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Women who had ever assaulted sexually encounter mental health sequelae and are in a greater risk of developing variety of diagnoses, such as post-traumatic stress disorder and others. Mental health consequences closely related to characteristics of victims and assault, disclosures, help-seeking, and with the sociocultural factors in its broad meaning. Aim was to reveal different aspects in progress of spectrum of mental health disorders by thematic synthesis of qualitative literature on experiences of survivors and to reveal what are barriers to and facilitators of recovery.
The whole process of identifying data encompass two processes. A mapping exercise and an in-depth review. All remaining data was reviewed in two steps: quality assessment and data extraction. Thematic synthesis is reached by investigating descriptive themes emerged before, and answering review questions. After all, all descriptive themes were framed into ecological model to ease explanations.
After reviewing 3 databases and other reliable sources only 6 studies were revealed. All were included into further analysis. 11 subthemes and 2 themes were emerged, which were in causal relationships.
This study has revealed that survivors of sexual violence pass through several branches of understanding the fact of rape, which include characteristics of assault itself, distancing, vulnerability, neglecting problem, reaction of family and society. After appreciation of all these factors comprehension of what happened come to their minds. Whereas it comes with whole set of consequences such as the range of mental health problems, social impairment, development of coping strategies, powerlessness, indecision to disclose and help-seeking.
During analysis barriers and facilitators of recovery, such as different coping strategies, impact of disclosure to either formal or informal sources and influence of society in general were evaluated. This problem can be addressed on multiple levels. Recommendations are given.

About the Author

A. Zh. Artykbayeva
Non-profit limited company “M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University”



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For citations:

Artykbayeva A.Zh. IMPACT OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE ON MENTAL HEALTH OF WOMEN: A QUALITATIVE SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2023;(1 (57)):34-46.

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