
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The article considers various approaches to preparing a special teacher for work in an inclusive education, highlighted the existing problems in this direction, the concept of «preparing teachers for work in an inclusive education» is revealed. One of the key issues in this regard is the problem of staffing the educational system, which is solved through the training of teachers to ensure the educational process, psychological and pedagogical support of educational subjects and the socio – cultural integration of people with special educational needs in modern society. According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Science, the goals of modern education are not to train narrow specialists for a specific field of activity, but to develop the personality of each person and increase their level of professional training. The authors emphasize that the primary and most important stage in the preparation of special educators for the implementation of inclusion is the stage of psychological and value changes and the level of professional competencies of its specialists.

About the Author

B. Dyusenbaeva
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai



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For citations:

Dyusenbaeva B. PROBLEMS OF PREPARATION OF TEACHERS FOR WORK IN THE CONDITIONS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2019;(3 (44)):164-169. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)