
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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Based on the study of literature sources, the classification of security monitoring systems was studied, it was established which components such systems consist of, their relationship and functional purpose, and the advantages and disadvantages of frequently used security systems were determined. The reasons for choosing the Arduino platform are described, and the advantages over other programmable platforms are described. Based on this analysis, a wireless security monitoring system based on Arduino was developed for protected enterprises and organizations that have protected dispersed objects. The proposed wireless security monitoring system works on radio frequencies and Wi-Fi connection. Data transmission will be carried out on the frequency of 433, 920 MHz. This system is very flexible in terms of choosing different sensors. This is a block diagram of a wireless security monitoring system based on Arduino. Thanks to the presence of receivers and transmitters in the scheme, remote monitoring of the status of sensors of the protected object is carried out from a personal computer.

About the Authors

A. Kolesnikov
«Arbonaut» Ltd


T. Atygayev
NKSU named after M. Kozybaev


I. Kasimov
NKSU named after M. Kozybaev



1. Shutin A. Pultovaya ohrana na osnove setej sotovoj svyazi // Algoritm bezopasnosti. 2004, № 2, 44 р.

2. Belkin V. Radiokanal sistemy peredachi izveshchenij // Algoritm bezopasnosti. 2004, .N 0 2, 26 р.

3. Milman G. YA. Adresno-analogovye sistemy. Tekhnicheskoe obozrenie // Sistemy bezopasnosti. 2004, № 2 (56). 64 – 65 р.

4. Sommer U. Programmirovanie mikrokontrollernyh plat Arduino/Freeduino. – SPb.: BHV-Peterburg, 2012. – 256 р.

5. Evans V. Arduino Bloknot programmista - SPb.: BHV-Peterburg, 2015. – 357 р.


For citations:

Kolesnikov A., Atygayev T., Kasimov I. ARDUINO-BASED WIRELESS SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2020;(1 (46)):190-194.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)