
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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Assessment of the current state of stocks and fisheries of the carp family in Kigash river


The article presents the results of scientific research on the Kigash River, the eastern part of the Volga delta-estuarine space. The Kigash River is part of the Zhaiyk-Caspian industrial district. The collected materials on research in the Kigash River in recent years (2018-2022) are presented. The structure of species of carp species of Kigash River was determined, the patterns of formation of the number and biomass of fish were determined, the current state of fish stocks was assessed, the last five-year dynamics of the structure of carp species was analyzed. The main biological indicators of the fish of the carp family, analyzing the change in the average age of the population and the change in the dominant age groups of fish, the age structure of the population and the percentage of catches over many years are shown. Comparing the condition of carp fish in the Kigash River with the data of long-term observations, the updated forecast of fishing and the catch stock for 2023-2024 are given.

About the Authors

T. N. Kamieva
Atyrau branch of Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP


E. L. Kadimov
Atyrau branch of Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP


S. B. Suleimenov
Atyrau branch of Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP


B. L. Kadimov
Atyrau branch of Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP



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Supplementary files


For citations:

Kamieva T.N., Kadimov E.L., Suleimenov S.B., Kadimov B.L. Assessment of the current state of stocks and fisheries of the carp family in Kigash river. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2023;(3 (59)):32-40. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)