
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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This article reflects the modern concept of marketing-relationship marketing. The formation of effective interaction between an employee and an employer is one of the main factors that determine the sustainability of the development of social and labor factors in the labor market. The paper will present the content of the organization of social partnership and partnership relations as a fundamental component of building this type of networking and adapting the concept of partnership marketing to them. Due to the peculiarities of today's stages of society formation, there is a need to create a new approach to managing socio-economic systems at the macro and micro levels. The new approach, in contrast to the previous stages, changes the process of networking between the subjects of financial relations. In addition, the author considers the issues of social partnership as a regulatory component of social and labor relations; the possibility of building a social partnership system based on the concept of partnership marketing and the advantages of their adaptation. Attention is paid to and analysis of various approaches to the definition of modern marketing and partnership marketing is carried out. We also consider such a phenomenon as guerrilla marketing.

About the Authors

O. A. Tsapova
NKSU named after M.Kozybaev


N. Y. Mikhaylova
NKSU named after M.Kozybaev


A. N. Tsygankov
NKSU named after M.Kozybaev



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For citations:

Tsapova O.A., Mikhaylova N.Y., Tsygankov A.N. AFFILIATE MARKETING. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2020;(2 (47)):103-106.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)