
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The article presents a pedagogical analysis of the «person–centered approach» in the aspect of the inseparability of the concepts of management and school management. The development of the school educational system was not described to a full extent in S.V. Vorobyeva’s textbook «Fundamentals of management of educational systems» the object of management is an educational, but not a pedagogical process according to the need. The analysis was based on Kh.M. Rakhimbek’s statement about «the humanization of the school subject, the function of the translator of ready–made truths, and the subject under question». As a supplement to this textbook, the author of the article proposes a school’s own educational system, or a model pedagogical theory of personality. Thus, the collaboration of the school educational system with K.Zh. Kozhakhmetova’s «implicit theory of personality" is being elicited. The above mentioned contributes to an increase of the functional significance and practical value of the «Management in Education» discipline in students' minds.

About the Author

V. M. Makarchenkov
NKSU named after M. Kozybaev



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2. Рахимбек Х.М. Историко – научные основания гуманизации образования – Алматы, 1996, с. 29–30.

3. Каптерев П.Ф. Избр.соч. М.,1982.

4. Зимняя И.В. Педагогическая психология. М., 2001, 382 с.

5. Поташник М.М. Управление качеством образования. М., 2000, 441 с.

6. Волков Г.Н., Кожахметова К.Ж. Этнопедагогика народов Казахстана. Алматы. «Алем», 2001, 305 с.

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For citations:

Makarchenkov V.M. THE STEPS OF HUMANIZATION. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2019;(1 (42)):169-173. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)