
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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In experiments on male Wistar rats by means of transbronchial electroplethysmography and catheterization of the pulmonary artery, changes in hemodynamics of the small circle were traced in response to a change in body position relative to the gravity vector in male Wistar rats when adapting to high altitude conditions for 60 and 150 days. Served as control similar experiments on the plain. It is shown that the gravitational redistribution of blood filling and blood flow in the lungs in the mountains is less pronounced than in the plain. This is due to an increase in the rigidity of the arterial vascular bed of the lungs and, accordingly, an increase in the reactive component of hydraulic resistance. The pressure response in the pulmonary artery at the moment of a change in body position was well expressed both on the plain and in the mountains. On the plains, the transition to the passive orthostatic position was accompanied by a decrease in both systolic and the percentage of, to a large extent, diastolic pressure, and the transition to the passive antiorthostatic position was accompanied by an increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery with approximately the same proportions of changes in systolic and diastolic. The results obtained are generally consistent with the concept of regional irregularity of blood circulation in the lungs, according to which the values of the gradient in blood filling and blood flow in the lungs are determined by the action of gravity and exists at any position of the body in space, although in a horizontal position (lying on the back) and on a plain, and in the mountains we did not find reliable gravitational differences in rats either in blood filling in blood flow.

About the Authors

A. Shandaulov
Astana medical university


K. Khamchiyev
Astana medical university


Zh. Rakhimzhanova
Astana medical university


A. Zhashkeyeva
Astana medical university


K. Sembekova
Astana medical university


S. Bazarbayeva
Astana medical university



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For citations:

Shandaulov A., Khamchiyev K., Rakhimzhanova Zh., Zhashkeyeva A., Sembekova K., Bazarbayeva S. RESPONSE OF PULMONARY HEMODYNAMICS TO ORTHOSTATIC SAMPLES IN HIGH ALTITUDE CONDITIONS. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2022;(1 (53)):7-17. (In Kazakh)

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