
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The identity of the Kazakh people is especially emphasized by the best examples of oratory. In this article we will talk about the values and features of the culture of speech. The power of oral creativity is an immortal heritage of folklore and an instructive example for the education of future generations. The nuances of this cultural layer were transmitted through the preservation of the wisdom of the people in winged phrases long before the development of writing.

About the Author

К. Шота



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For citations:

Шота К. АҚЫЛ КӚРКІ – ТІЛ, ТІЛДІҢ КӚРКІ – СӚЗ. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2018;(1 (38)):160-165. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)