
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The work is devoted to the study of the species composition of zooplankton of Lake Lebyazhye as the main indicator of the assessment of feed stocks of fish. Related studies were conducted to determine the area of the reservoir, its depth, the nature and power of silt deposits, and the intensity of growth of hard and soft aquatic plants. The selection and study of materials on the species, quantitative and qualitative composition of zooplankton was carried out using the Apstein Network, a hydrobiological grid. During the study, 33 samples of zooplankton were taken.From each sample, the drug was prepared in a substance glass, and then the species composition of zooplankton was established under a microscope. Identification of the species composition of hydrobionts was carried out in the laboratory using a microscope and detectors for studying aquatic fauna. During the study , 12 species of zooplankton were identified in the lake: Cloadocare-67%, Copedoda -25% and Rotatoria-8%. Zooplankton includes 11 species (Ceriodaphnia reticulata, Ceriodaphnia megops, Ceriodaphnia affinis, Daphnia pulex, Daphnia longispina, Daphnia galeata, Simocephalus vetulus, Bosmina longirostris, Asplanchna herricki, Eudiaptomus graciloides, Eudiaptomus gracilis) and Mesocyclops oithonoides includes 1 predatory species that feed on infusoria, plankton crustaceans and small rotifers. The dominant species is Daphnia galeata and, to some extent, Ceriodaphnia reticulata. The studied quantitative indicators (ECZ/M3) and biomass (g/m3) indicate the feeding capacity of Lake Lebyazhye, since the minimum number and biomass of zooplankton for three seasons was from 13 ECZ/m3 to 53 ECZ/m3, the biomass was no more than 0.067 g/m3. This determines the low probability of using the reservoir in fishing activities. In the process of studying the seasonal dynamics of the number and biomass of plankton, it is noted that in spring and autumn it has a small species composition and diversity in summer.

About the Authors

L. N. Kozhevnikova
NKU named after M. Kozybaev


G. S. Tleubergenova
NKU named after M. Kozybaev


S. M. Bazarbaeva
NKU named after M. Kozybaev


D. N. Shaikina
NKU named after M. Kozybaev



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For citations:

Kozhevnikova L.N., Tleubergenova G.S., Bazarbaeva S.M., Shaikina D.N. CURRENT STATE OF THE HYDROFAUNA OF LAKE LEBYAZHYE. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2020;(3 (48)):50-59. (In Kazakh)

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