
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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XXI century is the age of information technologies. Currently, modern means of processing and transferring information are being introduced in various areas of human activity. This is also evident in education. The article discusses one of the innovative technologies in teaching foreign languages-the «Flipped classroom» technology, which differs significantly from traditional teaching methods. The «flipped classroom» is a learning model in which the teacher provides students with material for self-study at home, and in the classroom, the practical work is done to consolidate the studied material. The article presents the peculiarities and distinctive features of the «flipped classroom», examines its advantages and disadvantages, and provides step-by-step instructions for using this technology. The main advantages of the «flipped classroom» are the ability to implement a more individual approach when working with a group, a positive influence on the motivation of students, as well as the development of important personal qualities, such as critical thinking, interaction with people, responsibility, ability to solve tasks, and many others.

About the Author

L. K. Dauletbayeva
NKSU named after M. Kozybaev



1. J. Bergmann, A. Sams Flipped Learning for Elementary Instruction.- ISTE: Eugene, OR, 2016.- 124 p.

2. R. Talbert Flipped learning //A guide for higher education faculty.-2017.-Stylus Publishing: LLC.- 264 p.

3. V. Avetisyan Flipped approach and how to apply in the classroom // Открытое сообщество преподавателей //

4. Интеллектуальный клуб 4brain //


For citations:

Dauletbayeva L.K. «FLIPPED CLASSROOM» TECHNOLOGY IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2020;(1 (46)):152-155.

Views: 257

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)