
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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This article discusses the concept of crimes in social networks. The XXI century has become the era of the highest flowering of scientific and technological progress, achievements that significantly simplify the lives of millions of people. However, the presence of such gadgets in mass use, creates a problem such as crime in this area. One of the most dangerous is the threat of penetration into the information and telecommunications environment, as well as the Internet. The threat of such a problem was described by representatives of the literature in the early twentieth century. In the global Internet, there are many varieties, but they can be divided into only two groups: those that are related to the interaction of man with technology, and those that are related to the interaction of man with man. Among them, special attention should be paid to the second group, since it is the one that poses the greatest threat to the security of not only the individual, but also to society and the state. It is called crime in social networks. Speaking of social networks, it is necessary to understand exactly the part of the Internet space in which there is a possibility of social interaction. This understanding gives you the ability to define objects, which are not only the usual networks as «Vkontakte», «Facebook», «Instagram» and others, but also services such as «WhatsApp», «Skype», «Telegram», etc.

About the Authors

O. Shut
Omsk state University named after F.М. Dostoevsky
Russian Federation


М. Mogunova
Omsk state University named after F.М. Dostoevsky
Russian Federation



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For citations:

Shut O., Mogunova М. THE CONCEPT OF CRIMES IN SOCIAL NETWORKS. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2020;(1 (46)):133-140. (In Russ.)

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