
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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No 4 (60) (2023)
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8-15 154

The research work is devoted to the study of the effect of herbicide treatment on the yield of spring rapeseed in the farms of the Magzhan Zhumabayev district of the North Kazakhstan region.
Field experiments were conducted to study the effect of herbicides on weed vegetation and the yield of spring rapeseed oil seeds. The timing of sowing spring rapeseed is the end of May. The species composition of the weed vegetation of rapeseed agrophytocenosis was determined. The most common weeds in spring rapeseed crops are tilted schiritsa, common shepherd's bag, white mar, field osot, creeping wheatgrass.
The type of clogging of crops is root-sprout-annual. The soil of the experimental field is a complex of leached and ordinary chernozems.
The objects of the study were selected herbicides "Simba" and "Hacker". These drugs are aimed at combating annual and perennial weeds. They have a systemic effect, are absorbed by the leaves, transferred to the point of growth, roots and rhizomes and easily move around the plant, disrupting cell division and stopping its growth.
The drug Simba has a high efficiency in the fight against monocotyledonous weeds in spring rape crops, the average efficiency for 28 days was 28.9%. Hacker herbicide is effective for controlling dicotyledonous juvenile and perennial weeds, providing an average efficiency of 40% in 28 days. Among the processing options, the most optimal from the point of view of crop quality was the treatment with Hacker preparation in compliance with the recommended consumption rate. The quality of the crop in this variant is close to the harvest with manual weeding and differs by only 3-5%.

16-23 133

The research work is devoted to the study of the biodiversity of medicinal plants of the Kyzylzhar district of the North Kazakhstan region. The distribution of medicinal plants of the Kyzylzhar district of the North Kazakhstan region is given.
We have considered 16 types of medicines common in the Kyzylzhar district. Based on our research, pharmacological properties of medicinal plants based on Turova A.N. and Sapozhnikova E.N. were identified: medicinal plants affecting tissue metabolism, acting in diseases of the liver and bile ducts, respiratory organs, digestive organs, cardiovascular diseases, the nervous system and medicinal plants used in gynecology. The most numerous pharmacological group are medicinal plants that act in diseases of the digestive system, they include 5 types of medicinal plants. Medicinal plants that act in diseases of the liver and biliary tract, cardiovascular diseases, the nervous system accounts for 1 medicinal plant.
Locations are marked for 16 types of medicinal plants at the Kyzylzhar district of the North Kazakhstan region. Among them there is one species of rare plants: Adonis vernalis L.

24-34 139

Herbarium collections are one of the most important tools for studying the biological diversity of the flora, giving an idea of the morphological structure of plants and floristic composition of biocenoses. The research work is devoted to the study of taxonomic composition of the subclass Lamiaceae (Lamiidae) in the herbarium collection of the Department of "Biology" SKU named after M. Kozybaev. The study is based on the inventory, determination of taxonomic identity of herbarium specimens. According to the results of the study 4 families, 34 genera and 50 species were described. The article presents data on the species composition of representatives of 4 families: Boraginaceae Juss., Labiatae Juss., Solanaceae L. and Scrophulariaceae Juss. The analysis of the collected data allowed to establish the degree of herbarization coverage of the species composition of the subclass Lamiidae in the North-Kazakhstan region and indicated the trajectories of herbarium fund completion.


35-40 131

This article is devoted to an urgent problem - the importance of developing the students’ brain activity in learning English. The object is the process of teaching a foreign (English) language in the first year of nonlinguistic specialties. The purpose of the work is to identify the reasons for the deterioration of students' cognitive abilities, inability to express their thoughts, prove, convince. The article provides a number of techniques that increase the motivation of students to study a foreign language, developing the mental and cognitive activities of students.
The article is written in a simple, understandable language, not overloaded with exhaustion, highly specialized terminology. The authors' conclusions are quite reasonable. The results of the work can be useful for teachers not only of a foreign language, but also of other humanitarian subjects.

41-46 156

The article highlights the creation of a new modern education system, the updating of its content and teaching methods, all aimed at nurturing citizens with high competitiveness, working in creative directions, and distinguished by their cognitive abilities. The proposed effective pathways are geared towards developing the education system. It's noted that the modern school is diverse and complex, constantly evolving, with new demands placed on educational content and the organization of the educational process in society.
It's determined that an effective manager is a conceptual ideal leader who understands the fundamental principles of management theory, can effectively implement them in practice, and demonstrates high professional competence. It's considered that an effective leader in modern society should be adept at setting goals correctly and solving emerging problems. Recommendations are provided to enhance a director's abilities in planning and executing work, organizing the workday, and outlining clear responsibilities.
Various methods for organizing the workday, delineating responsibilities, and making correct decisions regarding economic activities are suggested. Competencies required by school leaders to implement new initiatives in education are analyzed.

47-55 135

This article deals with the study of the influence of the use of an electronic textbook for schoolchildren in the lessons of «Biology» on the creative abilities of students. It is shown that in general, the use of an electronic textbook contributes to the increase of cognitive interest in the subject, the growth of students academic performance in the subject.

56-63 152

The article discusses the use of GIS technologies in the study of the transport complex, including motor transport, in the geography lessons of secondary school. A review of scientific and methodological literature on the peculiarities of the development and importance of road transport, as well as the use of geoinformation system in economic geography lessons. As a result of the analysis of the collected material, the main functions and methods of application of the geoinformation system in this area are identified, the advantages of the introduction of GIS technologies in the process of school education are noted. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given on the wide application of technologies in the process of teaching motor transport in the school geography course.

64-69 133

This article discusses the reasons for the appearance of modern technologies. We are talking about project technology, which is often used in the author's lessons. Here noted the advantages of using leading project technologies.
The work shows the effectiveness of technology in lyric epics of the Kazakh lessons. The article is devoted to the study of the "Kyz Zhibek" using project technology. A comprehensive analysis of traditions in the lyroepic song of "Kyz Zhibek" film.
The relevance of the article proved that the project technology is the only irreplaceable tool in the student's mind that arouses interest in the lyrical epic and encourages independent study of the topic. The author claims that due to the research, the interest of students in reading epic works was increased. The attention of the younger generation, which is mainly brought up by the environment, society and the Internet, was drawn to the national education of the Kazakh people.
In conclusion, the work was studied through project technology and turned into an exemplary that culturally expresses the feelings of love young people. It is reported that working on project technology, students have a great influence on the quality of work in groups, pairs.

70-77 151

The article describes the main methodological features of teaching “vector methods” in a school geometry course. In order to increase the efficiency of teaching students the vector method, the connections between the vector method and coordinate methods are analyzed. Examples of solving algebraic and geometric problems using the vector method were shown, showing the scope of vector studies covered in the school course. A brief overview of the history of the development of the vector method is given. The article is recommended for students, school teachers, methodologists and all interested parties.

78-83 128

This article addresses the issue of educating students about high and valuable moral qualities through the heroes portrayed in literary works. It highlights the importance of instilling universal personal values in students, values that significantly influence the formation of an individual's character and personality as a whole. Presently, the primary requirements of modern education involve nurturing a generation with a sense of patriotism, a high level of spiritual thinking, and a strong sense of responsibility.
The significance of utilizing the works of Magzhan Zhumabayev and Maxim Gorky in patriotic education is underscored. Darkness and light, East and West, heroism and betrayal, life and death coexist within the creativity of these writers. The comparative method reveals the richness of the heroes' souls, their strength, and courage.
The artistic thinking system harmonizes well with associative connections, philosophical, and psychological characteristics. A distinctive feature of patriotism lies in observing a high degree of national-artistic consciousness and personal development in individuals.Through the artistic images depicted in these works, there emerges an opportunity to understand individuals, their environment, and their inner experiences. These methods of portraying characters in literary literature enhance students' logical thinking skills.The power of these works lies in their ability to strengthen the national spirit in youth and elevate the sense of patriotism.


84-91 137

The article is devoted to the problems resulting from the modern spiritual crisis, as well as the search for ways to overcome this systemic crisis. Turning to the meaning of the concept of spirituality, the authors of the article considers a number of possibilities for overcoming the state of spiritual crisis, among which the desire for human values is indicated. The reasons and types contributing to overcoming, explaining the spiritual crisis and affirming the further growth and uplift of spirituality in all its manifestations are analyzed.

92-97 146

This article discusses current trends and problems of automation implementation in accounting of organizations. The main stages of the automation process are described, starting from the analysis and selection of suitable software to staff training and process optimization. The article emphasizes the importance of automation to improve the efficiency, accuracy and efficiency of accounting. Common programs and technologies are considered, as well as the advantages and challenges faced by enterprises when implementing automation in accounting processes are highlighted. The article emphasizes the importance of a balanced use of technology and the human factor for the successful fusion of automation with accounting practice.


98-104 131

Spring rapeseed hybrids of Chinese selection are characterized by high yield and good seed quality in the territory of the People's Republic of China. For more productive cultivation of any crop, research is needed to find the most effective varieties and hybrids of crops. Crop variety testing allows us to solve this problem.
The purpose of this article is to conduct a comprehensive variety testing of various spring rapeseed hybrids to adapt to the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan and use the yield potential. To achieve this goal, it is planned to solve the following problems: determining field germination, plant safety, elements of the crop structure and seed yield of rapeseed hybrids. The subject of the study is spring rapeseed hybrids. The research was carried out according to the guidelines for variety testing of agricultural crops. The study includes economic and morphological indicators, as well as seed productivity.
The results of the study helped to determine the most economically productive hybrid of spring rape between zoned hybrids in the North Kazakhstan region and hybrids of Chinese selection. The scope of application of the research results covers agriculture and the entire agro-industrial sector.
The conclusions of the article provide recommendations for selecting optimal rapeseed hybrids for cultivation in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan, which will help increase the yield level and production efficiency of this crop.


105-111 127

The article presents an analysis of the food industry market according to the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, the main share of meat and meat product producers as of 01.02.2023. Meat products are now regarded as high-risk products that carry both biological and chemical dangers. The International Epizootic Bureau (OIE) and Codex Alimentarius papers include guidelines for thuse of a risk-based approach to animal products. The OIE documents, on the other hand, primarily concern the veterinary welfare of farm animals, but in the Codex Alimentarius they relate to the completed product and are seen as relevant to human health. The technology aspect is not particularly addressed in these texts, but it is crucial in managing both individual hazards and their aggregate, allowing to produce products with guaranteed shelf-life safety as well as safety for human health and epizootic well-being. The success of the nation's socioeconomic development program will be greatly influenced by the quality, variety, and availability of food, which should be prioritized as a national effort.

112-117 229

This article presents an algorithm for testing an information system for monitoring the status of hardware. The purpose of this testing algorithm is to check the compliance of the system behavior with the requirements specified by the formal model, which were used in formal verification. The article discusses various methods for constructing multi-level models, new opportunities that can be extracted through a combination of functional specifications and implementation architecture specifications, limitations that have to be taken into account when organizing testing and monitoring of various hardware states. The need to create, provide and support universal and reliable algorithmic, information and software for testing the hardware monitoring information system has been established. The development and debugging of the developed software and software for the specified research purposes were presented.

118-128 144

The accumulation of moisture due to summer showers or due to sudden melting of snow can lead to deformation of the foundation of buildings, the appearance of cracks and deflections on it, as well as the release of harmful substances into the environment. Drainage systems, especially in urban infrastructure, play an important role in effectively treating wastewater and maintaining groundwater levels at safe levels. Automatic control of submersible pumps in such systems is critical to optimizing the drainage process and minimizing flood risks. This article develops a model of an automatic control system for submersible pumps in drainage wells, which includes components such as a drainage well, a drainage pipeline valve actuator, a pump and a level sensor. The model was created in the MatLab software environment using the Simulink application package, which made it possible to simulate and analyze the process of water entering a water collection well and its pumping out using a pump, as well as to study in detail how individual blocks of the system react to incoming water. The results of this work can be useful for engineers and designers working in the field of hydraulic engineering. They can use the model to optimize control systems and to predict and analyze the performance of drainage systems.

129-139 173

The article describes a methodology for developing a local network for remote monitoring of patient biomedical signals based on low-speed energy-saving ZigBee technology. The local network is based on two transmitters and one receiving module connected to the server. Transmitters transmit information from sensors about the condition of two patients (temperature, pulse, blood flow) to the on-site server. Information is displayed in a specially designed interface that is easy to visualize. In addition, audio elements are connected to the transmitting equipment to alert medical personnel if biomedical signal thresholds are exceeded. Thus, it is possible to monitor the condition of two or more patients (in one department, the number of transmitters can be in the dozens, thanks to the branched ZigBee topology).
In the future, it is planned to increase the number of transmitting modules to create a large local monitoring network in a single medical institution. In addition, there is the prospect of collecting more biosignals, including ECG, body position, oxygen saturation of the patient’s blood, etc.

140-147 145

GPT-4 Turbo represents a new milestone in the development of artificial intelligence (AI), providing unique opportunities for API integration into proprietary developments. This algorithm, based on the GPT-4 architecture, not only improves the quality of natural language, but also provides high performance and efficiency in a wide variety of tasks. In this article, we will look at the key characteristics of the GPT-4 Turbo, as well as consider the prospects for its implementation through the API in various areas.


148-155 127

This article focuses on examining the concept of “time” and the linguistic tools utilized to articulate it. The primary material for analysis is the novel “The Great Gatsby” written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The authors delve into the linguistic devices employed to depict the concept of “time”, interpret the findings, and scrutinize the interconnection between the main characters and the phenomenon of time. Special attention is given to the role of time in human life and the diverse ways individuals perceive it.

156-164 118

This article talks about the formation of students' ways of working with professional texts in the Kazakh language in Russian-speaking groups. Because the effectiveness of new methods is always important. The author focused on the formation of speaking, writing, reading and listening skills of students in their specialty. The article not only gives tasks revealing aspects and subtleties of jurisprudence, but also contains information aimed at studying new terms.
When writing the article, the authors paid special attention to tasks in the speech direction when working with the text, because they: develop mental activity; contribute to the formation of the use of the studied vocabulary and grammatical categories used in syntactic constructions. In the article, since the authors intend to form the mutual speech of students in their specialties, many tasks are set to create role-playing interviews, the ability to compose their own interviews using the example of ready-made interviews. There is also a training method, because any education begins with training.
Scientific significance of the research work: the article contributes to the development of the Kazakh language in higher educational institutions. And practical significance: the results of the study can be used as additional educational material in practical classes.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)