
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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Gender policy is something that is little talked about among the population in different countries. However, when it is mentioned, no one seems to know what gender policy means. The Collins English Dictionary says that gender politics is a debate about the roles and relationships of men and women. The definition of gender policy can cause outrage in the political community because it pits men and women against each other. Pitting men and women against each other is like putting a lion and a tiger in a cage and enjoying it. In connection with the upcoming elections, I would like everyone to know about gender bias. I believe there is a large amount of gender bias because gender bias is widespread in our society.

About the Author

Zh. K. Mankosheva
Non-profit limited company “M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University”



1. Women's solidarity: a manual for men and women / edited by E. Gapova, N. Kulinka. - Minsk: Propilei, 2002. - 168 p.

2. Gender histories of Eastern Europe / ed. by E.I. Gapova, A.R. Usmanova. - Minsk: YSU, 2002. – 114 p.

3. Hirdman I. Women - from opportunity to problem? Gender conflict in the "welfare State" – Swedish model // Northern Europe. - Moscow: AST-Press, 1995. - pp.434-445.

4. Anthology of gender studies. Sat. trans. / Comp. and comments by E.I. Gapova and A.R. Usmanova. - Minsk: Propilei, 2000. - pp. 89-90.

5. Theory and methodology of gender studies. - Moscow: ICGI, 2001. - pp. 101-103.

6. Textbook on the course "Fundamentals of gender studies". - Moscow: ICGI, 2000. - pp. 12-14.

7. Textbook of feminist texts. Translations / Edited by E. Zdravomyslova, A. Temkina. - St. Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanin, 2000. - pp. 34-54.


For citations:

Mankosheva Zh.K. ANALYSIS OF GENDER POLICY IN THE MODERN WORLD. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2023;(1 (57)):64-68. (In Russ.)

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