
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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Youth is the main driving force of society. In this regard, in any society, young people have not been left without attention. The future of any nation today depends on the youth. They could not calmly observe the state of a country that had been in subjection for centuries. Armed with knowledge, they urged people, including young people, to adapt to the New Time and take care of becoming an independent country. As a result, organizations of Kazakh youth began to be created. The article discusses the first steps and the history of the formation of scientific and educational activities of the first youth organizations of the early twentieth century. It is obvious that the consequences of the revolutions, political and social events of the Soviet period had a significant impact on the culture and education of Kazakhstan. There was a need to create values that meet the requirements of the new system. A study of the activities of the national intelligentsia, including Smagul Saduakasov, on linking the Kazakh people with spiritual and cultural figures, the formation of a sense of nationalism, the preservation of the nation. The activities of public activists and public youth organizations are analyzed on the basis of archival data.

About the Authors

Z. Sh. Bimakanova
M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University


A. N. Bekmurzina
M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University



1. Seifullin S. Narrow road, slippery road. - Almaty, 1960. - 386 P.

2. Saduakasuly S. A new path to youth. - Orenburg, 1921.

3. Kemengeruly K. From Kazakh history.

4. PA RK. 811. - Vol. 20, case 686, P.159

5. Burn, past days, present and future. 1922, №1.

6. Burn. What does a Kazakh need? 1922. №6.

7. Goloshchekin F.I. Kazakhstan on socialist transition. - A., 1931. - P.181

8. Omsk regional state archive, fund 151, list 1, case 459, page 5.

9. Saduakasuly S. Conversation with young people. - Orenburg, 1925.

10. Young citizen. "Kazakh literature", July 30, 1918.


For citations:

Bimakanova Z.Sh., Bekmurzina A.N. S. SADUAKASULY AND THE FIRST KAZAKH YOUTH ORGANIZATION. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2022;(4 (56)):55-61. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)