
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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This article delves into the concept of intertextuality in R. Zelazny’s novel, “Night in the Lonesome October.” It examines the presence and significance of intertextual elements within the narrative, showcasing how Roger Zelazny skillfully incorporates references to other works, myths, and cultural elements. Through these examples, the article demonstrates how intertextuality enriches the thematic depth and engages readers in broader cultural and literary discussions. The inclusion of insights from prominent researchers in the field enhances the theoretical framework, providing a comprehensive understanding of intertextuality in literature. The article concludes by reflecting on the overall importance of intertextuality in R. Zelazny’s work, highlighting its impact on the narrative’s meaning and its ability to invite readers into a captivating exploration of literature, mythology, and human imagination. This article serves as a valuable resource for scholars, enthusiasts, and anyone interested in understanding the intricate layers of intertextuality within “Night in the Lonesome October” and its broader implications.

About the Authors

A. B. Pismenyuk
Non-profit limited company “M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University”


A. N. Khismatullina
Non-profit limited company “M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University”



1. Barthes R. (1977) The Death of the Author // Image, music, text. London: Fontana.

2. Kristeva J. (1980) Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art. Columbia University Press.

3. Bahtin M.M. (1986) Estetika slovesnogo tvorchestva. Izdanie 2-e. M.: Iskusstvo.

4. Zlotnickaya A. (2021) Otkryvayushchie, zakryvayushchie i ih teni v nashem mire. Posleslovie «Noch' v Tosklivom Oktyabre». M.: Eksmo.

5. Kuharenko V.A. (2019) Interpretaciya teksta. M.: FLINTA.

6. Zelazny R. (2014) Night in the Lonesome October. Chicago Review Press; Unabridged edition. (Original work published 1993)

7. Gliori D. (2000) The Dorling Kindersley book of nursery rhymes. DK Publishing.


For citations:

Pismenyuk A.B., Khismatullina A.N. INTERTEXTUALITY IN R. ZELAZNY “NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER”. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2023;(2 (58)):146-154.

Views: 170

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
ISSN 2958-0048 (Online)