
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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The article shows the degree of contamination of reservoirs for indicator work, as well as indicators that reflect the reactions of Daphnia and water biota. For the first time, an analysis of the effectiveness of changing test objects-Daphnia (Daphnia magna), its use for biotesting water toxicity in various reservoirs of the Turkestan region.
The research is of practical significance, since the application of the results obtained on the effectiveness of using Daphnia as test objects.
In this work, in contrast to other studies, a comprehensive approach to the study of the test organism Daphnia magna is carried out. The study of the manifestations of the indicative properties of Daphnia magna allowed us to determine the number of water from the reservoir, where it is possible to implement their environmental function. As a result of water research using the bioindication method, we will be able to assess the state of water; formulate the environmental problem under study, put forward and justify the reasons for its occurrence; and make suggestions for optimizing the environmental situation. In contrast to standard methods, where the assessment of the degree of toxicity is based on changes in the survival rate of Daphnia, this paper shows the priority of the indicator – changes in the physiological state of Daphnia when assessing water quality by biotesting methods.

About the Authors

D. H. Yuldashbek
International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yassawi, research Institute "Ecology"


G. J. Koishiyeva
International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yassawi, research Institute "Ecology"


G. E. Tashmetova
International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yassawi, research Institute "Ecology"



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For citations:

Yuldashbek D.H., Koishiyeva G.J., Tashmetova G.E. APPLICATION OF DAPHNIA AS A BIOINDICATOR IN RESERVOIRS OF THE TURKESTAN REGION. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2020;(4 (49)):189-197.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
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