
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The rich scientific heritage left by al-Farabi brought him world fame. The main themes that had been of concern to him all his life and became the basis of the entire system of worldview were the themes of the individual, improving its morality, increasing the intellectual level, achieving freedom and happiness for all mankind.
The philosopher's statements concerning the life of people and social structure in this city are remarkable. He called it «the most delightful and happy of the ignorant cities», and also believed that there were all conditions for talented philosophers, scientists, and poets to live and work in it in the future.
Al-Farabi had an excellent memory and perseverance, it is known that before arriving in the capital of the Arab Caliphate, he knew only a few languages . In addition to learning languages, the thinker spent almost all of his free time studying medicine and logic. Contemporaries described him as an extremely intelligent man and a talented commentator on the works of Aristotle. And although his influence on al-Farabi was extremely great, the student quickly surpassed the teacher.
According to al-Farabi, the main task of a true ruler is to strive for true happiness not only for himself, but also for his subjects. The ability to achieve goals is the art of management .
According to Farabi himself, a virtuous person should not be afraid of death , he must maintain dignity and not panic, trying to prolong life, because it is only a means to create good.

About the Authors

G. R. Aubakirova
NKSU named after M. Kozybaev


A. N. Bеkmurzinа
NKSU named after M. Kozybaev



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2. А. Ж. Машанов. Әл – Фараби, //Қазақ ССР Ғылым Академиясының хабаршысы, № 5. 1961 жыл.

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5. Ақжан әл-Машани. Әл-Фараби көпірі. – Алматы: «Алатау» баспасы,

6. Юсубов Ж.К., Джураева Н.А. Философия нравственного совершенствования Абу Наср альФараби // Молодой ученый.-2013.-№4. С 335-337.

7. Көбесов А. Әл-Фарабидің ашылмаған әлемі. - Алматы: Санат, 2002. - 165-б.

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For citations:

Aubakirova G.R., Bеkmurzinа A.N. PROBLEMS OF HUMANISM IN THE TEACHINGS OF AL-FARABI. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2020;(1 (46)):80-85. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
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