
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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Flooding is one of the first places among natural disasters in terms of frequency, magnitude and annual damage to property. Thus, the problem of timely forecasting of flooding of territories is actual today. One of the main tasks of flood monitoring is operational satellite imagery of the area, analysis of the flooded area, water level measurement, assessment of the scale of the disaster. In this case, geographic information systems have advantages in processing a huge amount of multidimensional data using digital maps. GIS can significantly simplify the system of forecasts and assessments of complex environmental impact, quickly identify anomalies, take the necessary measures to eliminate them. They have a functional system and are easy to implement. This article discusses the problems and prospects of using geoinformation systems in the field of management. As an available program is taken ArcGIS, in which work is underway to create of interactive thematic maps forecasting flood zones on the example of the river Ishim.

About the Authors

D. K. Shugulova
NKSU named after M. Kozybayev


P. S. Dmitriev
NKSU named after M. Kozybayev


I. A. Fomin
NKSU named after M. Kozybayev



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For citations:

Shugulova D.K., Dmitriev P.S., Fomin I.A. THE USE OF GIS TECHNOLOGY IN PREDICTING FLOOD AREAS. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2019;(4 (45)):33-37.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)