
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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No 2 (58) (2023)
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8-18 236

The widespread use of isoproturon [IPU] can lead to severe environmental pollution and threats to environmental functions. In this study, the PDMAB IPU bacterial n-demethylase gene was transported and expressed in fat pea chloroplast [Glycine Max L. 'Zhonghuang13']. Transgenic fat bean pods showed significant resistance to PPU and demethylated PPU to the phytotoxic 3-[4 - isopropylphenyl]-1-methylurea [MDIPU] metabolite in vivo. Transgenic fat bean pods removed 98% and 84% MPU from water and soil in 5 and 14 days respectively, accumulating fewer MPU in plant tissues compared to wild type [WT]. MPs showed higher rates of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in transgenic fat peas under stress [total biomass o f nodules and higher nitrogenase activity] and a more stable community of rhizosphere bacteria than WT. However, intensive use and accumulation of toxic herbicides can negatively affect the symbiosis of legumes. Thirty different herbicides and environmental pollutants have affected signaling between plants and rhizobias, delayed node formation, and reduced biological nitrogen fixation in vitro [Fox et al., 2007]. This study developed a transgenic [TS] oil bean that is capable of effectively removing PPU from the growing environment and restoring the high symbiotic ability to fix nitrogen under PPU stress, and provides new insight into the interaction between rhizospheric microorganisms and legumes under herbicidal stress.

19-25 161

The article highlights the problems associated with the restriction in the Republic of Kazakhstan of the use of synthetic nylon or other polyamide monofilaments and other synthetic monofilaments (hereinafter synthetic monofilaments) with a thread diameter of less than 0.5 millimeters [1]. The results of a comparative analysis of the catchability of traditional nylon nets and nets made of synthetic monofilament are presented.
In order to increase the catches of underutilized fish stocks, including mullet in the Kazakh sector of the Caspian Sea, recommendations were given on the possibility of allowing the use of a network made of synthetic monofilaments in fixed fishing areas of the Caspian Sea within the Mangystau region in a pilot procedure.
The study was funded by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant no. BR 10264205).

26-33 179

Aloe is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the lily family and used for many medicinal purposes. The plants of the aloe family, widespread in the old world, are widely known and have been used in the health, cosmetic field as a natural component, local and oral therapeutics for centuries due to their healing and Skin Care Properties. Among the most commonly used types of aloe are A. arborescens, A. barbadensis, A. ferox and A. vera refers to. Today, the use of aloe extracts is economically important, they belong to medicinal plants and are widely used in primary health care, where they play a key role in the treatment of various types of diseases by modulating biochemical and molecular pathways, and they are also a rich source of valuable substances. Due to its antiinflammatory, antimicrobial and wound healing properties, aloe has traditionally been used to treat skin lesions (burns, cuts, insect bites and eczema) and digestive problems, the use of which is used as a basic or complementary treatment, among other methods. This medicinal plant is traditionally used and the effect is indicated by the presence of active compounds in the composition. In this review, the latest achievements of Botany, phytochemical composition, ethnobotanical use, food preservation and medicinal use of aloe plants in the treatment of various diseases will be shown. These data will be useful for determining future areas of industrial and medical use of aloe plants.

34-39 157

Currently, among the most acute problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it should be noted the creation and development of its own pharmaceutical base, which would meet all international standards. Therefore, an urgent problem today is the creation of new highly effective domestic drugs based on the country's plant resources. It is also important to master the production of original domestic medicines, the creation of safe and environmentally friendly technologies for their production. In this direction, plants of the genus Populus (poplar) of the Salicaceae family (willow) have an advantage due to large reserves of renewable raw materials (poplar plantations in the North Kazakhstan region have industrial reserves of medicinal raw materials) and the content of various classes of compounds with a wide range of biological activity. The aim of the study was to study the qualitative composition of substances from the buds of poplar balsamic Populus balsamifera obtained by extraction method. The tasks assigned included: to obtain a substance from the buds of poplar balsamic Populus balsamifera by extraction; to establish the qualitative composition of the substances obtained. A method for obtaining a substance from the buds of balsamic poplar, includes the use of freshly harvested buds of balsamic poplar, extraction with solvents with an increasing polarity gradient: hexane; dichloromethane; evaporation until the target product is obtained. Thus, the qualitative composition of hexane extract of substances obtained by extraction method was investigated. It was found that extraction with methylene chloride allows the separation of flavonoids.


40-44 203

 The health of the younger generation, student youth, as well as maintaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, is the most important task of the nation. In connection with the technical and technological progress of society, an increase in the mental load of students and, in connection with this, their developing physical inactivity, there is a need to find means and methods for developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Based on this, it is advisable to expand the range of educational and educational activities at the  university, contributing to the instillation of responsible healthy lifestyle in students and the preservation of health both for themselves and others. 

45-52 170

The article discusses teaching professionally-oriented foreign language students of non-linguistic specialties. The article discusses the level of knowledge of a foreign language of graduates of non-linguistic specialties from Institutions of Higher Education and proposes some practical ways of its improvement.
It reviews the level of foreign languages, the strengths and weaknesses, the language skills which graduates of non-linguistic specialties need improvement with. In order to find out that information questionnaire survey was conducted. The findings are discussed in this article. Possible reasons for ineffective teaching foreign language for students of non-linguistic specialties are regarded as following: the absence of systematic approach to curriculum formation, lack of coursebooks and teaching aids. Several ways to deal with those issues are proposed: developing systematic approach to curriculum composition, creation of coursebooks with content relevant to students’ professional field. Practical activities as projects, task-based learning, role-play, presentations are described.

53-59 180

This article discusses the features of the formation of professional readiness of future teachers of physical culture and coaches in the chosen sport. The specifics of training at a university are presented, a model for the formation of readiness for a profession through the implementation of various types of educational activities (lectures and practical classes, various types of practices) for  professional motivation is described. 


60-70 176

Each industry has its own separate structure of public administration. Similarly, there are official structures in the Republic of Kazakhstan, i.e. ministries that oversee various sectors of the country, solve urgent problems and establish direct contact with people. The article analyzes the activities of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources within the framework of these state institutions on the formation of public opinion in the field of ecology. At the same time, the work of the public relations department of the said ministry was studied. In the course of the study, the pages of the ministry in social networks were studied. Analyzing the activities of the public relations department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the official website and pages in social networks of the specified state structure were analyzed. As sources of research work, we used the official website of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, pages on social networks (Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook).

71-81 170

Kazakhstan’s foreign policy is aimed at protecting national interests, trust and cooperation with international organizations and of near and far abroad countries. Attracting foreign investment, developing transport and transit potential, and promoting exports are the main objectives for the medium and long-term strategy. In the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted on March 6, 2020, strategic goals are outlined, among which the preservation of the independence of the foreign policy course, mutually beneficial relations with foreign states in a bilateral and multilateral format, as well as strengthening positions in the international arena are determined.
On January 15 of this year, President of the Republic of Kazalhstan K-Zh. Tokayev made an official visit to the United Arab Emirates, where the issues of strategic partnership, activation of trade, economic and investment cooperation in priority sectors were discussed. The President of Kazakhstan also took part in the Abu Dhabi Sustainable Development Week summit and held meetings with representatives of the business community.
In 2022 Kazakhstan has intensified contacts in the Middle East region by concluding agreements with a number of states. The biggest events were the visits and meetings at the highest level of the Head of State with the leaders of Iran, Qatar, the UAE, Saudi Arabia.
As a result of these negotiations, the parties signed documents expanding trade, economic and humanitarian ties. For example, a memorandum of understanding was signed between Astana International Exchange (“AIX”, “Exchange”) and the Qatar Stock Exchange (QSE). In accordance with the agreement, both parties will facilitate exchange of information and information on market transactions within the framework of relevant legal regulations, joint research and educational initiatives.
In February 2023, a meeting of the Kazakh-Egyptian Intergovernmental Commission on economic, trade, cultural-humanitarian, and technical-scientific cooperation is scheduled in Astana. In particular, the meeting will announce proposals to expand bilateral cooperation in the sector of energy, including through the establishment of cooperation in the fields of peaceful atom, development of renewable energy sources. Along with these issues, it is planned to discuss the issues of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, the replacement of obsolete equipment with new ones, and the application of the latest scientific developments in practice.

82-88 165

Chinese culture has a long history and is one of the oldest ancient civilizations. In the course of thousands of years of development, the Chinese nation has created a rich and splendid Chinese culture. Chinese culture is the spiritual pillar for the long-term continuation and continuous development of the Chinese nation. The main spiritual core of Chinese culture is Confucian culture, which has been inherited for thousands of years. Confucian culture is the muscle and bone of Chinese culture. Meanwhile, Taoism, as a local religion, and Buddhism, which is integrated with society in the history of Chinese civilization for thousands of years. Chinese culture has been influenced by foreign cultures and embraces fine foreign cultures. The rapid development of national economy and the integration of global economy have accelerated the influence of foreign culture on China. Media and business hype, promote the "foreign festival" is heating up, behind which is mainly huge commercial profits; It is also inevitable that the Chinese people begin to lead a rich life and pursue a rich and colorful spiritual life. At the same time, traditional culture is regarded by a large number of young people as dross, feudal superstition, backward and unprogressive representative. Chinese culture has thrown off its shackles, been in line with The Times, actively innovated, and carried out new media communication. More and more people have spontaneously joined the camp of protecting cultural inheritance. The method of cultural inheritance also changes with The Times, but what remains unchanged is the sense of belonging to culture.


89-96 149

The material of the article characterizes the development of dairy cattle breeding in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period 2017-2021. Attention is focused on the role of the industry in the formation of a fullfledged level of nutrition of the country's population. The detailed dynamics of the number of cattle, including cows, is given. The indicators of gross milk production and milk yield per cow are analyzed in detail. The results of the number of livestock and productivity of cows in the context o f various organizational and legal forms of management are presented. The reasons for both positive and negative dynamic trends are indicated. A number of measures aimed at improving the parameters of the industry development are proposed.


97-105 166

 Modern computer and intelligent technologies can significantly improve the efficiency of monitoring and monitoring of the technical condition of equipment in order to adjust the life cycle and predict its residual life. The article considers a variant of the implementation of a remote data collection  system for monitoring the operating modes and technical condition of technological equipment. This system increases the efficiency of data collection and processing in conditions of a spread of installations of one technological cycle over large territories and can be used to improve remote control systems, monitoring and diagnostics of the state of technological equipment. 


106-113 182

This article explores new methods of learning the Kazakh language in Russian-speaking audience by the credit technology. Innovation of this educational work is in the purposeful introduction in educational process of new technologies contributing to effective learning. Correctly arranged types of work develop the speech skills of the students, promote to improve their creative thinking and worldview and arise the degree of learners’ interest to use the theoretical knowledge in practice. However, using different approaches in teaching, the knowledge of learners are to be evaluated faithfully. Interactive trainingis primarily a dialog training, during which the interaction between a teacher and a student takes place.

114-122 157

The article is devoted to the study of one of the forms of literary connections, the study of the artistic characteristics of regional literature. On the example of a number o f works of Kazakh writers and authors related to the history and cultural life of the region, the typological commonality of the system of expressive means, moral values and, in general, the picture of the world is proved.
Close attention is paid to the analysis of the Central Asian mythological paradigm, the features of animal symbolism and the semantic content of landscape images. Topoi of the desert, mountains and cities are considered on the material of poetic and prose texts of different genres as multicomponent phenomena, archetypally significant and reflecting the mentality of the people inhabiting the region.

123-132 158

The article discusses the features of the use of verbs of visual perception, in particular, the verb ‘любоваться’ {lyubovat’sya}, in Russian and English. In order to identify the specifics of the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of this lexeme with adjacent linguistic units, to determine its place in the structure of the semantic field "visual perception of an object", a study of its semantic content, pragmatic functions determined by the author's intentions, features of contextual use and participation in the formation of figurative language tools was carried out. As a result of the study, we came to the conclusion that the specific use of the verb under consideration is due to the syncretism of its grammatical functions, which include: the nomination of the process, the characteristics of the relationship between the participants in the situation, and the expression of the axiological assessment of both the object and the subject of visual perception. The representativeness of the study is provided by examples from the texts of classical literature of different time periods. Illustrative examples are taken from the National Corpus of the Russian Language [] and the Corpus of Contemporary American English [].

133-139 159

The article discusses the thematic and ideological features of Zh. Suleimenov's stories. Zh. Suleimenov describes the variety of subjects of your stories and shows that he is an artist who skillfully uses detective stories in the genre of the story. On the basis of the theme of urbanization, they raise rural and human problems, pay attention to the specifics of scenes concerning the old and new, rural and urban struggles. Depending on the fate, the image of various artistic images is given.

140-145 150

 The article deals with morphological ways of forming slang units that are actively functioning in media texts. The author characterizes some models of jargon formation that take place in modern journalism, reveals their semantic features and specifics of functioning. It has been established that the formation of new slang units is carried out according to the models that exist in the literary language. The paper presents and analyzes examples of modern journalism texts in which jargon is used by the authors for pragmatic purposes. 

146-154 169

This article delves into the concept of intertextuality in R. Zelazny’s novel, “Night in the Lonesome October.” It examines the presence and significance of intertextual elements within the narrative, showcasing how Roger Zelazny skillfully incorporates references to other works, myths, and cultural elements. Through these examples, the article demonstrates how intertextuality enriches the thematic depth and engages readers in broader cultural and literary discussions. The inclusion of insights from prominent researchers in the field enhances the theoretical framework, providing a comprehensive understanding of intertextuality in literature. The article concludes by reflecting on the overall importance of intertextuality in R. Zelazny’s work, highlighting its impact on the narrative’s meaning and its ability to invite readers into a captivating exploration of literature, mythology, and human imagination. This article serves as a valuable resource for scholars, enthusiasts, and anyone interested in understanding the intricate layers of intertextuality within “Night in the Lonesome October” and its broader implications.

155-160 146

In this article, the direct relationship of the names of objects, products used by a person in everyday life with everyday life is considered, the opinion of scientists is differentiated, lexical types, patterns, ways of creation of household vocabulary names are shown, the essence, lexical system, linguistic functioning as linguistic units in the semantic space is determined. From the point of view of national knowledge, the word hearth is interpreted.

161-169 152

Conceptual analysis refers to the analysis of key words within a specific cognitive domain of the culture being studied. Of particular interest is studying the lexical context and compatibility surrounding the chosen keyword. Other elements within the field are combined in relation to it.
While reading the philosophical reasoning of Galym Mutanov, it reminded me of the statements made by I.S. Turgenev in his book “Poems in Prose.” This sparked a desire to compare the philosophical understanding of life between a classic Russian literature figure from the 19th century and a poet from the 21 century.
The purpose of this article is to identify the thematic connections in the description of a specific chapter from Galym Mutanov’s book “Shine.” It aims to provide a semantic-syntactic analysis of the analyzed texts, emphasizing the originality of the evidence base and linguistic means used in the book.
Analyzing Galym Mutanov’s book “Shining” is challenging not due to its length, but because of the profound philosophical reflections it presents. At the core of Mutanov’s perception of life lies a deep love for life itself, humanity, and the entire world around us. The poetic style employed in his writing showcases a remarkable sense of language.

170-175 223

 The article is devoted to the consideration of the nature of the concepts of "Wind" in the poetry of Magzhan Zhumabayev. The author will elaborate on the ways and types of creating a concept. Reflection of national values in the works of a literary text in accordance with the scientific and theoretical principles of the modern anthropocentric direction. The concept, its structure and types, ideas about the linguistic picture of the world are explained from the point of view of cognitive linguistics. Definitions of concepts are given in linguistics and literary studies. The conceptual applications collected from the literary text are systematized and analyzed. Using these examples, it turns out that concepts, along with important stylistic activity in the language of a work of art, contribute to the enrichment and perfection of our native language. 

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)