
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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This article refers to a technique that can be used to develop the skills of speech interaction in a foreign language. The “debate” technique can be applied in classes with students, as it is relevant and effective. Focusing on our experience, we can say that admission helps motivate students to further study a foreign language. The “debate” technique contributes to successful communication between participants who are involved in the discussion process, as well as increasing student interest in the study of the subject. When teaching the speech interaction of students in classes in a foreign language, the “debate” technique first of all forms all four main linguistic communication skills in them: reading, speaking, writing, and listening. About the debate, we can say that this is a kind of technology for teaching students to speak a foreign language and a kind of game at the same time, the task of which is to prove the chosen point of view. In the course of teaching a foreign language, it is permissible to apply debates to involve the whole group in the work. The technique of “debate” can be used for the purpose of systematization, generalization, consolidation of educational material and as a control speech. Based on personal experience, I would like to note that various formats of debates are productive in classes in a foreign language and bring good results in student communication. In addition, debates accustom students to the adequate use of language clichés in public speaking. And most importantly, it helps motivate students to further learn a foreign language and track feedback.

About the Authors

V. G. Stepanenko
M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University


T. E. Umurzakova
M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University


D. S. Syrymbetova
M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University



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For citations:

Stepanenko V.G., Umurzakova T.E., Syrymbetova D.S. USE OF THE “DEBATE” TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING SPEECH INTERACTION IN PRACTICAL ENGLISH CLASSES. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2022;(2 (54)):61-67.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
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