
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The general situation of the labor market, the problem of unemployment was analyzed and studied in the article. The labor market is a mirror of the state of the economy. It shows the volume and dynamics of employment of residents, the level of unemployment by industry, the structure of professional-qualification, demographic and other indicators. To analyze the main indicators of the labor market of Kazakhstan, to determine the causes of unemployment among women and young people by determining the share of employed people by age and sex. The development of the labor market in Kazakhstan provides enterprises with quality personnel, including: determination of the causes of unemployment among women and youth shows the relevance of the topic. The causes of unemployment among women and youth have been identified. Development of the labor market and the provision of quality work were proposed. To do this, create a national system of forecasting the development of the labor force; continue the work on the development of the national qualification system, where employers approve the requirements for the knowledge and competences of employees; promotion of formal and productive employment; proposals were made, such as creating an effective model of labor mediation. The current situation in the labor market requires organized actions and quick adaptation to any factors.

About the Author

A. G. Kozhakhmetova
Eurasian Humanities Institute



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For citations:

Kozhakhmetova A.G. LABOR MARKET AND UNEMPLOYMENT. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2022;(4 (56)):75-81. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)