
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The article provides an overview of the literature data on the physical and mental health of teachers in secondary schools. It has been shown that teachers suffer less from cardiovascular diseases, but they have a high likelihood of mental and psychosomatic diseases, which are the reason for early retirement. The most frequently researched problem in teachers is burnout, which is not considered a disease. Emotional exhaustion is considered a major component of burnout. Various authors highlight other accompanying components, such as cynicism, decreased productivity, depersonalization, reduction of professional achievements, etc. These symptoms are aggravated by professional experience, smoking, feelings of guilt and personal dissatisfaction. In this regard, it is necessary to diagnose depressive disorders of teachers and conduct screening in order to early identify the behavioral and emotional problems of teachers in secondary schools.

About the Authors

Zh. M. Mukataeva
ENU them. L. Gumilyov


A. S. Dinmukhamedova
ENU them. L. Gumilyov


S. R. Khamzina
Kokshetau University named after A. Myrzakhmetov



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For citations:

Mukataeva Zh.M., Dinmukhamedova A.S., Khamzina S.R. TOPICAL ISSUES IN STUDYING AND ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH OF TEACHERS IN SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOLS. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2020;(3 (48)):195-201. (In Russ.)

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