
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The authors of the article - «Тілімменің – тұғырыңбиіктегі», starting with the words of AkhmetBaitursynov, "The nationality of people who speak their own language, writing their own language, will never disappear. The most powerful of what causes both the preservation and the loss of a nation is language. The people who have lost their language will disappear themselves", they say that every great word should give free rein to the consciousness and heart of every Kazakh. Language is not only a means of communication, it is a national being and spirit, it is culture, it is art, it i s education and science, it is upbringing, in one word, it is the main indicator of civilization. The Alash leaders, acutely aware of the language possibilities, approached the issue of preserving and developing the Kazakh language at the level of national values.

The authors also wrote about the struggle of the Alash intellectuals for the purity of language and culture, along with the creation of the alphabet, spelling of the Kazakh language, scientific substantiation of internal laws.

The Soviet ideology had a serious negative impact on our national language; this is characterized by the position of the Kazakhs of the North Kazakhstan region and the state of the Kazakh villages seeking to preserve the status of the Kazakh language in the region.

The article ends with the words of academician ManashKozybayev, who studied and analyzed the past, present and future of the Kazakhs. "... Only people whose native language is developed, whose ancestral history is recognized, are the only generation of civilization."

About the Authors

N. Akhmetova
NKU named Manash Kozybayev


G. Tulesheva
NKU named Manash Kozybayev



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For citations:

Akhmetova N., Tulesheva G. MY TONGUE IS THE HEIGHT OF THE PEDESTAL. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2021;(2 (51)):86-93. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)