
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The article analyzes the botanical features, biochemical parameters and nutritional value of saxaul. The total area of saxaul forests in Kazakhstan is 5.4 million ha, in recent years the area of artificial crops has increased by 590 thousand hectares. Especially in the southern regions of the republic there are the Moyynkum and Kyzylkum sand zones, where the occupied area is over 8 million hectares. The main plants growing in the sands include wormwood and saxaul. These species create a fauna and help stop sandstorms and sand migration. The thesis is presented on 65 pages of computer text, includes 11 tables and 14 photos. The structure of the work includes: introduction, analytical review of literature, the main part and conclusion. 61 sources of domestic and foreign authors were used in the work. Young bushes of saxaul contain 13-15% of crude protein and – 10-16% of fiber, in autumn and winter seasons the level of fiber increases to – 21,0-25,0%. Perennial bushes ash content was 40-42%, and annual bushes – 23,3%. The fodder unit in dry weight was 20 k.ed., in the autumn season it increased to 46 k.ed.

About the Authors

E. Baibekov
International Kazakh – Turkish University named after H.A. Yasaui


T. Ibragimov
Regional Social and Innovative University



1. Aбдpaимoв C.A. Apидныe пacтбищa Кaзaxcтaнa – Aлмa – Aтa: Кaйнap,1988 – 140 б.

2. Aбдpaимoв C.A., Ceйткapимoв A., Ибpaгимoв Т.C Oңтүcтiк Қaзaқcтaн шөл жaйылымдapын пaйдaлaнy жәнe жaқcapтy. – Aлмaты: «Бacтay» 2004. – 24 б.

3. Ecкapaeв Н. Қызылқұм aлқaбындa құмды бeкiтy мeн жaйлымды қopғay жұмыcтapы. Кapaкyлeвoдcтвo, вepблюдoвoдcтвa и apиднoe opмoпpoизвoдcтвo., Aлмaты 2003, Б. 249 – 251.


For citations:

Baibekov E., Ibragimov T. BOTANICAL FEATURES AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF SAXAULS. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2019;(3 (44)):13-17. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)