
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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In our article we identified 22 families and 36 species of medicinal plants that are found in Kostanay region. In addition,a growing number of medicinal herbs that are used annually, with the development of pharmaceutical and medical production, which is currently used for the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular diseases,tuberculosis and research of diabetes. The most promising direction in the industry of Kazakhstan today is the development of industries based on rich raw material base. It is worth Recalling that the use of folk medicines is the basis of many years of experience of folk medicine medicine. The constellation today plants as medicines many time was considered to be empirical, but then they turned out to be a good influence on human physiology ih started using. By assumption, the world society of health next 10 years phytotherapy will be 6 % based medications.


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2. Оганезов А. Дәрілік ӛсімдіктер. Алматы «Қайнар» 1982 ж.

3. Оспанов Ӛ.О., Жамалбеков Е. Қҧнарлы жер – қҧтты мекен. «Ғылым» баспасы Алматы 1983 ж.

4. Жаңабаев Қ., Саудабаев Т., Сейітов И. Ӛсімдік шаруашылығы ӛнімдерін ӛндіру технологиясы. Алматы, «Қайнар» 1994 ж.


For citations:

Аятов А.С., Жҧмағалиева Ж.Т., Ӛмірханова С.Б. ҚОСТАНАЙ ОБЛЫСЫНДА КЕЗДЕСЕТІН ДӘРІЛІК ӚСІМДІКТЕР. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2018;(1 (38)):15-23. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)