
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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Discourse is always difficult to learn a language. Because not only linguistic aspects influence the discourse, but also a number of extralinguistic factors. In this regard, many linguistic scientists devote their research to discourse. One of such outstanding scientists is the Russian scientist V.I. Karasik. The article sets out the views of V.I. Karasika on communicative linguistics, discourse, speech genres and communicative tonality. The creativity of Professor Vladimir Ilyich Karasik is characterized by a pronounced interest in communicative phenomena, communicative ideas.
His work seriously enriched communication theory, discourse analysis, text linguistics, theory of speech genres. This article, of course, does not pretend to embrace all the communicative ideas expressed by V.I. Karasik, with these ideas, directly or indirectly, I repeat, all the work of Vladimir Ilyich is permeated, and even if only talking about – to the present conceptual positions, not only expressed, but also deeply developed, equipped with detailed methodological models, successfully and fruitfully used by the followers and students of Vladimir Ilyich.

About the Author

Zh. M. Duisebekova
Suleyman Demirel University



1. Karasik V.I. Lingvisticheskie aspekty izuchenija social'nogo statusa cheloveka (na materiale sovremen–nogo anglijskogo jazyka). [Linguistic aspects of the study of social status (based on the modern English language). Dr. philol. sci. thesis diss.]. Moscow, 1993. 46 p.

2. Karasik V.I. Jazyk social'nogo statusa [Lan–guage of social status]. Moscow, 1992. 330 p.

3. Karasik V.I. Jazykovoj krug: lichnost', koncepty, diskurs [Linguistic Circle: personality, concepts, dis–course]. Volgograd, 2002. 476 p.

4. Karasik V.I. Jazykovye kljuchi [Linguistic clues]. Volgograd, 2007. 520 p.

5. Karasik V.I. Jazykovaja kristallizacija smysla [Language crystallization the point]. Volgograd, 2010. 421 p.

6. Karasik V.I. Language matrix of culture [Jazykovaja matrica kul'tury]. Volgograd, 2012. 448 p.

7. Karasik V.I. O kategorijah diskursa [About the categories of discourse]. Jazykovaja lichnost': sociolingvisticheskij i jemotivnyj aspekty: sb. nauch. tr. [Linguistic Personality: sociolinguistic and emotive aspects: collection of scientifiс works. Ed. V.I. Karasik. Volgograd, 1998, pp. 185 – 196.

8. Karasik V.I. Anekdot kak predmet lingvisticheskogo izuchenija [Anecdote as an object of linguistic study.]. Zhanry rechi: sb. nauch. tr. [Speech genres: collection of scientific works. Ed. by V. V. De– mentyev]. Iss. 1. Saratov, 1997, pp. 144 – 153.


For citations:

Duisebekova Zh.M. COMMUNICATIVE CIRCLE, MATRIX: THE CONCEPT OF TERMS (BASED ON THE WORKS OF V.I. KARASIK). Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2019;(2 (43)):61-66.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)