
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The analysis of scientific and technical information about the features of the process of mixing raw meat is carried out. It is shown that raw sausage stuffing is a typical representative of a body with a coagulation structure formed by the cohesion of particles through interlayers of a dispersion medium connected with them, and therefore, the effectiveness of the process of mixing the stuffing masses is evaluated based on the criteria of dispersion and uniformity of their structure, as well as uniform distribution of components. The characteristic is given to specialized technological equipment used for the said purpose. A comparative characteristic of meat mixers of horizontal and vertical layout is given; their advantages and disadvantages are shown. The expediency of vacuum treatment of ground meat during mixing is characterized, the said treatment eliminating the possibility of penetration and deep penetration of air bubbles into the structure of the meat, leading to the formation of air holes and pores, which reduce the quality and storage capacity of sausages. The possibility of using vertical layout meat mixers for massaging meat raw materials is evaluated. The developed designs of vertical type vacuum meat mixers are described, technological and design calculations are given, the prospects for the use of this equipment at meat processing plants are estimated. A detailed description of the Ya5 – FSG installation with a volume of 0.15 m3 is given, which can be effectively used in small and medium – sized meat processing enterprises.

About the Authors

S. Verbytskyi
Institute of Food Resources of NAAS


S. Starchevoi
Institute of Food Resources of NAAS


N. Usatenko
Pereyaslav–Khmelnytsky Hryhoriy Skovoroda State Pedagogical University

Pereyaslav – Khmelnytsky

T. Kryzhskaya
Sumy State Agricultural University



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For citations:

Verbytskyi S., Starchevoi S., Usatenko N., Kryzhskaya T. THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN SUBSTANTIATION OF DESIGN OF A VERTICAL TYPE GROUND MEAT MIXER. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2019;(3 (44)):204-214. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)