
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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No 2 (54) (2022)
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7-16 253

This article presents a method for calculating the energies of the values of the set of electron-neutral atoms. In this case, the interaction of electrons other than the Coulomb bond of the nucleus makes an important contribution to energy. Quantitative calculation of the interaction of these interactions with the introduction of the theory of approximation in the framework of the Thomas-Fermi statistical model by the method of self-correction field is particularly inefficient for complex atoms. However, for complex atoms, the method of approximation is shown, and its essence lies in its simplicity. Among the various methods for systems consisting of the same number of particles, the statistical method derived from the Thomas-Fermi statistical model of the atom plays an important role. This method (E. Fermi, L. Thomas, 1927) is based on the fact that in complex atoms with a large number of electrons, most electrons have relatively large quantum numbers. In this case, a semi-classical approximation is used. As a result, the concept of "cells in phase space" can be used for the state of the individual electrons of the atom. This model has been developed by researchers over a long period of time and has led to a consistent, complete doctrine without the defects of previous models, for example, its field of application is wider than the original Thomas-Fermi.

17-24 215

As a result of the work, the influence of the polyfunctional modifier oligo (resorcinol phenyl phosphate) and the dispersed mineral filler diorite with terminal phenyl groups on the physicochemical and deformation -strength properties of epoxy composites was studied. The effectiveness of using diorite epoxide as an active polymer filler has been proven. The effectiveness of using diorite as an active filler in epoxy polymers, which increases strength and changes the physicochemical properties of epoxy composites, has been proven. The optimal composition of diorite was selected as a structural additive and filler in the composition of an epoxy composite (0.1 and 50 parts by weight), which strengthens the epoxy diorite composite. It has been established that the addition of diorite to the epoxy composition leads to an increase in the heat resistance of Vicat from 132ºС to 140-188ºС and increases the thermal stability of the epoxy composite, which is expressed in a shift in the initial degradation. In addition, the thermal decomposition of the composite increases the yield of carbon structures (from 54 to 70-77% by weight), prevents the pyrolysis products from entering the gas phase, which leads to a decrease in its flammability. The effectiveness of diorite surface functionalization has been proven using APTES, which provides chemical interaction at the polymer matrix/filler interface and also prevents aggregation of diorite particles.


25-33 313

The article is devoted to the description and application of the new learning technology “Flipped Classroom”. The issue of changes in the educational process, in teaching, taking into account changes in the characteristics of students, the qualities of teachers, resources and the teaching methodology itself, contributing to the development of educational motivation of students is considered. The possibilities of giving students the freedom to choose when, where and in what rhythm to study, the sequence and level of complexity of the studied material are shown. The article reveals the features of the work of a teacher and a student that increase the effectiveness of “Flipped Classroom” methodology, presents the phases of the roles of a teacher and a student and provides models for applying the presented technology (in the classroom and at home) in the educational process. And all discussed the effectiveness of the “Flipped Classroom” model, its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with the traditional teaching method.

34-39 237

Educating a cross-cultural communicative person is one of the competency-based objectives in English teacher training. Therefore, in order to find solutions in this direction, this article proposes the application of the method of Tektology: general organizational science (hereinafter – tektology) which is called «ingression». Also, this article is based on the conclusions made by author of tektology on the emergence of language in the process of human evolution.

The theoretical part of the article covers the scientific works of English language teachers from different countries whose methods are close to the hypothesis. In order to test and prove the hypothesis there was a survey among English language teachers which results confirmed the hypothesis.

40-49 239

The article deals with some methodological aspects of teaching school students to solve stereometric problems related to geometric bodies. Stereometric problems on polyhedra and bodies of rotation are studied in the last sections of the high school geometry program and are considered one of the most important topics for students of the natural-mathematical direction and specialized classes. The article is an introduction to the methodological foundations of a number of features for studying the subject of geometry at the level of students in grades 10-11. The article deals with the issues that lead to the inability to solve stereometric problems at the UNT (weakness of theoretical knowledge, the frequency of similar problems in a school textbook) and cause difficulties (weak ability to represent in space). Among the students, a survey was conducted on which tasks they first pay attention to during the UNT in the section of stereometry and in solving other problems. When analyzing the answers in the questionnaire, it was found that during the UNT, little or no time is allocated when solving problems of stereometry. The use of visual aids, multimedia technologies in the classroom for teaching the solution of stereometric problems, improving spatial imagination and self-education and the development of problem-solving skills, as well as the consideration of various methods of problem solving, showed a general positive perception of the problem in an easy and effective way.

50-55 264

This article shows how to effectively use the technology of critical thinking in teaching English to medical students. The article analyzes the definitions of the technology of critical thinking by foreign and domestic scientists. In addition, the results of five-stage exercises for the development of critical thinking of students of medical specialties based on Bloom's taxonomy were analyzed.

56-60 243

This article discusses the key professional competencies: communicative and organizational. The essential characteristics, structure and interdependence of these competencies have been studied. The results of an empirical study are presented, the purpose of which was to determine the level of formation of communicative and organizational competencies among students in the direction of "Pedagogical Sciences".

61-67 277

This article refers to a technique that can be used to develop the skills of speech interaction in a foreign language. The “debate” technique can be applied in classes with students, as it is relevant and effective. Focusing on our experience, we can say that admission helps motivate students to further study a foreign language. The “debate” technique contributes to successful communication between participants who are involved in the discussion process, as well as increasing student interest in the study of the subject. When teaching the speech interaction of students in classes in a foreign language, the “debate” technique first of all forms all four main linguistic communication skills in them: reading, speaking, writing, and listening. About the debate, we can say that this is a kind of technology for teaching students to speak a foreign language and a kind of game at the same time, the task of which is to prove the chosen point of view. In the course of teaching a foreign language, it is permissible to apply debates to involve the whole group in the work. The technique of “debate” can be used for the purpose of systematization, generalization, consolidation of educational material and as a control speech. Based on personal experience, I would like to note that various formats of debates are productive in classes in a foreign language and bring good results in student communication. In addition, debates accustom students to the adequate use of language clichés in public speaking. And most importantly, it helps motivate students to further learn a foreign language and track feedback.


68-72 271

At the current level of development of the Armed Forces, the human factor is of particular importance, since interpersonal relationships are formed between people, namely military personnel, in any case. The purpose of the article is to study a number of topical problems of psychology of interpersonal relations of military personnel. The article deals with the problem of relationships in a military team, taking into account the goals and objectives facing it and its social functions; analyzes the types of interpersonal interaction and forms of relationships between military personnel. Practical recommendations have been developed that are aimed at improving the interpersonal relations of the military team and increasing the success of performin g official tasks.

73-79 347

The economies of many countries were affected by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020-2021. International, industrial, cultural and social ties between countries and people have collapsed. The weaker the economy was before the virus, the more severe the consequences for the state. The forces of the world community were thrown into the fight against a common problem. It was necessary to urgently build new hospital complexes, provide medical personnel with personal protective equipment that had no analogues before, and develop new vac cines to fight the virus. Many enterprises were on the verge of bankruptcy or were forced to close. Industries such as tourism, education, services, trade, catering and others have been hit hard. States provided all kinds of support to individuals and legal entities. There was direct financial assistance to people and indirect support for small and medium-sized businesses. One of the sectors most affected was the education sector. The level of knowledge and competencies of students has declined significantly, and it will take a lot of investment to restore what has been lost. The problem of distance education has shown that in Kazakhstan there is still no possibility of a full -fledged replacement for standard forms of education. It is necessary at the state level to develop new ways and methods of teaching that would improve the quality of teaching and monitoring progress. This will require additional investment in science and education, but will allow Kazakh graduates to compete in the international labor market.

80-89 337

This article is devoted to the life and work of a prominent legal scholar who played an important role in the development of the Hanafi school, known as Shamsu al-Aimma al-Sarakhsi, who became famous for his mind and knowledge and became one of the strongest scholars of the Hanafi madhhab. The article analyzes the life path of Imam Sarakhsi, a legal scholar, who was born in 400 AH in the city of Serakhs, on the modern border of Turkmenistan and Iran. Historical definitions are given, his experiences are described from youth to death, his formation as a scientist and imam, as well as the legal methods used in the study, theoretical and legal issues of the history of the spread, formation and development of the Hanafi school in the era of the Karakhanids. The relevance of the formation and development of Islamic and Hanafi jurisprudence in the Karakhanid era is determined by the need to study scientists who contributed to the development of the institution of jurisprudence in the region. The article also describes the valuable works of Sarakhsi, which he wrote during his imprisonment in Uzkent, and gives a brief overview of the scientific works of the scientist. For example, his book "al-Mabsut", which consists of thirty volumes, is one of the main books of the Hanafi madhhab.

90-97 223

The article describes the main traditional and modern methods of recruitment, examines the features of hiring in national companies of Kazakhstan, reveals the current problems of recruiting and suggests ways to solve them.

98-103 264

The article provides a scientific overview of the process of forming stereotypes and their overproduction in media materials. Since the media have a function that can contribute to the formation of public opinion through the dissemination of information, they can also form stereotypes related to a certain topic in society. Here the problem of objective dissemination of information and media literacy comes to the fore. Nevertheless, some media specialists in information materials recreate the "stereotypes" that have developed in society to this day, and represent them to the audience. And this process directly affects the viability of negative stereotypes. At the same time, when the media allow the phenomenon of reproduction of negative stereotypes in the dissemina tion of information, most people have a chance that this process will become the norm. At the same time, media specialists should not influence the formation of a negative picture of a phenomenon in society through the dissemination of news.

104-109 198

This article presents a theoretical analysis of the influence of extreme conditions on the behavior of military personnel, as well as the dependence of behavior on the personality of employees and the results of experimental studies of the readiness of military personnel for extreme situations and coping mechanisms of behavior in these situations.


110-118 210

Increasing the yield of wheat by improving its genotype is one of the most pressing problems of agriculture and the economy. Currently, the usage of traditional breeding methods and the results of genetic investigations, such as conduction of saturating crosses, remote hybridization and experimental mutagenesis, increases the efficiency of producing genetically modified and enriched forms of wheat. In field and under controlled laboratory conditions, the effect of a surfactant on the heritable characteristics of 10 varieties of spring soft wheat was studied. After processing of wheat seeds with an aqueous surfactant solution (0.1%), we could observe the inherited changes, which are manifested in the appearance in M1, M2, F2 and BC1 of tall, potent plants with productive bushiness and various morphological characteristics that differ from the original varieties. The effect of surfactants is manifested on the morphological features of plants: bushiness, crankiness of the stem, anthocyanin stain color. During the process of meiosis, the spindle of the division of the metaphase plate, the coalescence of chr omosomes in MI, and the presence of empty (sterile) cells in AI and AII meiosis were observed. The signs of altered forms are stably transmitted in the M2 generation.


119-127 190

At present, work has been developed to increase the indicator efficiency. by reducing heat transfer to the walls of the combustion chamber. One way to reduce heat transfer is to increase the thermal resistance of the parts that form the combustion chamber. To do this, heat-shielding coatings are applied to the receiving surfaces of the parts or they are made entirely of ceramic materials. Studies on the use of coatings of increased thermal resistance, up to 3.5 mm thick, carried out on diesel engines with different base sizes (D and S) and different boost levels showed that such coatings can be used to significantly reduce heat removal from the diesel combustion chamber, that is for the manufacture of diesel engines with reduced heat losses.

However, they are established mainly for coatings whose thickness does not exceed 0.35 mm. With an increase in the thickness of the coating, its effect on the flow of the working process and heat transfer processes is enhanced. The limits of the possible increase in indicator efficiency have not been established either. when using heat-shielding coatings. Therefore, the study of the patterns of thermal interaction between the heat-receiving surface of the coating with increased thermal resistance and the working fluid, as well as the identification of conditions under which the maximum effect from the use of coatings can be obtained is a complex and urgent task.

128-137 221

This article discusses the design of the spread of infectious diseases. According to the latest data, the accuracy of the design of the spread of the coronavirus, the most common epidemic in the world, and the share of information products that play a key role in it have been studied. Based on official data, a project analysis was conducted. As a result, the importance of information technology in the design of thousands of types of infectious diseases was noted. Methods that can be used to accurately and accurately maintain the design system of information technology are considered. The study process was studied based on the formulas for calculating the predictions. In this regard, it should be noted that COVID-19 has provided rapid development of information products. As a result of this work, almost all widely used methods were studied.

138-146 203

An algorithm was developed and a program was written in the JavaScript programming language that determines the time for cooling the premises to 0°C when the heating is turned off in the winter. The calculation algorithm takes into account the loss of thermal energy through the outer walls and windows through the processes of convective and radiant heat transfer. The calculations were carried out for brick elite and standard Stalin and Khrushchev houses. When carrying out calculations, it was found that in the central premises of brick Stalinist and Khrushchev houses, the time to reach 0°C when the heating is turned off in winter increases by several hours when replacing standard single-chamber double-glazed windows (the total thickness of the double-glazed window is 24 mm) with standard double-glazed windows of the same thickness. The calculations also showed that in the corner rooms of brick houses, the replacement of standard single-chamber double-glazed windows with standard double-glazed windows with a total thickness of 24 mm practically does not increase the cooling time of the rooms to 0°C. If double-glazed windows with a total thickness of 44 mm are installed in the corner rooms (in these double-glazed windows the width of the air gap between the glasses is 16 mm), then, depending on the type of house, the freezing time of these rooms increases by 2-3 hours. Calculations also showed that the installation of two-chamber double-glazed windows with a total thickness of 44 mm creates a greater thermal effect in the corner rooms than laying a side window of the room with a brick over the entire thickness of the window opening.

147-151 200

This article describes the concept of graphene and metamaterial, their possible structure, principle of operation, properties, basic technologies, as well as the possibility of using these materials in industry. The relevance of modern materials in the future is revealed and the main events in the history of the development of this type of materials are indicated.

152-156 247

The article highlights the main stages of the procedure for accreditation of a testing laboratory on the basis of the Department of Transport and Engineering of the M. Kozybaev NKU. Preparation of the testing laboratory for the accreditation procedure implies the performance of a number of mandatory works aimed at achieving the compliance of the testing laboratory with the established accreditation criteria in accordance with regulatory documents. Prospective methods of development and improvement of the system of accreditation of the testing laboratory (TL) are substantiated. The choice of approaches and scientific methods for studying the problem in the preparation of documents for accreditation of testing laboratories was made. An in-depth analysis of the procedure and rules for accreditation of testing laboratories was carried out.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)