
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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For the dairy industry in the 21st century, environmental problems are of particular relevance due to the depletion of resources and the need to preserve the environment. Both in domestic and world practice, the problem of using whey, which has a high nutritional and biological value, and which pollutes wastewater to the greatest extent, has not been solved. In recent years, a fundamentally new direction of industrial processing of whey has been actively and purposefully formed - obtaining derivative components that are target products, in particular, alcohol. In connection with the foregoing, we can conclude that it is necessary to carry out the greening of dairy production, associated with solving the problem of using secondary raw materials in this industry. The purpose of the study: to study the microbial diversity of whey and identify isolated pure strains. In the course of the study, the microbiological indicators and taxonomic composition of the microbial community of whey of Merke Cheese Factory LLP, Amiran LLP (whey), Stella Alpina LLP (cheese whey) were studied. The physical-chemical and organoleptic properties of whey have been studied.. 1 strain of yeast and 1 strain of lactic acid bacteria were isolated from serum samples. The morphological and cultural properties of isolated yeasts and lactic acid bacteria were studied, as a result, strains of Lactococcus lactis M1, Candida inconspicua A1 were identified to the species level. 

About the Authors

M. Zh. Shukurbek
al-Farabi Kazakh National University


P. S. Ualieva
al-Farabi Kazakh National University


G. Zh. Abdieva
al-Farabi Kazakh National University


A. M. Malik
al-Farabi Kazakh National University


A. E. Tangatar
al-Farabi Kazakh National University



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For citations:

Shukurbek M.Zh., Ualieva P.S., Abdieva G.Zh., Malik A.M., Tangatar A.E. THE STUDY OF MICROBIAL DIVERSITY OF MILK WHEY AND IDENTIFICATION OF ISOLATED PURE STRAINS. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2022;(3 (55)):68-80. (In Russ.)

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