transmission will be carried out on the frequency of 433, 920 MHz. This system is very flexible in terms of choosing different sensors. This is a block diagram of a wireless security monitoring system based on Arduino. Thanks to the presence of receivers and transmitters in the scheme, remote monitoring of the status of sensors of the protected object is carried out from a personal computer.

195-198 160

This article discusses the various types of fixtures for removal and installation of rebar in the repair of transport equipment: bulgarian, rebar shears, rebar cutting machines, manual rebar shears, special shears, hydraulic rebar shears, electric rebar shears, guillotine for chopping. As well as the development of its own device for cutting mounting fittings for the repair of transport equipment. The productivity of the installer and the quality of the work performed depends on the availability of a modern set of tools and devices. The tool used in the production of works should be light, since a large mass of the tool quickly tires the worker. The maximum weight of the hand tool should not exceed 8 kg. if the weight is higher, it is necessary to use suspensions or any devices that facilitate the use of the tool. In construction, electric and pneumatic hand-held machines have become predominant.

199-203 143

Pollution in diesel fuel affects the performance and significantly reduces the reliability of the fuel equipment and the engine as a whole. When operating diesels, about 50% of all failures occur in the fuel system, with more than half of these failures caused by diesel contamination. In addition, pollution, falling with the fuel into the engine cylinders, cause wear of parts of the cylinder-piston group of engine equipment.
The article reflects three main problems that agricultural producers face when using machines in the analysis of the quality of diesel fuel used in the agro-industrial complex. In addition, we are talking about a new centrifuge method based on the purification of fuel from mechanical impurities and water. The water dissolved by this method is removed by a «micro-explosion» occurring in the centrifuge body. As a result, mechanical impurities in the fuel and partially resins are removed by reactive centrifugation, and micro particles of water are turned into mist, obtained from the centrifuge body, according to a specially developed scheme. The main characteristics of diesel fuel are presented in the form of tables before cleaning and after cleaning.

204-210 225

Increasing and updating the residential sector is a very important topic for Kazakhstan and the CIS countries. To address this issue, it is necessary to reconsider the approach to the construction of buildings. The optimal step is to use ready-made modular blocks in the construction of residential complexes instead of monolithic reinforced concrete structures. They have a number of significant advantages that allow you to reduce the final cost of the object. The origin of this type of construction occurred in the XX century in the USSR on the basis of volume-block housing construction. Structural types of blocks and their configuration were presented in different configurations, which gave a wide choice of use. Similar systems were used abroad, but eventually they came to variants of blocks based on metal and wood. At the moment, the modular units are manufactured in Russia and will be manufactured in Kazakhstan at a special plant. The analysis revealed key aspects of modular blocks and further prospects for their use in construction.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)