
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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One of the ways to improve the quality of products and improve the nutrition structure of the population is the introduction of new non-traditional types of plant raw materials into the diet. The created products must contain a balanced complex of proteins, lipids, minerals, vitamins, ballast substances and have high nutritional and taste properties. In Kazakhstan, the possibility of using grain crops as part of meat products is becoming particularly relevant due to their high nutritional value and specific functional and technological properties (FTP).

One of the most popular in the world and the second crop in terms of grain production is rice. Rice grains have high FCS and are a dietary product: the protein and fat content in them is much lower than in wheat, rye, buckwheat, corn or soy. Rice protein has a good balance of amino acid composition. Rice grain contains high-grade protein and has a high ability to swell. Rice flour also has a neutral taste, and there is also no fat (unlike soy flour and soy isolate), which allows meat products to retain their characteristic taste after heat treatment. A distinctive feature of rice flour is that it refers to starch-containing (about 80%) raw materials that lack gluten. In this article, its chemical composition and functional and technological properties were studied, the results of the study of samples with different rice flour content were shown. Conclusions on the research work are made.

About the Authors

G. T. Tumenova
Non-profit limited company “M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University”


M. S. Myktabayeva
Non-profit limited company “M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University”



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For citations:

Tumenova G.T., Myktabayeva M.S. THE POSSIBILITY OF USING RICE FLOUR FOR THE PRODUCTION OF FUNCTIONAL MEAT PRODUCTS. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2021;(4 (52.1)):115-121. (In Kazakh)

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