
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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At the moment, new technologies and achievements in the field of energy efficiency are widely covered, whichmore and more appears on the market of innovative products for the energy sector. Among all the variety of proposals, it became more difficult for the investor to make his choice about investing capital, the heads of energy organizations find it more difficult to introduce new technologies and products in terms of the future return on the costs of their implementation, especially in the initial stages. The existing situation is further complicated by the fact that all players in the innovative energy market have different interests. In this situation, in order to determine its position in the development or implementation of a new technology or product in the energy sector, it becomes important to know the basic concept of the development of power supply systems, in the context of the future impact of these systems on various segments of the energy market, and identify the main risks in case of their implementation. In this connection, this article deals with new technological needs that will be acutely felt in the foreseeable future, which can be adapted to the existing electric power system, by gradually re-equipping and upgrading the infrastructure of electricity and transmission networks. The authors of the article, based on the assumption that the current power supply systems and the electricity supply systems of the future will radically differ from each other, nevertheless tried to assess the potential of existing power supply and transmission companies by the example of Astana for consistency when introducing auto – charging stations. For a detailed consideration of the innovation, of course, it is necessary to adopt a new strategy in the development of the proposed version of the reconstruction of the electrification system.

About the Authors

B. A. Zhakishev
M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University

Ph.D., associate prof.

A. V. Atyaksheva
Kazakh Agrotechnical University S. Seifullin

associate prof.

Zh. K. Taybasarov
Eurasian National University L.N. Gumilyov

Dr, prof.

Zh. Zh. Taybasarovа
MBA, Committee for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies, Protection competition and consumer rights MES RK

P. Vogel
European Institute for Postgraduate Studies, education, Germany Head of INNIUS GTD GmbH



1. Bessonov L.A. Theoretical bases of electrical engineering. – Moscow: Higher School, 1984.

2. Tsigelman I.E., Tulchin I.K. Electricity supply, electrical networks and lighting. – Moscow: Higher School, 1969.

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For citations:

Zhakishev B.A., Atyaksheva A.V., Taybasarov Zh.K., Taybasarovа Zh.Zh., Vogel P. A NEW CONCEPT OF THE ELECTRIFICATION SYSTEM. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2018;(1 (38)):260-266.

Views: 163

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)