
Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

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Chinese culture has a long history and is one of the oldest ancient civilizations. In the course of thousands of years of development, the Chinese nation has created a rich and splendid Chinese culture. Chinese culture is the spiritual pillar for the long-term continuation and continuous development of the Chinese nation. The main spiritual core of Chinese culture is Confucian culture, which has been inherited for thousands of years. Confucian culture is the muscle and bone of Chinese culture. Meanwhile, Taoism, as a local religion, and Buddhism, which is integrated with society in the history of Chinese civilization for thousands of years. Chinese culture has been influenced by foreign cultures and embraces fine foreign cultures. The rapid development of national economy and the integration of global economy have accelerated the influence of foreign culture on China. Media and business hype, promote the "foreign festival" is heating up, behind which is mainly huge commercial profits; It is also inevitable that the Chinese people begin to lead a rich life and pursue a rich and colorful spiritual life. At the same time, traditional culture is regarded by a large number of young people as dross, feudal superstition, backward and unprogressive representative. Chinese culture has thrown off its shackles, been in line with The Times, actively innovated, and carried out new media communication. More and more people have spontaneously joined the camp of protecting cultural inheritance. The method of cultural inheritance also changes with The Times, but what remains unchanged is the sense of belonging to culture.

About the Authors

G. Tastemirova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


B. Dankai
Northwest Normal University

G. Tileuzhanova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



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For citations:

Tastemirova G., Dankai B., Tileuzhanova G. STATUS QUO OF CHINESE CULTURAL INHERITANCE. Vestnik of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. 2023;(2 (58)):82-88.

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ISSN 2958-003X (Print)
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