
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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At present, work has been developed to increase the indicator efficiency. by reducing heat transfer to the walls of the combustion chamber. One way to reduce heat transfer is to increase the thermal resistance of the parts that form the combustion chamber. To do this, heat-shielding coatings are applied to the receiving surfaces of the parts or they are made entirely of ceramic materials. Studies on the use of coatings of increased thermal resistance, up to 3.5 mm thick, carried out on diesel engines with different base sizes (D and S) and different boost levels showed that such coatings can be used to significantly reduce heat removal from the diesel combustion chamber, that is for the manufacture of diesel engines with reduced heat losses.

However, they are established mainly for coatings whose thickness does not exceed 0.35 mm. With an increase in the thickness of the coating, its effect on the flow of the working process and heat transfer processes is enhanced. The limits of the possible increase in indicator efficiency have not been established either. when using heat-shielding coatings. Therefore, the study of the patterns of thermal interaction between the heat-receiving surface of the coating with increased thermal resistance and the working fluid, as well as the identification of conditions under which the maximum effect from the use of coatings can be obtained is a complex and urgent task.

About the Authors

T. K. Balgabekov
Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S. Seifullin


G. N. Baiguzhina
Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S. Seifullin


Zh. T. Ibraeva
Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S. Seifullin



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For citations:

Balgabekov T.K., Baiguzhina G.N., Ibraeva Zh.T. CREATION OF DIESEL ENGINES WITH REDUCED HEAT EXPENSES. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2022;(2 (54)):119-127. (In Kazakh)

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