
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The industrial enterprises of the North – Kazakhstan oblast in 1941 were subordinate to several dozen leading structures: the Union, Republican and local governments. The situation in their work was significantly complicated by the beginning of the war, the transition in production from traditional types of products to defense orders, a sharp restriction on the supply of raw materials, fuel and transport. The conscription of the male population exacerbated the problem with qualified engineering and technical personnel. In an environment of insufficient personnel qualification, production, technological and managerial discipline, a significant part of the industrial enterprises of the North – Kazakhstan oblast reduced the effectiveness and stability of their work. The management style, especially in local industrial enterprises, was distinguished by a top – down command character.
Certain difficulties in the life and work of the region were caused by the evacuation of defense enterprises and skilled workers, residents of the occupied territories, family members of soldiers and officers of the red Army from the European part of the USSR to Kazakhstan and other inland areas. At the same time, the need to provide enterprises established in new places with industrial and residential buildings, central financing and supply gave a certain impetus to the development of the socio – economic sphere in the North – Kazakhstan oblast, improved the provision of enterprises of the subregion with engineering and technical personnel and contributed to the greater contribution of the oblast to supplying the front with military products. Awareness of the hardships, heroism of the workers of labor front, and the contribution of the North Kazakhstan people to the Victory over Nazism facilitates the development of patriotism and pride in previous generations of our countrymen.

About the Author

А. Chuhno
NKSU named after Kozybayev



1. Афоризмы: По иностранным источникам./ Сост. П.П. Петров, Я. Берлин. Предисл. Н.М. Грибачева. – М.: Прогресс, 1985 – С. 19.

2. СКГА Ф. 1079. Оп. 4. Д. 65.

3. СКГА Ф. 920. Оп. 1 Д. 98.

4. СКГА Ф. 920 Оп.1.Д. 101.

5. СКГА Ф. 1189. Оп.1. Д. 981.

6. СКГА Ф.920. Оп.1.Д.100.

7. «Петропавловск. Время. События. Люди» (сборник историко–краеведческих очерков). – Петропавловск: Северный Казахстан, 2004. – 380 с.

8. СКГА Ф. 920. Оп. 1. Д. 102.


For citations:

Chuhno А. ABOUT SOME ASPECTS OF INDUSTRY WORK IN NORTH–KAZAKHSTAN OBLAST IN 1941. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2019;(3 (44)):123-136. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)