
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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THE LAND OF KAZAKHSTAN IS A GREAT HERITAGE OF OUR ANCESTORS (on the example of the North Kazakhstan region)


Today we consider ourselves happy citizens of a highly developed civilized society. Nevertheless, as human society develops, such factors as misunderstanding between states, competition, territorial disputes, the desire for hegemony, give rise to national, confessional enmity, entail unreasonable threats, up to military conflicts.
From time immemorial, the Kazakh people have been distinguished by their peacefulness and tolerance. He did not covet foreign lands and was not hostile towards neighboring states. On the contrary, the vast territories and wealth of our land have always been of interest to external enemies, and forced to fight for the freedom and independence of our people.

About the Author

A. G. Ibraeva
North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev

Vice-rector for science and innovations, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor



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For citations:

Ibraeva A.G. THE LAND OF KAZAKHSTAN IS A GREAT HERITAGE OF OUR ANCESTORS (on the example of the North Kazakhstan region). Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2020;(4 (49)):237-243. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
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