
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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This article discusses the role and importance of historical science, the need to study it, as well as the Humanities and worldview in General. About the increased interest in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in particular, in the scientific world, to its own national history.
The author highlights the issues of changing the thinking of Kazakhstanis, their worldview and attitude with promising results in behavioral motivation, qualitative changes in the results in the field of economy and social development of society, revealed in the works of the Head of state: the program article «Look into the future: modernization of public consciousness», in the work «In the flow of history», in the book «Era of independence».
Particular attention is paid to the desire to study the role of the national movement «Alash» in the revival of the statehood of Kazakhstan, strengthening the national consciousness of the Kazakhs, the development of the foundations of tolerance and friendship of the people of the great steppe. Mapped the most important problems of modern moral – philosophical definitions, allocated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.А. Nazarbayev and the ideological program of the party «Alash». Three issues are considered within the framework of the public theme: «Alash» in the history of statehood of Kazakhstan: ideas, destinies, heritage (in the context of spiritual modernization of society): «Alash» and modernization of public consciousness; the ideal heritage of the «Alash" party and the formation of the foundations of civil identity in the Kazakh society; tasks of school and higher education for the education of modern Kazakhstan as a citizen and patriot.

About the Author

А. Bashmakov
L. Gumilev ENU



1. Назарбаев Н.А. Эра независимости. – Астана, 2017. – 508 с.

2. Назарбаев Н.А. В потоке истории. – Алматы: Атамұра, 1999. – 296 с.

3. Программная статья Президента Республики Казахстан Н.А. Назарбаева «Взгляд в будущее: модернизация общественного сознания» от 12 апреля 2017 года.


For citations:

Bashmakov А. THE ARTISTIC HERITAGE OF «ALASH» AND PUBLIC CONSCIENCE MODERNIZATION. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2018;(3 (40)):73-84. (In Russ.)

Views: 222

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)