
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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No 2 (43) (2019)
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7-21 179

Research works on primary processes were conducted on soil dumps of phosphorite deposit Kokzhon. Vast areas of disturbed land, devoid of vegetation are the main area of carbon emissions, leading to increasing global changes in the biosphere. Studying of the process of soil formation on natural areas overgrown fields in Kokzhon dumps showed that the bulk of the territory of the dump is occupied by initial embryosoils. So, on the deposit dumps restoration of vegetation and soil surface stopped at the first stage. This is primarily due to the arid conditions of this area, in the second – unfavorable soil – forming properties of the substrate (high density and rocky character). Restoration of properties of initial biological soils showed that natural growth of plants on dumps is difficult and is represented by poor species composition. Micromezofauna is represented by collembolan from the kind Isotoma, Onychiurus, Hypogastrura and hard ticks (Oribatea) kind Zygoribatula in small quantities and samples. On the site were found the representatives of macrofauna such as bugs – soldiers – (Hemiptera), they are found often in large clusters. Among filamentous fungi the predominant species are – Penicillius, Aspergillius. The highest quantity of bacteria, actinomycetes and filamentous fungi were observed in the layer of 0 – 5 cm, in depth (5 – 10 cm), their number decreased regularly.

22-26 150

One of the main aspects of rapeseed cultivation is the protection of seedlings from early – onset pests, in particular from cruciferous fleas. Researches about study the biological effectiveness of various insecticides to protect seedling canola were conducted on the experimental plot of the laboratory of plant protection, RGAU – ICCA named after KA Timiryazev in the 2008 – 2009 and 2011 – 2012. The data on the economic evaluation of various ways to protect spring rape from cruciferous fleas are presented. Pre – sowing seed treatment with insecticidal disinfectants is an effective measure for the protection of rapeseed against early – occurring pests. It is also necessary to take into account the environmental safety of this protection measure by preserving the useful entomofauna, including pollinators, reducing the load on the soil, eliminating at least one ground treatment with insecticides, as well as reducing the amount of pesticide applied per 1 ha of field. In addition, the use of such a protection measure as pre – sowing treatment instead of spraying seedlings with insecticides reduces the seasonal load on the machine and tractor fleet.

27-33 161

In the North Kazakhstan region, an increase in the livestock of agricultural animals and the unsatisfactory state of natural pastures contribute to a more active use of forestlands for grazing, thereby hindering the processes of reforestation, which determined the goal of our research – to assess the health status of forests during their temporary use – zovanii for grazing. In areas where animals were grazing, in addition to primary damage, secondary damage to trees was also found – damage to rot in places of mechanical damage. To improve and preserve the sanitary condition of forest plantations in the study area, it is advisable to: strengthen forest protection and take measures to timely detect and prevent violations of the rules for side use of forests within the framework of the forest legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; carrying out explanatory work with private owners, individuals and legal entities engaged in grazing farm animals in the territories of the State Forest Fund.

34-38 160

The article provides basic general professional competencies, substantiates the need for practice–oriented training of students in the conditions of developmental education necessary for successful professional activity. The concept of developmental education is given, the task of which is to create an independent, initiative person with professional knowledge of his subject, a person capable of applying and using the latest achievements of science and advanced technology, possessing positive, creative energy, which will make a significant contribution to solving the problem of providing personnel. The origins of the emergence and formation of the concept of developmental education and its influence on the development of a student’s competencies are considered.The requirements for innovative differentiated teaching and methodological support for conducting laboratory workshops in the context of developmental education are formulated, and criteria are developed on the basis of which the structure and content of the future universal, multilevel methodological support for laboratory studies in general physics is developed.

39-43 159

Taiga – alas ecosystems are characterized by low bioproductivity, low intensity of physical, chemical and microbiological processes. The assessment of soil conditions is made for the further effective use of organic and mineral fertilizers and the prevention of environmentally hazardous concentrations of irrigation water. The humus content in the soil was 1.9 %, which is a very low figure. The provision of soil with mobile forms of phosphorus is high, the content of ammonia nitrogen in the soil is very low. Analysis of the water extract of the soil showed that the soil is saline. The water is mineralized within the normal range and is suitable for watering. The soil of the site is fertile, suitable for growing potatoes and vegetable crops. The following measures are recommended to improve soil fertility: the introduction of rotted manure to increase humus in the soil, the introduction of gypsum to reduce soil salinity.

44-48 176

At NKSU, for many years a continuous registration of MSCs has been conducted. In this regard, each observational season, from the beginning of June to August, is organized by observation points with the maximum possible departure to the north. To study the lamination of noctilucent clouds, a specially developed program is used that allows comparing two images opened in one working window by varying the overlap area of a full image with another. By tracking the development of individual cloud forms, the program provides for the placement of vectors linking the same structure in different images, it is possible to speak with confidence about the layering of the observed cloud. This paper presents an example of processing observational material of the season of 2018, which shows the effectiveness of the proposed method for determining the layering MSC.


49-52 155

The article provides an analysis of acquired knowledge and competencies on the topic of “Learning and Teaching in Higher Education” as a result of an international internship at the New Programs from North Leadership Center Newcastle University, Great Britain. The authors describe the advantages of using new educational technologies, methods and techniques in teaching foreign languages and in formation students' foreign language competence at the English classes.Also, these technologies help teachers to properly plan their classes, taking into account the stages of the passage of a particular topic. They are aimed at effective learning vocabulary, that is, contribute to the formation of foreign language competence of university students. The article provides examples of the most effective methods and techniques with which they were introduced to Newcastle University. The most important point is the fact that students have favorably participated in learning a foreign language through new technologies.

53-56 150

Foreign language proficiency is one of the important skills of a future specialist. It is impossible to achieve a high level of proficiency in a foreign language without fundamental language training in higher education. Teachers, in turn, must master a variety of methods and techniques of teaching foreign languages. It is important to know modern methods of teaching a foreign language, special training techniques and techniques in order to choose one or another teaching method in accordance with the level of knowledge, needs and interests of students. After all, teaching methods are not simple «algorithmized units», their rational and motivated use at foreign language lessons requires a creative approach on the part of the teacher, because «pedagogy is a science and art at the same time, therefore the approach to the choice of teaching methods should be based on the creativity of the teacher». The purpose of this article is to review the methods and techniques of teaching foreign languages, the feasibility of their use in the classroom.

57-60 146

The article examines the psychological barrier as the main reason for the difficulty in learning a foreign language in non – linguistic specialties in a higher educational institution.The most important competence which the future specialist must possess when studying in an university is the formation of a strategy for overcoming this psychological barrier. Overcoming psychological barriers involves the work of students themselves, connected with the creation by the teacher of conditions conducive to the formation of students' non – linguistic specialties of the university value attitude to the subject being studied. The given article describes the psychological barrier functions that play an important part in educational process and how to overcome them, which can help students develop value attitude to a foreign language. The student's progress in learning depends on his attitude towards learning, on the motivation that underlies the learning activity. The competent teacher can use in the classroom various technologies and methods to overcome the psychological barriers described in this article.

61-66 169

Discourse is always difficult to learn a language. Because not only linguistic aspects influence the discourse, but also a number of extralinguistic factors. In this regard, many linguistic scientists devote their research to discourse. One of such outstanding scientists is the Russian scientist V.I. Karasik. The article sets out the views of V.I. Karasika on communicative linguistics, discourse, speech genres and communicative tonality. The creativity of Professor Vladimir Ilyich Karasik is characterized by a pronounced interest in communicative phenomena, communicative ideas.
His work seriously enriched communication theory, discourse analysis, text linguistics, theory of speech genres. This article, of course, does not pretend to embrace all the communicative ideas expressed by V.I. Karasik, with these ideas, directly or indirectly, I repeat, all the work of Vladimir Ilyich is permeated, and even if only talking about – to the present conceptual positions, not only expressed, but also deeply developed, equipped with detailed methodological models, successfully and fruitfully used by the followers and students of Vladimir Ilyich.

67-72 172

This article aims to consider the main features of newspaper style. The article describes the characteristics of modern newspaper style from the point of view of famous scholars. The classification of the newspaper features (morphological, lexical and syntactical; sign systems and graphic tools) is also listed in our work. The reasons for the relevance of the chosen topic, the functions of modern newspaper discourse and special vocabulary features used in newspaper style are also described. The theoretical foundations of the concept of newspaper style and its difference from other functional styles in the English language are also given. The article gives a description of the elements inherent to this style, explains each element with certain examples from the British media. In conclusion, it can be noted that the newspaper – publicistic style performs the functions of influence and communication (informing). The interaction of these two functions determines the use of the words in publicism. The function of influence, which is the most important for the newspaper – publicistic style, determines the acute need of journalism in evaluative means of expression. Journalism takes from the literary language virtually all means with the property of appraisal. The practical significance of the work is that the results of the study may be applicable in the study of special courses in sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics, journalism, linguistic stylistics and text interpretation. The given article may be of practical significance for those reading the English newspapers while studying the English language and especially for those who may take interest in peculiarities of the newspaper. The presented material can provide those interested in the subject with a deeper notion of what the newspaper standard and expressiveness are as constructing the base of newspaper communication.

73-77 195

In order to maintain student’s interest in language learning when English is not seen as an important factor for their needs, teachers have to find creative ways to teach language and expand student’s motivation to learn. Learning English as an international language has a great importance in different levels of education in Kazakhstan, but unfortunately most of the students are not satisfied with their abilities in English after studying it for several years in their school. Of course, there are different reasons for this problem, but one of the reasons which is the concern of this study is lack of motivation. The most promising and effective in the classroom of a foreign language is the use of musical clarity, in particular modern popular song material, as a support. The choice of modern foreign music is determined by its cognitive value, an adequate reflection of the characteristics of life, culture and life, the way of thinking of the inhabitants of the countries of the language being studied. In addition, the use of musical material in the classroom can enhance the motivational factor, create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, improve the efficiency of studying grammar and vocabulary. Moreover, it is well known that when a student learns a foreign language and then does not use it for several years, after some time he forgets almost everything except a few songs that he has learned.

78-82 166

This article describes the stylistic techniques as a means of enhancing the pragmatic effect of public speech on the material of the election speeches of Donald Trump. The main purpose of the article was to prove that stylistic devices enhance the pragmatic effect on the public speaking. During the analysis such methods were used: analysis of scientific literature on the problem under study; generalization, content analysis, identifying rhetorical means on the example of speech texts and their subsequent analysis. During the analysis of speeches, it was revealed that such lexical stylistic methods as: metaphor, epithet, metonymy and syntactic methods as: rhetorical question, parallelism, repetition and morphological as 1st person pronouns, adverbs, adjectives in a comparative degree and introductory words contributed to achieving the maximum pragmatic effect. The results of the study can be applied in scientific linguistic journals, and can also be used for lectures on stylistics at the faculties of philology.

83-91 234

In conditions of a rapidly growing economy and the information society, it has become necessary to train specialists with broader professional competencies, namely 21st century skills. This article discusses the classifications of 21st century skills developed by various authors that are necessary for the preparation of future specialists, who will be in demand not only in modern society, but also in the future. It highlights the problem of selecting higher – level cognitive skills for teaching students in the development of English language basic skills. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the main existing classifications, the author of the article has developed a list of 21st century skills that are acceptable for introduction into the educational process at a higher education institution within the framework of teaching English as a foreign language. The results of this research are acceptable for use in further scientific works when developing methods of teaching and criteria for assessing the level of formation of 21st century skills and integrating them into the educational system of Kazakhstan that contributes to increasing the competitiveness of young specialists in the global labor market.

92-97 161

The object of the research in the article is the private space and time of a human. The work is dedicated to the analysis of the problem of saving and keeping a private space and time by a human in the conditions of the expanding technologization of processes and digitalization of the society. The phenomenon of digitalization. Its positive and negative points for a human and a society are analyzed. In accordance with the topic of the article more attention is paid to the latter points of this phenomenon. In this research the problem mentioned above is analyzed not only in a theoretical way, taking heed of the scientific resources and the current situation of society's developing. The attempt is made to carry out a scientific practical analysis of the categories of a private space and time in the context of the expanding technologization of the society on the materials of literary works. The basis for such an analysis is represented by the stories «The Concentration City» and «The Subliminal Man» written by J.G. Ballard, an English science – fiction writer. Various types of literary space are illustrated in the stories. The interaction and confrontation of these types of spaces are analyzed. Private time is considered as not just the main source of a human, but as the main factor contributing to a human's saving their personality. Based on the analysis of the contents and significance of these stories, possible and negative consequences of the processes of technologization and digitalization for people are brought up and analyzed.

98-103 142

This article discusses the innovations of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget (Tax Code)».
Attention is focused on changes in the tax system. First of all, the code is aimed at the development of small and medium – sized businesses. In particular, the code provides for a change in ideology – now it will be aimed at protecting the interests of a bona fide taxpayer. The code also provides incentives for various sectors of the economy and simplifies administration. Innovation will mativate self – pay taxes.
Tax legislation is a set of regulatory legal acts regulating social relations in the field of taxation. Tax legislation establishes the fundamental principles of taxation, regulates power relations for the establishment, introduction, amendment, cancellation, the procedure for calculating and paying taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget, as well as relations connected with the fulfillment of tax obligations.
The tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, consists of the Tax Code, as well as regulatory legal acts, the adoption of which is provided for by the code.

104-109 149

In this article the author makes an attempt to reveal his vision in the main directions of the article by The First President of Kazakhstan «Seven faces of the Great steppe». To show the chronology of the formation of statehood in the ancient land of Kazakhstan, the creation of nomadic civilization through the domestication of horses. The history of Saks, Huns, Turks is known in the world history, and only under the Russian Empire and the ideology of the Communist party of the USSR the great past of Kazakhstan was deliberately kept silent. The article «Seven faces of the Great steppe» makes it possible to objectively reveal the undeservedly forgotten page of the Turkic world. The relevance and content of the proposed article gives the necessary objective opportunity to cover the events on the actual examples of the history of nomadic civilizations. On the basis of many historical documents, archival data, manuscripts of foreign policy of Western Europe and China, it is possible to highlight the study of the past of our land and its people. The article «Seven faces of the Great steppe» gives an opportunity for researchers, historians, without regard to censorship to systematically study and present a phased picture of the formation of statehood in the ancient land of Kazakhstan.

110-117 161

The article deals with the vision and understanding of the concept of cultural memory, presented in the studies of Western historians and culturologists, as part of historical memory and an important factor and mechanism of transmission of cultural heritage from generation to generation. Memory as a historical – philosophical and cultural concept gives the necessary continuity to the cultural heritage, determines its understanding and perception by subsequent generations. The continuity of cultural development generates a single process of assimilation of customs and their implementation in future practice directly during life. The cultural heritage of the peoples of the world is part of the world cultural heritage.
The world's cultural heritage is a treasure trove that was given to us as a gift from our ancestors. And the task of modernity is to preserve the object of heritage, its versatile study and broadcast it vertically.
The formation of the idea of cultural memory as an important factor in the preservation and transmission of cultural memory to future generations is a necessary link in the comprehensive study of the impact of the national code on the preservation of its national – original – culture of the ethnic group, the state in the process of globalization.

118-125 175

The free press, which raises topical issues and discusses ways to solve them, is an integral part of a developed society and state. The introduction of digital technologies in the Kazakh press has led to the transition to the Internet not only to attract the attention of a new audience using the gadget, but also for all types of business. Free thoughts and independent reviews moved from the pages of publications to websites, blogs and social networks. The development of new media, the transition of printed publications into multimedia forms have combined various technologies of information transfer.
This complicated the journalist's activities. Because there was a need for simultaneous representation of one material in several forms. There are major problems negatively affecting the development of information space in Kazakhstan, digitalization of communications. These include the dependence of the media on the state order, the imperfection of the legal framework, the uncompetitiveness of the Kazakh-language press, reducing the circulation of Newspapers. The article analyzes the novelty of digital technologies presented in the Kazakh press,the problems faced today.

126-134 219

The transformation of journalism is influenced by digitalization, that is, the technological factor and the emergence of the global Internet. The emergence of a new communication channel has led to changes in the function of journalism. Technological innovation in mass communication has also influenced the social function of journalism. New technologies have become a mechanism that has consistently raised not only the media, but also Kazakhstan's society to a new level.
However, the impact of new communication technologies is not one–sided. The conflict of new and traditional means has shaped a new approach to the values of journalism. The impact of changes in the digital age is much deeper than the previous journalism, based on material, clothing transportation. Unlike previous technological revolutions, the transition of truth to the virtual world is interactive and global. To date, not only the methods of dissemination of information, but also the environment of its users have changed. Kazakhstan journalism, adapted to the new conditions, experiments any kind of information dissemination.
The article analyzes the novelty of digital technologies, given in the Kazakh press, the assessment to date.

135-139 155

In the era of globalization, learning English is not only studying phonetics, vocabulary and grammar, but studying of culture of English–speaking countries and world culture in general. To achieve this purpose, a variety of methods and techniques are used. In the article author regards the role of proper names in the formation of linguocultural competence at English lessons for students of non–language faculties. Proper names are determined by social and historical factors of the development of society and carry information about culture, psychology, history, geography, and way of life of the country. Use of onomastic material allows students to deepen their knowledge of the culture of English – speaking countries, diversify classes, motivate students, and create an atmosphere of cooperation in the class. Comparing language phenomena in foreign and native languages, students deepen their knowledge of not only foreign language, but also their native culture. The article shows how it is possible to include onomastic material in the educational process, what methods and techniques to apply, what is the role of students and the teacher in the lesson.

140-147 168

Statistics of living level concerns personal interests of any citizen, since they affect people's wealth, as well as their life plans, interests. The government, authorities, professional unions and public organization always place social problems in the foreground. Increasing population's life standard level leads to the development of economy and culture, besides it defines the country's place in the global development rating.
This scientific research is dedicated to evaluate living levels in different regions of Kazakhstan, and to reveal the position of North Kazakhstan's population in according with the main indicators. The main indicator of defining the level of living is population's incomes. Incomes include not only employers' salaries, but also incomes of businessmen, self – employed population. Besides, nowadays population is trying to differentiate the sources of income in order to decrease ricks of losses in constantly changing market circumstances. Official statistic data served as the main sources for the given research.

148-156 1791

The payment system is a strategically important tool to ensure economic security and preserve the national interests of the country in a digital economy. The article discusses the development and formation of the payment system of Kazakhstan in different historical periods. Three stages of the development of the national payment system since Kazakhstan’s independence to the present have been identified and characterized. The National Bank of Kazakhstan has registered twenty payment systems, one of which is systemically important, three are recognized as significant, and sixteen belong to other payment systems. The National Bank of Kazakhstan, as the operator of payment systems, is constantly working on their modernization in accordance with the latest technological advances. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of payment flows through payment systems, the influence on the growth of the average payment size of the active development of the electronic payments market has been proved. The prospects for the development of the domestic payment system have been determined, allowing to significantly increase the availability of financial services.


219-224 172

Information and communication technologies are an unlimited basis for creating an informational and objective environment for the education and self – education of people, the satisfaction of their professional and personal interests and needs. But only one availability of access to Internet resources will not guarantee fast and high – quality language education. That is why at the present stage of teaching foreign languages with using the latest Internet technologies, there is an urgent need to develop new training Internet resources aimed at integrated formation and development progress of learning FL. ICTs contain a huge educational potential and seem to be an additional opportunity to create an informational and learning environment. They help to increase the level of sociocultural competence in teaching FL, creating unique conditions for learning cultural diversity of the countries of the studied language. The development of online training resources allows to have a completely different look at the educational resources of the Internet and to perceive them as alternative. Educational Internet resources can also be directed to the development of foreign language communicative competences of all types of language activities. The development of skills achieved with the help of educational Internet resources while teaching FL meets the requirements of modern higher education for teaching foreign languages (basic FL and professional – oriented FL). Thus, the use of Internet resources in the process of learning foreign language (together with traditional textbooks) will contribute to the achievement of the main goals of learning oforeign languages.

225-229 152

The problem of flooding with the thawed waters of the Esil River is an extremely important task and requires special attention, since the late evacuation of the population can lead to death. In recent years, there has been a spill of the Esil River before the expected date, which causes damage to human settlements and damage to agriculture, subsequently increasing financial losses. There is a need to develop new methods for studying the terrain in flooded areas, so that these methods allow us to see a more accurate picture of the alleged flooding before the onset of an emergency situation, with the possibility of preventing the consequences of: human, financial, agricultural losses. For a more accurate forecasting, the use of Agisoft PhotoScan, GIS Sputnik software is proposed to build detailed altitudinal mapping of flood zones with the melting waters of the Esil River.

230-235 159

Water is the most common substance of «our» world, but its properties have not yet been fully studied. In the laboratory of nanostructuring of liquid media at the North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev an experiment is being conducted to determine the electrical conductivity of different water samples. This paper presents the results of studies of the electrical conductivity of two types of water: flowing and boiled. The experiment was repeated with a decrease in the cooling time of the thermally treated water in order to exclude the effect of microorganisms on the composition of the water. During the experiment, it was found that the electrical conductivity of boiled water is higher than the electrical conductivity of running water. The measurement results can serve as proof of the existence of a theory about the occurrence of non – polar monocluster structures in the volume of water under the influence of external overpressure.


157-160 152

The situation of social trouble, instability characteristic of modern youth generates profound crisis changes in life of people, imposing increased requirements to their resilience. Getting into difficult life situations, facing the changing and contradictory ideas and values, young people find the solution of problems in obtaining euphoria due to the use of psychoactive substances, or apply not chemical ways (long carrying out in the virtual world, rates on sport, religion). For the purpose of prevention of involvement of young people in destructive psychological dependence, different preventive programs are developed, however their efficiency at the moment is at the low level.
Subject of consideration of this article is the carrying out problem work prevention. The main shortcomings of the available programs of prevention are considered and specified. Also in article the main activities of prevention of involvement of youth in the psychological dependence included in preventive programs, developed by authors of the submitted scientific article are described.

161-165 184

The article is devoted to the formation of interest in physical culture, physical culture and sports activities of the University in the conditions of student life. The author stops on disclosure of concepts of sports and sports and improving terminology.
The ultimate research goal is physical perfection, which involves a high level of physical condition, physical development. Physical condition is estimated by the sum of indicators of physical development, health and physical fitness of the individual.
Physical development is characterized by the author to become morphological indicators such as height, weight, chest circumference, development of the muscular system, as well as the vital capacity of the lungs, chest mobility, muscle strength, flexibility, etc.the Level of physical development was determined by external examination and anthropometric indicators.
At the end of the article, the author comes to the conclusion that the system of physical culture is aimed at organizing the physical education of the population taking into account the interests of each person, the requirements of production, education and culture of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

166-170 161

In the article discusses the theoretical foundations of managing the training process of girls – jumpers in the triple jump. Also there is a comparison of individual indicators of competitive activity with parameters of preparedness according to model characteristic. The basis of the generalized and developed control system of special physical and technical training of jumpers in the triple jump is the development of training programs at various stages of year – round training using the tools and methods of integrated control, corrective training programs. In order to effectively manage the training process in the triple jump in women, you need accurate quantitative information that reflects all the main aspects of this process.
The technology of managing the preparation of jumps by triple jump based on model characteristics and standard indicators of technical – physical fitness will increase the accuracy of control and corrective training effects on the effectiveness of training jumpers in the triple jump. Practical recommendations on the management of technical and physical training of athletes are given.

171-176 193

The article deals with the methods of implementation and practice of the use of information technologies in the educational process, provided didactically thoughtful use of ICT in the traditional lesson there are unlimited opportunities for individualization and differentiation of the educational process. No modern programs will replace the real teacher and therefore to direct dialogue «the computer – the pupil», the teacher needs to master a technique of educational process with application of both opportunities of any computer, and an interactive Board, and any other information technologies to activate educational process, to increase motivation, to improve quality of knowledge, to create a positive emotional spirit of the pupil to study. The main tasks of the teacher – to interest in the business and to instill certain knowledge and skills – get the maximum realization with an individual approach and in a game atmosphere. Along with traditional methods, it is advisable to make extensive use of digital tools and capabilities of modern information and educational environment. The use of computer technology allows you to direct the learning process in a more comfortable way, covering all stages of learning activities.

177-182 164

Practical aspects of using fitness yoga asanas taken from hatha yoga in the system of physical education of university students are considered in the article. During the research the most effective fitness yoga asanas for strengthening the musculoskeletal system of students have been revealed and recommendations for the proper performance of fitness yoga asanas have been developed. The technique of classes with elements of fitness yoga is described, which can be effectively applied in the educational process of physical education.
As practice shows, complexes of exercises of фитнес – йоги in different variations it is possible to apply during all practical employment: in preparatory part – as a limbering – up; in basic – as tricking into exercises; in final – as exercises on weakening.
The complex of asanas for strengthening of musculature gives additional defence to the joints and copulas. The well – developed musculature of back and stomach strengthens a backbone and positively influences on a locomotorium.

183-190 162

The article deals with the problems of formation of higher school students’ communicative competence. To solve this problem the main criteria and indicators were worked out which contribute to the development of this competence. Such key notions as communicative knowledge, communicative skills are revealed in the article. The results described in the article were obtained by means of such methods as Common European Framework of Reference Levels, communication skills test by A.A. Korelin, test for determination of the level of communicative skills. The authors present a generalized characteristics of the structure of higher school students’ communicative competence. The use of interactive teaching technologies contributing to the foreign language communication competence of students is seen as solution of the problem.

191-194 164

The educational process is characterized by its versatility and multileveledness. Swimming is one of the most popular sports among students, it is also considered the most effective means of healing. Education of morality is a general pedagogical task for the development of a harmoniously developed personality. Systematic swimming lessons contribute to the preservation and promotion of health, contribute to the proper formation of the body and the full development, increase the efficiency of students. Swimming is a great way to fight colds. Sociometry is a widely used method of investigating relationships in a team. Motivational sphere is one of the important aspects of personality. Special psychological preparation of swimmers for participation in competitions is a certain system of interconnected links. The preparation process takes into account the temperament of the swimmer.

195-202 182

This article discusses the training process for training athletes involved in curling on the example of the North team. In curling, unlike other sports games, there are no special techniques or tactical player interactions aimed at mastering the object of the game (for example, a ball in football or basketball), creating an obstacle to its movement (staging a block in volleyball), or associated with the impact on the opponent player (power reception in hockey). At the same time, it is not possible to detect special technical and tactical actions aimed at overcoming the resistance of an opponent in order to obtain credit points. In this sports game, the implementation of a tactical task, both in winning points and countering an opponent’s attempt to obtain these points, is achieved through a standard draw with strict regulation of the functions and sequence of players' actions.
Thus, the sign of a tactical orientation with the standard stone drawing is crucial for dividing command tactical actions in curling into actions with an attacking direction and actions with a defensive orientation. At the same time, actions with an attacking direction are understood to mean actions of a team aimed at winning the end (as an independent part of the game) and at obtaining the highest number of points by its results.

203-208 157

Swimming is one of the most popular sports among students, it is also considered the most effective means of healing. Its widespread influence on the functional systems of the body is well known. Systematic swimming lessons contribute to the preservation and promotion of health, contribute to the proper formation of the body and the full development, increase the efficiency of students. Swimming is a great way to fight colds. Even the stay in the water, and especially the implementation of the most simple exercises it is an irritant that stimulates the activation of physiological processes of the whole organism and the development of its adaptive reactions. The article presents the results of researching the swimming preparedness of students studying in the field of «Pedagogy and methods of primary education», «Preschool education and upbringing» at the North Kazakhstan State University named after Manash Kozybayev, Petropavlovsk. The main indicator of technical preparedness is the efficiency of the swimmer's technique. For its assessment, a visual comparison of a swimmer’s equipment with the requirements of a rational technique of sports swimming methods is used by a teacher – coach.

209-213 189

Positive changes in the school depend on the professional self – development and self – realization of teachers. In response to the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the education system requires the development of human capital. Кәсіби өзін – өзі жүзеге асыру үшін мұғалімнің өз білімін басқаруға мүмкіндігі бар, талап етілетін зерттеу құзыреттерін құндылықтар, қабылдау және практикалық іс – әрекеттер деңгейінде анық түсіну болды. Мұғалім сондай – ақ күнделікті кәсіби қызметті кейіннен түзету үшін тәуелсіз түрде зерттеуі керек. Авторлар білім беру кеңістігінде мұғалімдердің ашық диалогы негізінде кәсіби өзін – өзі дамытуға және өзін – өзі жүзеге асыруға үлкен мән береді. Оқу кеңістігінде мұғалімдердің диалогтық байланыстары кәсіби өзін – өзі жүзеге асырудың негізгі компоненті болып табылады. The article reveals the relevance of the motivation of teachers: to continuous learning, to the development of research competencies, to the development of readiness to broadcast their own experiences, to the formation of the ability to design your own routes in postgraduate education.

214-218 182

Polyatlon as a sport is directed to a comprehensive physical and technical training of a person. This creates a good foundation for the formation of new, more complex and not typical for the daily activities of motor skills and abilities.
In this article the value of polyathlon studies in versatile physical development and formation of bachelors’ professional competences, the educational program of physical culture and sport is considered. The analysis and the comparison of training results in disciplines of the curriculum and also results of all types of pedagogical practices, between the students of polyathlon sports section and students engaged in other sports and also the students undecided with sports specialization is carried out. It is noted that the athletes of most sports specializations have a pronounced narrow physical readiness, to the detriment of the general, which attracts difficulties in mastering all the disciplines of the educational program «Physical culture and sports».

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)