
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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Educating a cross-cultural communicative person is one of the competency-based objectives in English teacher training. Therefore, in order to find solutions in this direction, this article proposes the application of the method of Tektology: general organizational science (hereinafter – tektology) which is called «ingression». Also, this article is based on the conclusions made by author of tektology on the emergence of language in the process of human evolution.

The theoretical part of the article covers the scientific works of English language teachers from different countries whose methods are close to the hypothesis. In order to test and prove the hypothesis there was a survey among English language teachers which results confirmed the hypothesis.

About the Authors

A. S. Nurseitov
M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan university


A. M. Abdykhalykova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University



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For citations:

Nurseitov A.S., Abdykhalykova A.M. IMPORTANCE OF «INGRESSION» IN ENGLISH TEACHING METHODOLOGY. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2022;(2 (54)):34-39. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)